This will keep people on the same grid and not trying to game the speed at which beacons are run. Guide looks pretty good. They love to fly directly away from you at high speed. As a result, the 'safe' ratting systems pay worse, the dangerous ratting systems pay better. This will make it so that all asteroid belts will contain the battleship rat groups and these can keep being exploited. NSC Standing Fleet, Ratting at NSC This assumes you have a Cyno Recon sitting on a dockable structure in a nearby system. Stay docked and wait for the intel on when the hunter leaves the pocket or is defeated. Both the size of the bounties and the chance of rare spawns are affected by this, with lower true-sec giving better bounties and higher chance of rare spawns. You Repper will have to be pulsed when you have lost enough EHP to warrant a cycle.The Networked Sensor Array(NSA) you should cycle when the first wave spawns, and from that point on you should start the cycle when you have your fighters target the last rat in the wave. For one of our testers, 0 rigs equals 1.70 AU/s warp speed.T1 rigs = 2.66 AU/s warp speed (130 million ISK)T2 rigs = 2.95 AU/s warp speed (570 million ISK). Don't even sit in a carrier if you only have Jump Cal III. If you don't have your own cyno ready, get someone to light and keep one up in a nearby system. It's just EVE lingo :P -38 klyith 7 yr. ago Systems such as AK-QBU and T22-QI, which tend to have fewer belts, aren't as good as systems such as PC9-AY or 5-DSFH, which have more belts. I will get started putting it into the guide. Find out how! For missions it is a flawed method as there are LPs and loot to take into account unless you are talking just about time measured in 20 minute increments. Almost every naturally hostile NPC in Eve has a bounty payout. Minmatar / Amarr Dreadnoughts I was originally going to avoid writing this, but after 60+ runs, and speaking to multiple people about the matter, I feel I need to. I have my orbit button set at 5k . Scan this QR code to download the app now. What's the deal with the Nestor. I hope these suggestions are addressed, because the concept of these new beacons is positive in theory. A few things to add: Dread spawns - how to handle them: There are multiple types of dread spawns, with bounty payouts increasing as the difficulty does. Still, this is a easy way to earn ISK, and the requirements for doing basic ratting can be very low. Getting your APM up is key. Yea his fit is paper. As for Supercarriers and Titans, unless CCP has some scaling feature planned for what you bring into the site that they are hiding and if so, why is that not being tested to make sure it works before it goes live? If tackle isn't dying quick enough, continue to the section on Heavy Resistance. A ratting carrier is cheaper than a pvp fit for one, don't bother with a refit. It uses a ton of cap. When you undock in your ratting system, the first thing you should do is open your Probe Scanner with all the signatures, start by sorting by name and then Ignore all the sites that are not one of the above 3 types. I've been consistently PLEXing my account through running DED 3/10s and 4/10s in Highsec. So if you are making 120m/hour, it will be 3 ticks of 40m isk. Privacy Policy. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license:CC Attribution 4.0 International. (I also ignore Sanctums). Serpentis combat anomalies are usually worth your time doing, while the rogue drone combat sites are generally of questionable worth. For a Ratting Thanatos your mid slots should be: 2x Drone Navigation Computers, below you can see the Maximum Velocity Bonus gains from the variants.Personally I use Sentient Nav. also sights have chance to drop 10/10 escalations worth 100m to sell + carrier/ faction spawns worth anywhere from 10m-1b+! The sites in this list have been tested and determined to be runnable using the above fit(s). Give them the Triglavian AI, but modified for Rogue Drones; this would make the site more interesting by allowing the rats to move about on grid more freely, creating certain ships within waves that fulfill ewar and logistics roles, and position themselves appropriately.3. I've got a quick question. Try not to use gates as your warp-out points. This also means that the special rats, like Shadow Serpentis ships, can't spawn, but it will still give more ISK over time. To date my best experience solo ratting has been just over 12 million in Angel space. If CCP adjusts the rewards for CRAB sites upward to compensate for the things mentioned above, well just get the same complaint weve always gotten from envious Reddit warriors who think nullsec blocs get to print ISK in perfect safety while everyone else is left to scavenge for crumbs. I will note that I do not fully understand the mechanics going on behind the scene. Calmly and clearly call out for help on mumble and in fleet chat. After this, you should sort by Distance so you get the closest ones on top. Gallente T1 Battlecruiser Thanks, yea, I totally forgot Dread Spawns. . Once you enter a combat site or an asteroid belt, burn away from the warp-in point. You can see this payout by selecting . With only basic skills, that may drop as low as 8-10M ticks. Every rat should drop tags like sleepers so that the faster you kill the NPCs the more income you can get. Thats like using a super car to drive people around for uber or lyft, its just not going to happen. Kill Order: Destroyers Cruisers Frigates Battlecruisers Battleships. Active hardeners can be overheated, as well as armor repairers and shield boosters. If a blops hunter rolls in, you now have a longer warp time to a safe. now you only have sites you are interested in and if any new sigs spawn you will see them. Since the majority of ISK is gotten through loot drop, and since loot is dropped at random, the reward for ratting is rather irregular. I blankly admit that, my Alliance has a fit with 2x Cap modules in the mid slots for that purpose, but I am never afk enough to need that, aligned to a Citadel is plenty for me, and good Intel makes it not needed, the problem will always be initiating a long warp if hostile hunters enter system, but in that case I'd probably be fucked either way. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); EVE Guide for Newbies Everything You Need To EVE Guide for Newbies Everything You Need To Know, FFXIV FF14 1-200 POTD 1-200 Guide Solo/Party, Denny Enduring Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link. Give the Introduction to Ratting page a read to avoid common mistakes and get some background knowledge. Carriers can complete these sites faster and with more activity to keep you engaged. A tick is 20 minutes. Combat signatures and Expeditions are far more varied, and therefor harder to advise on in general terms. You may drive them off, and at the very least giving them something to worry about may save your pod by forcing them to pay attention to their own modules and piloting rather than hovering their cursor over the lock target button for the moment when your pod is targetable. The Pure Blind Dominix requires only a few modifications to update from the Querious variant, and like it can run Havens. The Dominix has been a staple of ratting since the VNI nerfs of 2019. The key to maximizing ticks while carrier ratting is to always keep your fighters moving. Carrier or Marauder to ratting in 0.0. Give the Introduction to Ratting page a read to avoid common mistakes and get some background knowledge. The higher difficulty of combat sites means that you want better ships than for belt ratting. ISK/Tick is the ISK in bounties you get from killing the rats, it comes in 'Ticks' every 20 mins in the same system. Gallente T1 Battleship As a rule of thumb, for a ratting carrier you want the following: High-Slots: Networked Sensor Array Cynosural Field Generator I Fighter Support Unit I/II Fighter Support Unit I/II Fighter Support Unit I/II. Before you undock, you need some offensive capability, AKA Fighters, for this you should look at what type of damage your target is susceptible to, we have compiled a little table below you can use.What we recommend is 3 full flights of Light Fighters, that is 9 fighters per squad, plus some spares, personally I only have 5-10 extra, perhaps more will be needed in the new patch, I only carry them in case I lose one if I go afk or fuck something up.Additional very important is having a squad of Dromi webbing support drones, I carry 10 in the fighter bay in case I get tackled, then it is nice having a squad of webbers to slow the interceptor down, again, better safe than sorry even though they are expensive. Patreon *: The trick to find out if a Haven is a Rock Haven and not a Gas Haven is right click -> warp to -> ctrl+space to stop the ship. and our My current position is back in highsec, doing as I was before to make ISK to PLEX my account while I train up a highsec ratter alt so I can actually make a reasonable amount of iskies while still getting on that dank PVP action. You know, I actually had to switch the last low slot for a Reactive against Guristas, because their damage type is like 90% kinetic so I get 60% on it. I thought EVE was supposed to be risk vs. reward. If you can't fly a Dread Vexor, you can still help, because one player needs to use their pod to provide a warp-in for the fleet (NPC rats will not fire on pods). I didn't see d-scan the site in there nothing hurts more then landing in a occupied site. Ultimately, any ship in EVE has a limited lifespan. Once you have fully landed recall your fighters. The loot is gotten from the haulers, and the response fleet gives no loot of their own. But you can't compare Null Sec ratting to High Sec DED running. One officer is especially dangerous and people lose carriers to it on a regular basis. I've seen the expression several times mostly used in reference to the wallet. 1. Observe good protocol, call "Break, Break" or "Check, Check" and (ideally) frame your message like this: Refer to your character in the third person, or say "This is [character name]," so people know who their warp-in is. Gallente T1 Battleship If you're comfortable doing so, you can try to kill the gang at this point. Why would you pre-align to the next site? You could end up with more rats than anticipated, or you could kill a wave and sit for minutes at a time waiting for the next spawn. Other systems in the pocket tend to hover around the equilibrium rate, or slightly lower. Give the system, or its common short form, and the belt name and number, so help can quickly warp to you. The response fleet uses advanced A.I. These sites will be used very little if at all given that you are required to risk a 5-8 billion isk hull for for a possible 60-75 mill payout in safe~ish space. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In exchange for this though, the carrier is among the most action-intensive ships to fly in Eve. Call for help. Unfortunately, they run into serious issues trying to tank the rats, and fighters keep getting attacked by the rogue drones in the site, making these hulls borderline worthless. Being in fleet makes it, All members of the NSC report in this channel on any neutral pilots they see in or approaching NSC's pocket. Gallente T1 Cruiser Ultimate Rattlesnake Ratting Guide. One factor in choosing a system rat in is therefore the system's true-sec. Kill Order: Cruisers Frigates Destroyers Battlecruisers Battleships. and ideally also on Mumble if you have a microphone. There is a multitude of different combat sites (Alt+P) spawning, different layouts and different spawn locations within the site as well as wave-sizes and damage output from the sites. For many modules, the reprocessed value is higher than the buy value of the module. Your propulsion module, if it's not scrammed: this will increase your chance of shaking the enemy's tackle off. If an FC forms a fleet follow their instructions. In these situations, it is important to review what happened and see what you have learned, so that you can do better next time. For any ratting carrier you Rigs should be: 3x Capital Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizers.These rigs increase your Warp Speed by 20%/25% depending on the T1 or T2 variant.Price for the Tech ones are 43 million, whereas the price for Tech 2s are 190 million, which begs the question is it worth it and you are the only one that can answer that question. 3x Omnidirectional Tracking Links, as you can see below, the difference in bonuses is worth noting.Also here the T2 variant takes time training into, and the Faction modules cost around 50 million a piece, definitely worth it. For more information, please see our Minmatar / Amarr Dreadnoughts Nothing in system to dock up at? ~390 Million ISK Medium Skills, The Isktar Free From The Dojo! While you face off against NPCs in the same manner as in missions, it is not considered the same; see Syndicate Mission Running for for more information about running missions at the NSC. Include carrier/dread/supercarrier/titan rats as common to rare occurrences. Expect to face sensor damping from Serpentis Guardian-type cruisers and battlecruisers. Yea, I only ever recall fighters before warping to the next site, anything else is a waste of time. Stay aligned, so that you can warp off if the hunter loses their point or scram. > anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course? If you have a habit of losing fighters, downgrade to T1 instead of T2 until you get the hang of it. You can take out most subcaps, but a supercarrier can literally alpha you. Say where you are, what ship caught you, and what ship you're flying. If you're just ratting you are fine with only level 3 Cali. The Vexor Newbro Edition The NPC mining fleets are NPC mining ships and industrial haulers that operate in the asteroid belts. The question we had to answer was Is Carrier ratting worth it?We have done so in a satisfactory way starting with an intro -> Carriers(short) -> Combat Sites -> Fitting your Carrier -> Drones to use -> Implants??? It can be used to measure efficiency when comparing two different isk making activities or comparing payout of running the same activity multiple times. The 13% implant cost around 100 million ISK and the 15% is around 150 million ISK, the 18% is expensive at nearly 600 million ISK, which is why I recommend the 13 or 15% Implants for Slot 6.Personally I also have a set of High-Grade Random things for the Attribute bonus, but if you really want to chase the ticks you can fit your clone with a full set of High-Grade Ascendancy set for even more increase in warp speed. Player deaths in a system increase that system's Bounty Risk Modifier, which acts as a multiplier on the base bounty rate for NPC kills in that system. 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