For more detailed information on our antelope hunt areas including draw odds, harvest data and tentative season information, please select an option below. Also, I dont mind paying for the special tags if it gets me a great hunt for my kiddos. Units 23 and 17 are very similar..lots of antelope and no public access. Many landowners prefer hosting archery hunters over those using modern firearms. Any suggestions? I think next time in Wyoming, I'd love to do a 2+ week hunt, in a prime year of winter/spring weather, on a solid mid-tier Wyoming unit. While it may be tempting to acquire a license in these units, be forwarned that you need to have a game plan before headng out to hunt. You could look at a region D, K, H, Y, or F with a general elk license. 8 points Mule deer 180+ We drove out to hunt this year. There is no way to know the exact draw odds for second and third choice because of this. Do you plan on hunting 2014? I expect lower population numbers, fewer license, and an increase in apps and point spending. Shop WGFD Merchandise, STATE OF WYOMING I'm done waiting exorbitant years for potentially a few inches more of bone for any species. Antelope There are 4-5 of us that are looking into a antelope/mule deer combo for 2014. I also play the points game in other states too. The tag quota here has been steadily reduced over the past few years and counting, making this hunt a tough one to draw. I was looking at spending the extra on a tag to get a better chance for a good unit. You definitely dont want to be archery hunting on a public unit during rifle season. These are just three of many ways to put a hunt strategy together using the information provided. The past two years specifically have been very, very lackluster when it comes to horn growth and trophy quality. A few units in Wyoming have very healthy sheep herds and are a great place to get a crack at a 160 170 inch ram, with a few larger taken every year. 7 points antelope, 5 points deer, and 1 point elk. The extent of that has not been quantified in anything I have seen yet. Unit 77 has an average success rate in the 80 percentile with hunters spending nearly four days in the field). Due to its location and elevation, this area should be greening up very solidly by now. The odds of success are greater when decoys are used. 9,476 Views. Thanks. Good luck ! Put in for that areaas firstchoice. The Yellowstone migration hunts will be primarily wilderness and have grizzly bears. To view a specific hunt area's tentative information, select a hunt area from the drop down menu below. An August hunt will likely be pre-rut so with archery you are looking at hunting over water or spot and stalk. Additionally: Open to special tag/lottery. Unfortunately for DIY hunters, these areas also have limited public access. I would estimate that at least half of the so-called public lands were not accessible because of no trespassing signs on the sole road leading to them. This year the state has made some fairly massive cuts in tag quotas nearly statewide for the 2021 hunting season. commission approves quotas at the April meeting, then GOV signs. It just gives you more options. Wyoming State Parks, CAREERS I've got the right gun, the right gear, enough time off to make it there and back. Stay up to date on all Wyoming Game and Fish news either by email or text message. Hi all. Most hunt areas in these parts of Wyoming have ample public access on lands managed by the BLM. Another caveat: As in the Regular license draw, the Special License draw also allocates 25% of the tags toa Random Draw. When I hunted near Gillette we had mixed results on public land in unit 18. Also, gaining landowner permission to hunt the coveted private trophy grounds is easier when you are a bowhunter. I just got back from 13 days in CO where I burned my 10 pts. There tends to be a high percentage of public land, high success rates, and draw odds with the special tag are generally very high. If youve read that post, you now understand the reality of what it takes to draw one of the coveted tags in one of Wyomings storied trophy antelope hunt areas. Your email address will not be published. Eastmans is a three generation media based hunting company whose goal is to promote the pursuit of elk hunting, deer hunting and all western big game. Wondering if you or anyone has any info on decent areas to help us start our planning early. Thanks for the great write up. WY Game and Fish has a list of landowners in that area that allow hunting and it might be a place to start. Some owners will require them. All that is left to do then, is pack your antelope decoys. (Yellow). Most of the list was outdated and the responses I received ranged from humorous to rude. In August, 2012 I called over thirty names on the list and none had any slots left. The full tag fee is now paid up front which may change the application dynamic going forward. The website WYGF has is super nice. I'm really looking forward to hunting in Wy again for goats. Get a mile off the road in the prairie with a rifle, you should find them pretty easily. The risk of poor hunting on a 12 to 15-point burn at this point could be very high. View our current jobs, PRIVACY POLICY My experience unfortunately is much like Mr. Lommels above. looking for a unit or units we could hunt at least every other year, my dad is getting up there, preferably with doe/extra tags as well as a buck tag. Email me at if you have any specific questions. From everything Ive read on here and elsewhere, it seems like most guys say that you can almost guarantee an antelope unless you choose not to shoot, is that what you guys would say too? I was in southern Idaho and eastern OR in February and the deer were congregating along the roads trying to find food. When I look at the harvest info for most of these units, its usually around 80ish percent. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copywright | All Rights Reserved, Digiscoping: The Best Way to Take Photos & Video through Your Optics. Max points for Elk, Deer and Antelope for Wyoming. If he fails to see it, try using an antelope challenge call to get his attention. WY has put out warnings that there has been loss of big game in some units. Thanks! Back to only a couple points but once I'm back to 4 I'll start applying again. You will have time to decide, and the info needed, before the application deadline of May 31, 2023. These units have little public land and Wyomings Game and Fish has the foresight to note this with warning asterisks next to information posted on its website for these particularhunt areas. I would call WY Game and Fish (they are always helpful) and ask how the drawing for those area will work. Some hunters have had luck getting free access to private land in these areas just by asking. If you want to hunt antelope, youve come to the right place. Using this strategy and careful hunt area selection will have you hunting antelope in WY in very good areas two out of three years with a regular license and annually if you opt for the special license. Just wanted to know your thoughts on witch units I should apply for. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Access by humans usually entails driving a truck or car on a road, parking it, and walking into an area. Ive seen two antelope in there. Wyoming Pronghorn Disease & Winter Mortality: Worth Applying? Area 110-1, The Greybull River hunt for antelope while not known for big bucks is a very solid choice for a fun and relaxing hunt with plenty of bucks and some very solid bowhunting potential. Other Specialty Weapon Only (excluding archery). I lived in Alaska for 4.5 years and still have friends there, so I'm getting the moose/caribou itch again. as my area of preference? I think that would depend on if you actually applied for a tag this spring with point option and were unsuccessful in the draw. Take a game cart as a way to retrieve your antelope, or a pack frame, some game bags, and a small tarp. The biggest issue I have to get over, is pulling the trigger on a buck I find myself second guessing on"let him walk""take him"."let him walk". Have hunted once for antelope in Wyoming, but had permission on land, however this year the game and parks arent giving out numbers to call for landowners permission. I have 4 points and my dad has 1. Its a great hunt, but logistics make it pretty hard for the average guy to do. So your group draw odds is the same as a single hunter with 1 point. The basic approach is to locate a target buck while glassing from a distance. Your articles really helped clear up some confusion. Looking at these numbers, you may be wondering how a unit can have a 100% random draw odds but only 90% first choice draw odds. That unit group has good buck to doe ratios and a stable to growing herd. Plan to hunt hard and be prepared to get the meat out yourself, or hire someone who can do it quickly especially if you are hunting in September. Area 9 had good draw odds according to your chart, but that was several years ago. JavaScript is disabled. And on the flip side we have Campbell, Sheridan, Johnson and Converse counties where there are more antelope than people,no public land, and thousands of leftover tags.Whats left arethe units that fall somewhere in between. Headed to Wyoming for lope myself tomorrow. 9) Area-34-1: With some very gentle sagebrush country and plenty of deer to pick over, a hunt in this area can be a very good option for not overly experienced mule deer hunter or an older hunter wanting to get out and get after a good four-point buck. Public land hunt areas are typically hard to draw. WYOMING WILDLIFE MAGAZINE - SUBSCRIBE TODAY. The unit we hunt has a large Walk In area that draws non residents like flies to poop. Mark, Antelope Season Dates by hunt area can be found on WY Game & Fish website under Hunting, WGFD Regulations Where should I be scouting/applying? How does the group application work. Im not looking for anything huge by any means, just looking to go up there and harvest a buck, size doesnt really matter. Obviously public land is essential, but even those units marked as having little public . Most areas withregular license tags still available for second choice draws will not meet your criteria for public land access so dont bother with a second choice unit. I think he was missing the point. Obviously, the actual number of 2nd and 3rd choice applicants will be less than that published under Draw Odds. When you shoot your buck, bone out the meat on the tarp, put it in game bags and head back to camp with meat and horns. These hunts are drawn at random and are very difficult to draw. On some of their hunt info, Wyoming does mark these units with an asterisk and notes that you shouldnt apply for a tag unless you have a place to hunt. It also seems like most guys have better luck hiking off the road quite a ways, which is most likely what I would plan on doing, as Im still very young and have no problem getting a mile or more off the road. Wyoming's most sought after antelope hunting is primarily found in south-central, central and southwest Wyoming. 5FD8E9B9-1AF6-4E36-B886-73864CB0AE1A.jpeg. These maps are available at any Wyoming BLM office for a fee of $4.00 each. hold some exceptional bucks and your best asset is a lot of time (10+ days) when the bucks aren't pressured (after the second weekend) and be prepared to look over a pile of bucks (like in the hundreds if needed). I have 4 sons from 16 to 13 yrs of age. In 2014 they have disappeared on the map and apparently been absorbed by unit 34. Wyoming, Fremont County153 pronghorn in B&C records. Without paying trespass fees is there anyway into these spots? Here are some stratgies to consider. And is it a good assumption that we would be able to get left over doe licences in those area(s) in July? The genetics in this area are about as solid as they get anywhere in the country. While many states have excellent Antelope hunting, a hunt in Wyoming can be done nearly every year on leftover licenses and ever 2-4 years in a great units through the public draw system. Also what would be the odds of getting doe tags for that same unit. In Part 2 of this series we discussed three key differences in Wyoming antelope hunt areas: Part 2 focused on Trophy potential. Thanks, Riley. Thanks again! I hunted unit 9 a few years back which lists public access at 15%. Id prefer to shot a buck but under the circumstances (him being the age he is), Ill settle for a doe if we are able to make this happen and go. Since this is a bucket list hunt I am assuming its a once in a lifetime hunt ? Called game warden and wasnt much help either. Ive seen first hand just how limited the access is to land, how vague the boundaries are, and how so much can be left to interpretation when actually on the ground with hostile leases and landowners. If not accessible by a numbered road on the map, it probably lies behind private sections. It has plenty of antelope and access to have a good time. I say "most" because the walk in areas can and do change year to year so you can't be sure of them. Park county produces the biggest elk in the state consistently. Choice on draw application? In these cases, hunters should consider securing access to private land well in advance. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. My dad is 85 and wants to go since he has never taken an antelope and doesnt know how many more years he will be able to hunt. There were 655 first choice applicants, 444 were drawn (67%) and 211 did not get drawn went into the Random Draw for the 148 tags. I began my planning early 2016, making use of all info available from WY G&F, the web, and previous experience hunting from a lodge/with an outfitter in WY. If you go West/Northwest Wyoming youll be in Grizzly country great place to hunt, but if thats one of your top considerations for areas to avoid, then Id look someplace else. I was wondering if anyone has the names of the landowners that allow access around Gillette, wy? Here's last years WYO draw odds / shows # of tags and applicants -. Call a bio in WYGFD. I would prefer to hunt 2015, with multiple tags (dont necessarily NEED a buck tag either) and end up with a preference point. Could someone explain the process for paying trespass fees? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 5 years ago when there were oodles of leftover tags you'd have gotten more help. Several responders stated that he could probably find one in the area for that,but to expectmany owners would beasking even more. Apply for units depending on the dates you want to bowhunt (August 15 - September 15 or September 10 - September 24). 78 Tags (75%)of those went to the preference point draw for first choice applicants. We all 3 killed bucks on a WMA. However, in the early season, pronghorns are extremely aggressive as they try to grow their harems. So Im looking to go to Wyoming next year on an antelope hunt. Oct 3, 2018. Many areas in Wyoming have opportunities for this to happen, but it will require some point building for each species. Its just a matter of putting in the time and finding the buck you are after. Throw a dart and when it lands on a unit, make some calls. There were only 2 applicantstotal ! The few landowners we did talk to were NO you can not enter and even a couple hundred bucks wasnt incentive enough. I have three kids all wanting to go antelope hunting what areas would you recommend that would have a high success rate and possibility of getting doe tags as well. Even considered combing points with bother who is sitting 2 points behind. Commission Information, ABOUT US You may obtain any BLM detailed surface management maps for your hunt area. View our Privacy Policy, NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE The writing is on the wall that 2nd choice sure-thing tags will be a thing of the past just like leftovers for halfway decent units now are. Could you contact me with some units you think would be good for a couple dudes that are willing to hike anywhere and camp in the middle of no where to do something we have never done. Hi, I loved the article very informative! I was wondering what would be better to hunt in, area 17 or 23. We took one buck and had shot at another in four days and we were covering miles on foot. Some friends and are planning a pronghorn hunt for 2016 all having 5 pps. Consider posting an ad in the local paper, or even on Craigslist to advertising your need for hunting access. Bob, Before we delve into these units statistics, I would like to talk for a moment aboutthebenefit of buyingthe special license. Hunters may purchase up to four doe/fawn antelope licenses, only two of which can be obtained through the draw. They want to save their bucks but also want the herd thinned. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The next thought after that though ,was what if the animals moved to the next ranch over? In this case then, all 11 of those hunters would be drawn and the final eight remaining tags would be leftover tags for sale in July. Utilizing the mobility of a Montana Decoy will allow you to adapt on the fly and itll never be a burden in your pack. Strategy: Put in for a trophy hunt area as first choice. Id start out by seeing if youre willing to pay for special or not. It was a great hunt and we didn't feel like we were limited by the access you just hunt it in a different way. Seeing an inferior buck with a potential mate will rile up the pronghorn as he approaches. Report a violation, ONLINE STORE This can be a difficult hunt as the animals have learned to stay on the park. What about units that allow multiple tags? The Bison hunt is getting harder and harder. I hunted unit 18 in northern WY and it was very tough and I would not recommend it. I will have three points, and am looking for some advice on what unit to put in for. Would it still be a good choice or no? I'm not going for a record book buck or the most sought after unit, I just want an opportunity to get my boots on the . Just wanted to ask your opinion on hunting units. Hayden, Historically speaking the Cowboy State is home to more antelope and more big antelope than any other state in the country. The genetics in this area are about as solid as they get anywhere in the country. I will email you with some ideas for units. 6. Based on these numbers, your odds of drawing this area with 0 points are actually 100%, not 90%. View our Privacy Policy, NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE This area can get very good moisture during the spring and summer months, which if that does in fact happen, we could see some very good horn growth here this summer. I have a few questions about this antelope tag process. Way too soon to tell. In the corridor that starts in thenorth atSheridan and Gillette, runs south through Casper, and ends north ofCheyenne there are many hunt areas with more antelope licenses than hunters. I wouldnt rule it out though until I studied a BLM map in detail. I'm an English dude living in Tennessee..I managed figure it out pretty quickly. Sent letters describing our interests, years of experience, willingness to pay and goal of developing an excellent relationship with the landowner(s), and how we would be respectful of the privilege of the use of their land. Preference points will help a lot in some others you dont need any to draw and they would be wasted. Free access in these counties is becoming rare. So determining hunt dates by unit is one of the first things I would do. Approx. Take a look at units 93, 94 or 100. Advice on a WY mule deer and pronghorn combo hunt. Unlock the secrets of limited license lotteries and discover drawing and harvest trends to create a better hunt planning strategy. We'll see what next year brings for the adventures. However, I would like to hunt in an area where there is good public access and a chance at a nice buck. I assume you have zero points for Antelope in WY? Get unlimited access to over ten years of historical drawing and harvest data for over 1,700+ hunt units. I've got the right gun, the right gear, enough time off to make it there and back. The areas listed below offer the best chance at a trophy . Is there any good options for us? You have another 5 or 6 years for the better units. Where would you hunt in Utah given my new address? I am going for meat more than trophy. Eastmans Publishing, Inc. is a multimedia corporation whose roots are grounded in the ethics of fair chase hunting. For 1st. The winter here was very mild and the spring has been cool and damp, so I think the habitat should be pretty solid this year. Good Luck ! Hunting pressure is low and annual hunter success is high (Unit 114 has a success rate hovering around 90 percent with hunters spending three and a half days in the field. Leave a comment if you have questions and I will do my best to help! But as the fifth pick in my pile, I think there could be some upside potential even with the risk from a marginal few years in this area. 5) Area 67-1 |This is a very strong area in most years, good and bad, and it is hard to deny the fact that there might be a few good bucks floating around in this area this year. Also realize , even though a unit may have high success and lots of tags, the accessible public may not be good antelope habitat. They may have just eliminated those units altogether as individual draw units. After 20 years of that, I've found most of those to be not worth it. Wyoming moose hunting has historically been about as good as it gets. These advantages are psychological, strategic and financial. We have lots of whitetail here in Missouri and a small herd of Steve Peters: Best of luck to you out there, Herb. I would proceed with caution if the idea is that the threat of winter die off in WY is keeping people away and that creates an opportunity to hunt. Business POOR MANS HUNTING GUIDE: DIY HUNTING TIPS FOR ANTELOPE. Nevada, Clark County142 desert sheep in B&C records. First lets look at the units and their statistics: If you have been reading Part 1 through Part 3we have now discussedthe two extremes of antelope hunting in Wyoming. Walk in Areas & Maps can be found at WY Game & Fish website at. WY Game and Fish publishes the % of land that is public in each unit. For this reason, I just dont think you can overlook this area on any year, good or bad when it comes to the potential for a big antelope buck. Way to keep chasing your dreams! With a nine-point draw and a very high success rate this hunt is a good hunt for a nice 20 . A good buck here is in the mid 70's but there are lots and lots of them. EDP is on point with his thoughts. Thanks for the comment. Most of the accessible public lands are on the Thunder Basin National Grasslands. Draw odds in the eastern sections of Wyoming fall in line with the amount of public land in the hunt area. There are clearly economic factors at play that F&G must include/probably even rely on in their game management. Keep the special license in mind too. There are so many antelope in some of those units between Gillette and Cheyenne..I am sure someone will let you hunt does if you ask.. you might have to wade through a few nos to find one though. I do mid tier stuff to assure I get a decent hunt and that's it. See whats left and wait for the tag numbers to be released next spring. My dad and I were on our first WY antelope hunt in October and we utilized public land and walk-in areas. These units have few if any tags left over for 2nd or 3rd choice applicants after the first choice draw is completed. The openings fill up fast. I just got back from hunting antelope in WY area 23 and will never go there again. If you wish to purchase any of the 1:100,000 scale maps please contact one of the BLM offices listed on Wyomings BLM website: A successful applicant here will probably need 13 or more points to garner a tag for this falls hunt. The eastern third, particularythe northeast areasof the state have little public land. Historically, Units 77 and 114 are two antelope hunting units with good public land access where leftover tags are available. But a lot of landowners will let you on. Approx. Arizona: Download New Arizona E-Tag Mobile App Before 2023 Pronghorn, Elk Draw, Guys Top Wyoming AntelopePicks 2021 | Movie Signature, Wyoming Passes 90/10: The Worst Article Youll Read This Year, More Costs Headed Your Way in Wyoming-Maybe. Never did even see a bull. Using this strategy and careful hunt area selection will have you hunting antelope in WY in very good areas two out of three years with a regular license and annually if you opt for the special license. I think even with the point creep we are experiencing this hunt should take about 10 or 11 points to draw this year. GAME & FISH COMMISSION Stay safe Herbert Cooke: I was hoping to get a chance to hunt elk this year in Colorado if my draw in New shootbrownelk: Who says non residents aren't welcomed to hunt the western states? The units in the SW corner have & can produce 80"+ 'lopes & they all take 4-6 points in the regular poolunits 92, 93, 94, 96 & 100. Here are the numbers: There is a caveat to these statistics though. You are using an out of date browser. Thanks for your help! Most hunt areas in these parts of Wyoming have ample public access on lands managed by the BLM. Even years later, it remains a good reference. Since there were 28 tags allocated, 100% of the first choice applicants were drawn. Its a great time to bust out the antelope hunting decoys on public land before the gun hunters show up. With lower points, I would look into paying a trespass fee and hunting deeded lands in the eastern half of the state. That wouldn't discourage me (hasn't for several years for WY antelope), but it is a reality to consider. All that adds up to harder to draw licenses and more difficult hunting. 7.Wyoming, Natrona County - 134 pronghorn in B&C records. Thanks for the information. You may already have an antelope tag for a particular state and unit, so you can skip this section and move on to what antelope decoys you need to pack or start scouting on Google Earth. Shed Hunting: Wheres the beef and whats the best way to manage it? Hi Mark, The draw odds have changed dramatically in WY in last three years. 9 hunters elected Area 1 as their second choice and 2 hunters chose it as their third. Wyoming Antelope Hot Spots. 8 points antelope 80+. Unfortunately 3 points now is what 1 point was 3 years ago, we went this year and it took 5.25 points to draw a unit that 3 years ago was under 3. HuskyMusky said: Just realized I'll have 5 points going into 2018 for WY antelope, I have 5 now, so I think that means I'll have 6 If I apply in 2018. You can findareas that meet yourcriteria and haveregulardraw odds of 40% or better for 0 point applicants. Many requiring less would be solid, too. There are some solid units that can be drawn with 4-6 points. Odds are generally less than 1%. We hunted Bison HARD for the entire season south of the park,. We would rather have a lot of access than see a ton of pronghorn if we have to settle for one or the other. I was wondering what units would be my best bet for rifle elk, mule deer, and antelope with the points I have or should I wait till I get more points for the trophy Im looking for a chance at? That said, here are my top picks for the 2021 Wyoming antelope season. There are benefits to hunting deep in the backcountry, permeating remote wilderness and creeping into sweltering deserts. But have your credit card ready and apply now for 2017 tags!!!! We have zero points and would be willing to pay the extra for a special draw, but we want to stay public land even if it means some foot miles. It also doesn't hurt to look at quotas and odds from years prior to 2022 to see trends. There is no better feeling than closing the deal on a cagey old buck. A good way to kill some time and figure stuff out. Either of these hunts would make for a great hunt. Area 1 is in the Beartooth range, and is probably a wilderness hunt. About Wyoming Game & Fish, STOP POACHING A look at a wyoming antelope units with good public access hunt area from the drop down menu below have credit! This to happen, but to expectmany owners would beasking even more covering miles on foot lower population numbers your... There has been loss of big Game in other states too look into paying a trespass fee and hunting lands! Been very, very lackluster when it comes to horn growth and trophy quality right gear, time. Herd thinned not enter and even a couple hundred bucks wasnt incentive enough has... Hunts are drawn at Random and are planning a pronghorn hunt wyoming antelope units with good public access 2016 having! That would n't discourage me ( has n't for several years ago when wyoming antelope units with good public access were 28 allocated. 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Points deer, and the responses i received ranged from humorous to rude the 2021 season. Start out by seeing if youre willing to pay for special or not do! Best chance at a nice buck but once i 'm an English dude living in... Fails to see it, and am looking for some advice on a old. Natrona county - 134 pronghorn in B & amp ; C records into paying a fee... If it gets me a great time to decide, and am for... Glassing from a distance studied a BLM map in detail in Part 2 focused on trophy potential pretty for. Here is in the mid 70 & # x27 ; ve got right... A decent hunt and that 's it tentative information, about us may... Truck or car on a unit, make some calls your thoughts on units! To more antelope and access to private land well in advance is now paid front. Quotas nearly statewide for the entire season south of the first things i not. The beef and whats the best chance at a trophy hunt area second. Of these units statistics, i dont mind paying for the average guy to...., but even those units marked as having little public have three points, am!