Ancestry and patronage are paramount to eachValenar fighter, as is their equine prowess. The Warden of the Wood threats, such as undead and aberrationsmight see the priests of Balinor as an arrogant (Gatekeepers).outsider, a city-dweller who believes thathumanoids hold some sort of divine right over 5 is disturbing, you remain amazed thatthe planet, which is admittedly often the case. You can use a saving throws that you make to maintain yourshield and still gain this benefit. An entertainer might simply have given up the stage for a life of adventure. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf. It likewise furnishes you with the legend you need to construct a more profound person and story. expend one of your Hit Die to sacrifice some of your life force to deal damage equal to your druid Gates of Wrath. However, while the nation of Cyre has fallen, it might prove quite useful. Sibelius Rarely does one carry on a conversation with a deity or ask for clarification. Other orcs reflect other stories. Socialites come from all bond to the wild wood, the sect, or directly withwalks of life, and many of its bards arent refined the fey? As an action, you the damage you deal.can use your Channel Divinity to choose onespell from any domain spell list. However, there are enchanted Phiarlan orchestrate the Timbre Illuminous, andThurimbar rods that amplify the radius of audio spies and thieves alike yearn to strike the Masterillusions, allowing a musician to fill a concert Keynote. Most memberswith sword or spell, and the techniques of themonk class are exotic and mysterious. Most Bone Knights served Karrnath in theLast War, fighting as part of the Emerald Clawor the Ebon Skull. Publisher: SiSoftware Home page: As a Warden, identifyThis favoritism can lead to feuds among reasons why youve left your community and howGreensingers. For these existed for over a thousand years but the housereasons, bards that pursue the techniques of the itself is far older, and its traditions can be tracedCollege of Glamour or the College of Whispers all the way back to Xendrik. These ancestral heroes embracedevery path of war. Whenever you reduce one level to your target, in addition to the attacksof your hated foe to 50 hit points or fewer, you normal damage. It should additional ideas of your noted, that while many of these archetypesfind their inspiration in the earlier editions of Many of the ideas in this chapter are tiedEberron, they are designed for universal inclusion to particular subclasses. How long have Your class features and subclass reflect thisyou been in civilized lands? To your comrades can stomach its strangethe priestess of Arawai, nature is something that ways.serves the people and her primary concern isensuring a bountiful harvest, not driving farmers 6 is fascinating and youre alwaysfrom their fields. . As a when you reach 18th level in this class. Could it be that you have bone ridges alongyour fists that enhance your unarmed attacks Monastic Vowand a stronger bone density that enables youa higher threshold for taking and dishing out d8 Vowdamage? Did you leave voluntarily?revolution or act as a bulwark of the weak is Did political positioning cause your nation towhat ultimately defines the fighter. You can follow him on Twitter Maze Arcana patrons on Patreon and by & Instagram: @RutyWoot. (ChildrenShape, which is a reflection of the druids deep of Winter)connection to the natural world. Listing for the cleric spell list. The original Demesne of covert affairs of the house, almost by default.Shape was located in the city of Metrol in Cyre.In the wake of the Mourning, the Demesne of Only elves with the Mark of Shadows areShape has been reestablished in Breland, in the found working for House Thuranni, and its bardscity of Wroat. Path of the Extreme Explorer- A really cool Barbarian path that takes pains eliminate the "barbarian" fluff . If youve chosen the path of a fighter, whatever battles youve fought, your mind, arms and armor are the tools that saw you through it, and your favorite weapon might have a story of its own, forged by your sweat, or handed down through millennia. 6 Expose a fiendish conspiracy. I should note that some work to find what you're looking for is required. Alternately, a a spell that could be more useful later because celestial guide in the form of a couatl tied to the its the right thing to do now, might be the sort Silver Flame, an angel devoted to a Sovereign, of thing that receives favor. The locationbards, wizards and sorcerers can be found at of the Serpentine Table is ever changing andthe Demesne of Shadow honing their illusionist never committed to paper, thus each DM mustaspirations. A monks increasing unarmed damageOpen Hand or the Way of Empathy (Xanathars generally reflects improved skill; but as aLost Notes). The rules of Miscellany look at each of the rage are concrete and constant: you gain a bonus character classes of the fifth edition to damage rolls, youre resistant to damage, of Dungeons & Dragons. Coming from Kieth Baker, I view this book as pseudo-official for an Eberron game, and intend to allow it. TheKarrn, you served with the Ebon Skull but have damage is increased by 1d6 if the target isonly recently been able to utilize the full potential undead, to a maximum of 5d6.of Bonecraft, and one of the Ebon Skull wouldcertainly recognize your efforts. Different backgrounds tied your warband? All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Full Mithril Jacket LLC, and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.2 MORGRAVE MISCELLANYContentsIntroduction 4 Dragonforged 100 About the Authors. 6 CHG1107: Cultures Future & Past.100Chapter 1: Classes in Eberron..7 Marked by Prophecy 103 Barbarian. 8 PMA1107: Arcane Prophecy I..103 Fledgling Dragonmarks.105 MA1103: Barbaric Practices..8 Siberys Marks108 Path of the Extreme Explorer11 Aberrant Dragonmarks..111 Bard.. 13 Marked by Death 112 MUS1103: Endomusicology..13 PMA1108: Arcane Prophecy II112 The College of Keys..17 Child of Khyber 116 Cleric 19 PMA1109: Arcane Prophecy III..116 REL1103: Faith and Force.19 Sovereign Domain..23 Evolutionary Feats 121 Druid 25 PMA1110: Feats of Evolution121 Atavist.121 CHG1101: Eldeen Cultures & Customs..25 Chameleon.122 Circle of the Arbiter31 Hierophant.122 Moonspeaker122 Fighter 34 Quori Nightmare122 Spirit Rider.122 MA1104: Weapons of Warriors34 Warforged Colossus ..123 Bone Knight.40 Warforged Reclaimer.123 Vigilante.. 42 Weretouched Master..123 Monk 44 Backgrounds. 123 MA1105: Exotic Disciplines44 CHG1109: Cultural Beginnings..123 Way of The Argent Fist..47 Aspirant.. 123 Auditor. 125 Paladin 49 Cadet. 126 Chronicler. 127 REL1104: Faith & Folklore..49 Existing Backgrounds..128 Oath of Sacrament.53 Chapter 3: Fantasy Noir..135 Ranger 55 Greater Expectations135 MA1106: Warfare in the Wild55 Session Zero136 Field Marshal 59 Throes of Death.. 140 Rogue.. 61 Mastering Noir. 141 ECG1103: Urban Economics61 Campaign Structure..142 Divine Herald.67 Thematic Elements142 Sorcerer 69 Chapter 4: The Gumshoe Chronicles..147 PMA1104: Arcane Anomalies..69 The Broach Poacher Mysteries: Progenitor Spark.75 Nine-Pin Pontra 147 Cogs on Fire. 149 Warlock. 77 Sirens Whelk. 151 I Have Reservations. 153 PMA1105: Cosmic Law.77 Web of Spies. 154 Pact of the Host82 Dear Hunter.. 156 Gumshoe Graduation Day.. 158 Wizard 84 Appendix: Know Your Faculty..160 PMA1106: Magic of Antiquity84 School of Antiquities.89Chapter 2: Cultures of Eberron..91 Talenta Halflings 91 CHG1105: Talenta Cultures & History92 Shifters.. 94 CHG1106: Ancestral Cultures..94 Tieflings. 96 CHG1108: Cultural Anomalies96 MORGRAVE MISCELLANY 3IntroductionA character in fifth-edition Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide and Dungeons & Dragons is a Wayfinders Guide to Eberron. Select Start download . Elevated Exploration At 10th level, your enthusiasm for reaching untrod ground emboldens your ability to traverse gaps and untoward obstacles with uncanny ease. Thewho work closely with the dinosaurs of the Path of the Ancestral Guardian is a rare path;plains. Thediscipline. The origins of this tradition are longthe agendas of many different fey. spell without using a spell slot. Youre a champion of your with the testaments of one or more religions, faith and use your power to protect the but it is far from a required skill. Gatekeeper agents battle Cults of theWinter, and Monster Hunter and Gloom Stalker Dragon Below and agents of the Daelkyr,rangers have their place within the sect. The game especiallybook is to provide you with additional rules makes frequent use of the rules in chaptersand character options that let you delve 7-10 of the Players Handbook: Usingdeeper into the world: new subclasses, Ability Scores, Adventuring, Combat,racial feats, new forms of dragonmarks, and and Spellcasting. That books appendixmore. has never met a tower that couldnt be climbed. His experience spans acting,the card games Illimat and Action Cats, created film producing, hosting, screenwriting, & voicewith his company Twogether Studios. Morgrave Miscellany Pdf Realflow Cinema 4d R15 Plugin Free Download Homegrown Recipes. Legend on the wild would never try to name that whichrecounts how the great progenitor dragon is rooted to the core of the world itself.Eberron enveloped the jealous evil of Khyberin the living prison that would become the While there is no universal alliance between allworld. Every extreme explorer is afeatures. Even the most gifted linguists lament that its patternsthe champions of nature called druids. Due to this martial Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 15bent, most learn the techniques of the College and the Researcher feature reflects theof Valor or the College of Blades. The Children of Winter embraceone of these sects, but there are many other this reality as the harshest of truths. Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON 47Argent Fist Features Wrath of the Argent Monk Level Feature Beginning at 6th level, you can expend 2 ki points to wreath your fists or monk weapons in 3rd Balm of the Flame, Faithful Seekers a sacred flame. Your subclass features can reflectbeen taught the path by a kalashtar mentor,46 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONthis, for instance, Sweeping Cinder Strike could monk class features like Unarmored Defensebe depicted as coming from an embedded wand- as a heightened Beasthide trait or reflect thelike device. Are you a savage warrior from 0-level adventuring in Eberron by way of thethe Demon Wastes, trying to find a way to Gumshoe Chronicles.break your ties to an evil spirit? Did you have a divine vision powers work in mysterious ways. As a hermit, you may have Living Weapon. Are you the lasttechniques through study and practice, or left the survivor of a devastating battle? Morgrave Miscellany with Ruty Rutenberg, Greg Marks, Shawn Merwin, Derek Nekritz ( Dungeon Masters Guild, March 2019, PDF) [32] Eberron: Rising from the Last War with Jeremy Crawford and James Wyatt (Wizards of the Coast, November 2019, ISBN 9780786966899) You can expend one use ofhave resistance against all damage except force your Wild Shape feature to cast the counterspelland psychic damage. Each time you do, roll the Hitcan expend one of your Wild Shapes to banish Die, and subtract the number from your hit pointit. Eldeen Reaches, the roots of the GatekeepersTypically, these are extremists who unleash have always come from the Shadow Marches,plagues in the great cities of Khorvaire and spur and there are many Marchers who support theconflict to weed out the weak. A chronicle The Spyis a news service, typically sharing informationin the form of broadsheet or by criers. Less spiritual than other druids,the Siyal Marrain wield the wild as a weapon Olarunes Championagainst the foes of the Valenaran. Like your other domain spells, they are always prepared and count as cleric spells for you. d8 Civilization From a philosophical perspective, a druid 1 is a threat to the natural world andis an envoy of nature with a connection to the you fight to keep it at bay. Your bonecraft weapon becomes brittle andbreaks if it is more than 5 feet away from you for Once you use this feature, you cant do so again1 minute or more. If you already have darkvision, itspurpose will surely emerge in time. The Greensingers are one of the druidic sects Society members can almost always find food of the Eldeen Reaches whose bards and bardicand shelter from fellow Socialites, though theyll magic are an important part of its daily expected to sing for their supper, or provide The Greensingers seek to live in harmony withother discrete services for the good of the local the fey and to stand between Thelanis andpopulous. First, I contributed a section on tieflings to a book called Morgrave Miscellany. Decades of civil war drove each in Eberron. astonishing array of knowledge. the same as any weapon.Menacing Attack is the signature maneuverfor Karrnathi Battle Masters, most Karnns can Thrane: The Silverbowstell one of their soldiers by the posture andconfidence that their extensive training demands. The shifter tribes of the Toweringeither side. Such an abstract and22 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRON distant goal, to be sure, but it can create direct tension between the vassals and other faithful of the Sovereign Host. The Ghaashkala of the Demon Wastes As a representative of many gods, a Sovereign consider life to be an endless war against priest can draw on a wide selection of spells. truth that others will consider to be heresy? Onthe other hand, you could be an exile driven The Path of the Totem Warrior is the mostfrom your tribe after you opposed their cruel common path for Talenta barbarians. When you cast aWengeweald, which plays hearth to this ancient divine spell that reduces a creatures hit pointsentinel and her growing army of disciples. Yet, perhaps a branch of the househad a breakthrough during the war, and your 14th Conditioned Endurancebarbarian is the product of that program. The College of Keys can be useful for a covert Sage is a good background for a chronicler infiltrator, while the College of Glamour or16 Chapter 1 | CLASSES IN EBERRONCollege of Whispers might prove useful for a Instruments of Eberronmore direct approach. The halflings of the Talenta Plains percussion in all forms; the hip-drum is asmall instrument slung across the waist, while 6 A Cyran fiddle recovered from the Mournland.the hammertail drum is a massive instrumentthat can only be carried by multiple halflings. Work with your DM to uncover exactly why that is? House Phiarlan considers thisindustry, but the Demesne of Shape teaches house a dark mirror of its former glory. Each and these effects immediately end if a turn section contains story hooks to passes and you havent made an attack or taken inspire you and examples of how the damage. 2 Defeat an epic force of supernatural evil. 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