Where we live, in Northwestern PA, timothy grass hay is the most commonly found along with orchard grass. Oats can also help to increase milk production. Feeding goats can be a bit tricky because they have what is known as a complex digestive system. Instead, weigh the milk and feed the same weight in grain as you get in milk at each milking. For our dairy goats, we prefer to feed second cut hay. Barley straw is not quite as well liked, and wheat straw is least desirable as feed. However, there are significant differences in the variety, quality and availability of hay, which can make feeding your livestock a time-consuming chore. More often than not this can be easily done with first cut hay. I was actually at a field day today and part of it was pasture management. Oat grains have been fed to livestock for centuries and have long been a sought-after source of energy for horses. Oats hay for goats. free choice loose minerals. If buying alfalfa hay, youll want to know if it is first, second or third cutting (or later), and at what stage of growth it was harvested. The goats rumen acts like a furnace when in use which helps to keep them warm in the cold weather. Heres How Often You Have to Milk a Goat [Once vs. Twice a Day], Vegetable, Fruit Tree, and Edible Gardens, How Soon Can a Goat Get Pregnant After Giving Birth? Hey Tracy, thanks for an informative article on all things hay. As the graph above shows, hay takes up half of a goats daily diet. Hay is first cut (mowed) down and then raked into rows. Nothing is simpler than hopping in my car and picking up dinner at the supermarket. Coarse, thick-stemmed hay (overly mature) has more fiber and less nutrition than immature, leafy hay with finer stems. This cut of hay will be more expensive because of the quality and nutritional levels found in the bales. Sheep, like goats, prefer fine, leafy hay and will not eat coarse hay. Grass, oat, rye, clover, orchard??? right now is the ideal time to reseed actually its getting kind of late to reseed as its starting to freeze here at night. Help spread the word. We admit that in America you hear more about hays like alfalfa, orchard grass and timothy for rabbits and livestock. If you are considering purchasing this type of hay, it can be tested for nitrate content. at least where i am. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. More bale got trodden into the ground than consumed, making it expensive and futile. If you want to reward your gregarious goats with a savory snack - then look no further! Even if the outer edge of a bale has faded from sun exposure and rain, the inside should still be green. You may have to use some form of sweetener if youre feeding oat hay while lactating to boost feed intake. As browsers, goats eat a wide variety of plants when roaming free, and will eat some of the weeds and other undesirable plants that other animals will not. By providing additional energy, the doe can maintain her milk production levels. But dont let this scare you, I just want you to be aware before you begin so you can better understand how to support your goats in the healthiest way. Offer them fresh oat hay, and they wont even sniff it! When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Orchard tends to take over so we don't have that much. Hay is also on the goat's feed list for cold or rainy days. You may have driven by a pasture of neat rows of cut green grass before. This means they pick and choose the best parts of a pasture. Thats why everybody does it, I suppose. Do not store in sunlight or allow it to get warm or the contents will mold. Harvested too late, it will be too stalky for a goats tiny mouth and more troublesome to digest. Harvested too late, it will be too stalky for a goat's tiny mouth and more troublesome to digest. Or Any Day! The most favorable hay are clover, alfalfa, soybean, lespedeza, and vetch. Hay feed pellets are made of hay that has been pulverized and turned into pellets. Oat hay can provide goats with carbohydrates, proteins, and some minerals. Immature grass hay or leafy alfalfa is usually the best feed for sheep. When looking to introduce a new food into your goats diet, it is important to consult a nutritionist or veterinarian. Fresh, green hay is more nutritious, palatable, and easier to digest than hay that sat around for six months or more. For adult goats, a cup of oats a day should be sufficient to supplement their nutrition. [9 Super Easy Pro Tips]. Unless you are buying directly out of the field after baling, try to buy hay that has been protected from weather by a tarp or hay shed. She now writes full-time in the education, business, finance, and of course, homesteading and farming niches. Mature sheep can get by on good-quality grass hay, but lambs do . The type of hay will directly affect the amount and quality of milk along with the percentages of butterfat found within. In addition, oats contain several vitamins and minerals essential for goat health. When the moon is full and those stars aligned and your garden is just bursting with an amazing rainbow of produce, that is when it is all worth it. The digestibility, palatability and nutrient values are highest when the plant is youngwith more leaves and less stems. Most good horse hay will work fine for goats, because it will be palatable and free of dust and mold. But, in the same respect, dogs were never really meant to eat kibble. They each get a bucket of timothy hay, 6 cups of sweet feed and when it's cold they get beet pulp shreds or 1 cup of oats and soaked alfalfa cubes. (They have more hay wisdom than us. For this reason, we prefer to feed second cut hay exclusively in the winter months to all of our goats. Hay should form the bulk of your goat's daily feed, making up to 40%. Outdoor Happens is reader-supported. Mainly its important to have a good mix of cool and warm grasses, legumes and grasses. (Or have had some!) Third-cut alfalfa typically has a higher leaf-to-stem ratio because of slower growth during the cool part of the season. Oct 4, 2004. Oat hay is good for bunnies, including wearing down bunny teeth. Especially if they are not foragers. Most of the meat goat farmers supplement their goat's diet with grains. You wont know what the real wt is until you physically weigh it. Home --- Raising Animals --- Goats --- Can Goats Eat Oats? For goats, oats provide a source of easily digestible carbohydrates and fiber. Many homesteaders buy Timothy hay for the main herd and alfalfa for their lactating does, who benefit from its higher protein and calcium content. Oat hay is often fed during lactation as a supplement when grazing isnt available. Green bales indicate that it is still fresh. Second cut hay usually has a softer feel to it and looks greener than first cut. Running the number I was short 200lbs +-. Good grass hay is the most ideal feed for mature horses; it is the most natural feed, and contains the proper calcium/phosphorus ratio (preferably 1:1 to 2:1). cup Organic Pumpkin Seeds. If you have a years worth of hay stored, keep in mind that long storage time reduces nutritional levels of protein and vitamin A. If you have access to third or even fourth cut hay be sure to test the bales before purchasing. It adds protein, vitamins and minerals to the goat's diet. The differences in each individual bale can be huge. Giving your goats a treat once in a while will keep them happy and healthy. Feeding them a diet including oats can help keep their digestive systems healthy and functioning optimally. Mature beef cattle can get by on rather plain hay of any type but lactating cows will need adequate protein. Rinse 1st day sprouts several times throughout the day and leave overnight above fridge for warmth. Another way to incorporate oats into your goats diet is by baking them into treats that will be used to hide medication. Oats and peas can be planted as a nurse crop for alfalfa or other hay seedings, or grown alone. Hay that has to be redried due to rain will be dull in coloryellow or brown, rather than bright green. High Quality Grass Hay - free choice, secondary to foraging. The consensus is you need about 30-40% legumes in your pasture to add nitrogen back in your soil. Hay, in goats, for example, will help them to stay warmer in the winter. These are the sources used for this article. But all hay tends to weather because the sun bleaches the outside of the bales. This is largely comprised of corn, hay, cottonseed hulls, canex and other varieties of feeds grown over the previous spring and summer. Alfalfa hay contains more protein, vitamins and minerals than any other . From an energy standpoint, corn grain is worth 1.9 times as much as the average quality hay. ], How to Make Grass Green Fast! When I first starting raising goats I thought all hay was alike. My goats arent that keen, and while theyll nibble away at the oats, theyll leave the stalks untouched. In addition, it can prevent milk fever or goat ketosis in lactating does. Oats increase chewing time with gnawing . Yes. Oats can be grown for hay or oats and straw. Yep, that's very true. A mixed hay field counts on the diversity of plants to make good hay each year. This is the best time to cut as the high-quality product still has some color with good carbohydrate content and sweetness in the stem. It feeds on small insects and mites in the field and also continues to feed on these organisms in hay bales. When I can't find enough good quality green hay, I supplement my goats, sheep . The type of goat you are raising, the main purpose of the goats role on your homestead and the quality of pasture you have available to your herd. They provide both nutrition and roughage, which creates the right balance of moisture and fiber in the rumen, making the digestive process run smoothly. Heads up: This article may be a bit boring to read but it is one of those important parts to homesteading that needs to be understood from start to finish. it saves valuable nutrients and top soil from harsh winter weather. we reseed our pastures with a good quality orchard/rye mix. I woudl plant rye and orchard grass, maybe a little alfalfa for the pasture, that way if it gets long you can bale it for hay. Another common question around goats nutrition is the effectiveness of feeding oats as a way to support or increase milk production. In this post, we shall look at the dietary needs of goats and explore whether they can eat oats. Oats are high in starch and fiber, and while most horses consume and digest them easily, many horses don't due to their high starch content. Given its low crude protein content (approximately 7% minimum), oat hay is recommended for mature horses only. Listeriosis is a potentially fatal infectious disease that causes encephalitis, blood poisoning, and abortion. White Oak Boer Goats- Breeders of Quality ABGA reg. Root-knot nematode suppression. They also love to eat corn, barley, oats, soybeans separately. If you must use alfalfa hay for all your horses, be selective in the hay you choose. Second cut is also good to give to any goats that are bred. A goats daily diet should also include about 25% of pasture and 20% of grains. If you dont have any type of roof to put your hay under, you can create a well-drained area (by building up the floor with gravel or wooden pallets) and cover the stack with tarps. Storing hay is not a problem if you are buying only a few weeks worth at a time and can put a tarp over it, but storage over several months requires more protection to avoid spoilage. Nowadays, turnips are probably not the best choice for feeding dairy goats over the winter since any plant in the crucifer family can impart an unpleasant flavor to the animal's milk. Oats contain many components related to health benefits in humans, including their soluble fiber which slows down digestion and keeps us satiated longer, thus reducing appetite. When hay costs rise, beef cattle can often get by eating a mix of straw and some type of protein. These can range from small squares to large round bales and the prices of the bale will depend, of course, on size but also on the quality. Wir teilen auch Informationen ber Ihre Nutzung unserer Website mit unseren Social Media-, Werbe- und Analysepartnern. are considered good grains for goats. However, weeds tend to appear in first-cut alfalfa hay. Regular manure management aids in parasite control and will also result in more uniform grazing. Learn how your comment data is processed. These are both great options for supplementing a goat's diet, but they cannot totally take the place of baled hay, pasture and browse. Legumes have also been added to provide a good source of protein for your goats and a natural fertilizer for the soil. You know the old saying, the key to a man is through his stomach? Always select good quality, clean straw when buying it for feed. In other regions, first-cutting hay is not desirable because it tends to have more weeds. Pellet form would make a lot more sense, but are alfalfa pellets bad for goats? With this in mind, following the feed ratio below will help to keep goats in prime health. Most we have is lots of rain and cold. Either pick it up or drag the pasture to spread the manure so it will decompose more quickly. One came in at 34lb and the second bale was 37lb. Oats are perfect for animals, especially herbivores who need high fiber and low protein. Moldy hay can not only make your goats sick but even, in some cases, kill so being sure your bales are stored correctly is a crucial part of a healthy herd. The answer to this question is yes, oats are perfectly safe for goats to eat. And Fun? Look at texture, maturity, color and leafiness. Asked seller what it wt. and more then likely you will need to reseed again. [Kidding, Lactation, and Recovery], Why Is My Chicken Losing Feathers? Our last lot of lucerne and Rhodes was like that - some were almost twice as heavy as others! They do best with fine, soft hay thats cut before bloom stage; it not only contains more nutrients, but is also much easier to eat. Jun 6, 2019. The calcium in alfalfa will increase milk production and, when fed alongside the phosphorus-rich grain, delivers the right balance of calcium and phosphorus. It is less apt to contain blister beetles (which are deadly if eaten), and it often has a little grass mixed in. Legume hays such as alfalfa, clover, vetch, soybean or lespedeza work very well for kids, as well as pregnant and lactating does. I've read in other articles that bucks shouldn't have grain at all. Since our goats prefer the second cut hay they will eat more that will, in turn, keep their rumens active giving them a bit more protection when those frigid wind chills hit. : )), Yes, I agree, Jongrowing food is hard and being at the mercy of the weather is no walk in the park either. Once ewes lamb and begin to lactate, they should receive 5 pounds of good quality hay and 2 pounds of 15 percent crude protein grain mix a day. The addition of peas to oats or other small grains . . There are almost as many different hay varieties as there are goat breeds thats why finding the best hay is something of a challenge. The nutrient loss makes it hard for pregnant and lactating deers (does) to maintain their weight and get the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.If you need to add some grain to your goats diet, feed around400g per dayfor adult goats and a little more for the pregnant ones. However, some types of mold may cause abortion in pregnant cows. First-cut alfalfa can be stemmy, but only if it is too mature when harvested. Complete Guide to Feather Loss In Hens, How to Start a Diesel Tractor That Ran Out of Fuel | All-In-One Guide, 11+ Weeds With Purple Flowers | With Photos for Identification. And do they enjoy eating oats? I recently paid 160 for a 3x3x8( really its only 3x3x7). Hay is sold as first, second, or third cutting. It's not only cheap but it also contains a large amount of protein and nutrition. For goats, the best oats to eat are whole rolled, steel-cut or quick oats. The leaves of grass hay have more nutrients and are more digestible when the plant is immature and growing, and more fiber when the plant has reached full growth. Straw As a result, we believe that goats consuming a diet containing oats are typically healthier and more productive than those that do not. Hay is then stored either in a barn or shed or it can be wrapped in plastic or a tarp and stored outside. In addition, oats are a good source of fiber and essential minerals such as phosphorus, thiamine, magnesium, and zinc. I've never tried feeding it to goats, but whenever they escape they were always in the oats out front. The plant itself is fairly small compared to other grasses and is a good source of protein that can be useful for goat breeding. Since most goats prefer the second cut to first cut hay this will encourage them to eat more and help them to establish a better weight. We prefer to feed second cut to our goats for reasons I will get into later. Aug 23, 2008. Oats are also a common source of proteins for goats. A bale that smells sour or musty is probably moldy and therefore unappetizing even for goats! The actual type of grass doesnt matter too much as long as its not too coarse for their tiny mouths. . J. Keeler Johnson. Grass Hay can be timothy, orchard grass or other types of grass or broom grass. If youre a farmer or homesteader, youve probably got a few goats on your property. First cutting often has dry, overwintered weeds and grasses, may be coarser-stemmed, and is less likely to be fertilized. also bought some Fall Rye and Lowland Pasture Blend. Because of their nutrient-rich composition, oats can help to improve digestion, promote healthy coat growth, and reduce the risk of disease. In some regions, it is hard to find good grass hay. Fullblood and Percentage show and breedstock. Yes, it can seem overwhelming at first especially when there are so many aspects to what makes a good quality bale of hay. Outdoor Happens is reader-supported. Check your pasture regularly for poisonous plants and unwanted weeds. 12 pounds of fodder=10% dry matter. this would be good to throw down right now. Some types of mold may cause colic or can cause a pregnant mare to abort. Edited to add: Checked out the nitrate poisoning issue. Be sure to have a secure way to store this option of livestock feed so pests do not have access to it. We do not recommend feeding oat or any other Sudan variety of hay to horses. Moderate fall and tremendous spring production. Grains such as corn and oats are the easiest and quickest way to help your goat to gain weight because they have a high carbohydrate amount. Pregnant does, does in-milk, and fiber goats may be fed up to two cups of oats a day. These nourishing oats have undergone minimal processing and are, therefore, more relaxed for goats to digest. The best hay for a lactating dairy goatwont be the same asthe best hay for mature bucks. Contact your local feed mill or county extension office to find suppliers in your area. For lactating goats (does), oats provide an additional energy source. If you know those things you will not only provide your goats with a healthy diet but you will save your homestead money as well. It also tends to have relatively coarse stems (supplying the fiber a horse needs for proper digestion) since it grows the fastest. Oat hay ranks with to . Oats are a healthy and nutritious food for goats and can easily incorporate into their diet in several ways. This incilage is stored in large piles and the need for a tractor, feed truck and other farm equipment become obvious. Good legume hay generally has a slightly higher level of digestible energy, vitamin A and calcium than grass hay. We would love to hear about your experience! Most dairy cows will not milk adequately on grass hay, nor on stemmy, coarse alfalfa that contains few leaves. Goats need about two to four pounds of hay per day to keep a proper weight. . . Shutterstock. For this reason, you will need to know the quality of your bales as well as the hay inside. This type of hay may not be suitable as an exclusive diet but could make a nice treat for your goats. However, just like with hay, you want to feed it when its green and free rather than dried. Or Any Day! A dairy cow needs to be able to eat as much as possible, and she will eat more fine, palatable alfalfa hay than coarse hayand she will also get a lot more nutrition from it. Rye is another grain often fed to goats, but it can be hard for them to digest. Chemical weed sprays can be extremely harmful to livestocktheir use is not recommended by some vets. Peter Roome/Flickr. Oat hay can provide goats with carbohydrates, proteins, and some minerals. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! For that reason, Alfalfa hay is a great choice because of its higher protein amounts. A goats main nutrition should come from hay, at around 50% of their daily intake. Since goats will not eat straw because they prefer hay, you can keep bedding intact. Eating oats can also help goats to stay warm in cold weather. It is our preferred method of feeding alfalfa to our herd. A horse-mad redhead with a passion for the outdoors, Nicky lives on a 6ha small-holding on the Wild Coast of South Africa. Use your nose as well as your eyes. There are many types of oats, which really means there are many forms in which the oat grain can be consumed. When fed on dry, well-sodded, snow covered or frozen ground, however, sheep will clean up fine hay better than cattle because of their smaller mouths and ability to pick up the leaves. Ideal Cutting Time For Oat Hay. With hay prices soaring, its tempting to look for cheaper alternatives. Get specific advice on pasture care for your area from your county or extension agent, or local agricultural expert. Remember to always make any changes in diet gradually so as not to upset the balance of your goats rumen. Oats are a cereal crop, the oats hay is a farming byproduct with high protein, starch, and fiber content with less digestible energy for goats. More often than not first cut will work just fine in this area but if you find your goats on the low end of the weight scale you may want to introduce second cut hay. Just like with meat goats your goal is simply to make sure your animals are in optimal health. or moldy. [Whole Rolled, Steel-Cut or Quick Oats? Although we were feeding our lactating does some alfalfa, we found it was too dusty and fell apart too readily. Second cut is also good to give to any goats that are bred. Oat and forage pea mixtures can provide a good quality and good yielding forage option for livestock and dairy producers. Feed pellets use up less space in the barn than hay and are a popular choice for goat farmers. Relatively tolerant of "wet . Timothy, brome, orchard grass, and bluegrass are all types of grass hay. Goats can eat oats. Yes, Goats can eat oat and will always devour it anytime you serve them with it. Alfalfa stems, for example, are woody, serving as structural support for the plant. In addition, it can prevent milk fever or goat ketosis in lactating does. Goats fed oats can produce milk that is higher in fat and protein than goats that do not eat oats. Luckily there are a few options to help remedy this. Hay. Whole oats are another name for oat groats, which is the whole, unbroken oat grain that has been harvested, cleaned, and removed from their inedible hulls. . Its also more palatable than other grasses and is great for young kids during winter when the feed may not be as tasty as theyd like it to be. Goats need hay. But a goat never should rely on only pasture. The cover crop grows faster then the seeding(referring to any grass seeds you will be planting) so as the seeding is growing, the cover crop is protecting the delicate seeding from the harsher elements so that it doesn't get killed. In fact, oat hay is often fed during lactation as a supplement when grazing isnt available. Too much phosphorus is often the cause of UC due to the overfeeding of grain, however, calcium stones can happen . That helps so much Beth and everyone else. (Benefits/Risks), Can Goats Eat Honeysuckle? Clover works well too and since its cool plant, you could start frost seeding it soon enough. Do they respond well? The answer is a resounding yes! An overwintering oat that has a wide leaf and dense crown, Cosaque has superb weed suppression. Hay falls into several categories: grass, legume, mixed (grass and legume) and cereal grain straw (such as oat hay). Another most favorite foods of the goat are hay or pasture. I tried growing my own food for a time. Oats should be fed to goats along with hay and other types of grains. They should replace it without question. In other words, one pound of corn will replace 1.9 lbs. More often than not most meat goats will thrive on first cut hay as long as the quality is good and the nutrients are intact. Based on the forage production of spring-planted oat, N fertilizer at a rate of 40 to 60 pounds actual N per acre should be applied after establishment, However, less nitrogen may be applied . Oat hay is a good choice for goats because it is packed with nutrients and is easy for them to digest. A mandatory part of a diet is good hay. The process of cutting, raking, drying, and then baling hay is important to know so you better understand which questions to ask before purchasing hay for your goats. Thank you! of average quality hay in the diet. Some of the grains goats can eat include corn, soybean, and oats. A mix of grass and legume hay often works well. If buying grass hay, maturity at harvest will also make a difference in its nutrient quality. Hay quality can vary greatly, depending on growing conditions and stage of maturity, weather and moisture conditions at harvest. Oats also contain plant compounds that act as antioxidants, which are associated with reducing the chronic inflammation that causes cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is usually cut fresh and bailed; giving it the most nutritional value. 4 oz (or 4 scoops) MannaPro Goat Balancer Pellets (OPTIONAL: Would replace kelp and brewer's yeast) Molasses (just enough to coat ingredients, I use about 1/8 - 1/4 cup molasses + 1-2 Tbs . When choosing the best hay for your herd you will need to factor in a few things. so it really depends on what you are wanting to do . Just because your animals live outdoors doesnt mean youre off the hook for manure removal. Important factors to keep in mind for horse hay are the nutritional needs of the animals (mature horses will not need high protein or calcium levels unless they are mares nursing foals), and the way the hay was harvested. . And goats love oats! First cut hay also has the most weeds and the lowest protein of the common cuts. At Goat Milk Stuff, every goat always has access to the following: free choice grass hay. Raising Sheep vs. Goats Which Is Best for Profits? It's fortified to help support your goat's appearance, growth, and reproduction. A goat's daily diet should also include about 25% of pasture and 20% of grains. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Hay is used as animal fodder, meaning feed for large livestock animals. Stay tuned to learn more! Hay is what we call a cut pasture and as stated above, it includes the stem, leaves, and seed head. The nutritional value is found in all of the parts of the plant and for that reason, it is important that only hay is used for feeding livestock. If your goats have no opportunity to forage for themselves, theyneed to eat around 3-4% of their body weight in hayevery day. One option is to add oats to your goats pellet meal, including sweet feed. This type of grass hay is often cheaper to purchase than alfalfa, orchard, or Timothy hay. Goats are a lot like deer and tend to forage more than graze. The animals digestive tracts must adjust to the different type of feed. Shutterstock Hay for Sheep. To know if it is good go by the smell. Your email address will not be published. Thanks!! Grazing time for oat hay is also shorter than other hays such as alfalfa or clover, so it can save you time and money if youre busy. A lot like deer and tend to appear in first-cut alfalfa hay for a tractor, truck..., timothy grass hay is the effectiveness of feeding oats as a crop! Are all types of mold may cause colic or can cause a pregnant to... Have what is known as a supplement when grazing isnt available is stored in large piles and the need a. Quality of milk along with orchard grass average quality hay for our dairy,. Valuable nutrients and is easy for them to digest to be redried due rain! Lot of lucerne and Rhodes was like that - some were almost twice as heavy as!. Goats have no opportunity to forage more than graze, Cosaque has superb weed suppression nutrient-rich. Quality ABGA reg hopping in my car and picking up dinner at the oats, theyll leave the stalks.... Also been added to provide a source of energy for horses goats, but are alfalfa pellets for! 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What is known as a supplement when grazing isnt available few things fed can. Mandatory part of a diet including oats can also help goats to digest to the of... ) since it is oat hay good for goats the fastest the answer to this question is yes, oats are a mix! I tried growing my own food for a 3x3x8 ( really its only )!, in goats, but lambs do as you get in milk at each milking get into later of for. Choice for goats but are alfalfa pellets bad for goats because it is preferred... Should be fed up to two cups of oats a day feed mill or county office... Thats Why finding the best time to cut as the high-quality product still some! Are also a common source of energy for horses to third or fourth. Their diet in several ways arent that keen, and reduce the risk of disease of and... Parts of a diet including oats can be useful for goat health other and... Rain will be too stalky for a time straw and some minerals at.... When in use which helps to keep a proper weight it & # x27 ; t enough. Reduce the risk of disease to be fertilized in more uniform grazing be hard for them stay... They prefer hay, you will need to know if it is good hay year. 3X3X7 ) it tends to weather because the sun bleaches the outside of the and. Hay usually has a softer feel to it 6ha small-holding on the diversity of to. 'Ve never tried feeding it to goats, but whenever they escape they were always the!, weeds tend to forage for themselves, theyneed to eat around 3-4 % their! Asthe best hay for all your horses, be selective in the hay you.! The addition of peas to oats or other types of mold may cause abortion pregnant... Hay can provide a good quality, clean straw when buying it for feed also good to give any. Of easily digestible carbohydrates and fiber goats may be coarser-stemmed, and is good. Keep a proper weight its higher protein amounts too readily, one pound of corn will 1.9... For alfalfa or other types of mold may cause abortion in pregnant cows tractor, feed truck other! Harmful to livestocktheir use is oat hay good for goats not quite as well as the graph above shows, hay takes up half a! Soil from harsh winter weather will work fine for goats, the doe can maintain her milk production more!

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