You spend $50 up-front to save $150/yr. I have ordered products from them before, and I absolutely love those people. Either way seems like a bad idea. Read your own comments. UGC Disclosure: These responses are not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. If they dont, then think something would be amiss. Up your way, their prices are a little higher because they are more seasonal and have a much smaller window to bring in revenue. Those were also deleted. There are lots of pest control people like Cade out there. Debra Eller: Those bath traps, or any hole through the slab, are vital areas that MUST be treated. Sentricon can not be purchased on line. Found live termites feeding in a couple beams and studs while gutting my basement for a remodel last spring. Termidor is now labeled for exterior only. It also increases termites natural social behavior. Both products work great. How could you attempt to be a Sentricon Dealer when it is Dow who selects you? One firms annual charge would be 10% of the original injection cost (around $190) and the other didnt specifiy because, originally, we had only gotten a quote for spot treatment and not treatment of the entire foundation. It is tightly controlled and is only available to Authorized Operators who go thru extensive training. I have been using a Sentricon system for many years. This system uses Shatter termite bait. Liquid will always be better than bait. A chemical barrier is injected in to top portion of the soil surrounding a structure, but termites are usually foraging way below this layer of soil especially in the winter. Termidor costs about $50 more than Sentricon up front, but the annual contract, which covers monitoring, periodic reapplication (if necessary) and repair of any termite damage is about $150 less for Termidor as compared to Sentricon. Termites feed on the bait and take it underground to all the other termites in the colony until the colony is wiped out. That is why I have been duped into paying for both Sentricon AND Termidor, as well as quarterly inspections for the next five years. Sentricon system is no longer offered by Terminix who inspected our home last week. The Sentricon customers that had live termite damage was on 4 of the call backs and the repairs were made much to our customers surprise. called in the pest control operator who did perimeter treatment using Termidor and spot treatment behind the fridge. Never wears off. It is basically like the old Sentricon method that required more trips to check, etc. I meet with a representative tomorrow. . In four years I have spent a total of $1,750 on this Sentricon crap. The last check revealed one of the bait stations had been hit. I am leaning toward the Phantom/Advance trap combination and would appreciate any input on this solution. Actually Bart I charges less for my bi-monthly plan than most do for their quarterly, tri-annual or annual checks . BTW, orkin is suppose to use termidor treatment. Fipronyl, the active ingredient, kill s termites and also has a transfer effect that is passed from worker termites to the colony. I think Sentricon is are only solution. Rick, very good questionif there is enough moisture to allow the termites to live in the attic, then the colony will not need to return to the soil. So, over 5 years, you would pay $1,480 with Termidor ($1,000 + 4 X $120) or $1,940 for Sentricon ($800 + 4 X $285). I purchased Termador and am wondering: Can I just treat the gravel areas and still kill the termites with Thermador? But I hate to see any of these products misconstrued by bad information. If it didnt, we wouldnt risk our reputations or the cost of callbacks using it. We had our house treated with Termidor last year. Thats why I prefer a liquid or a liquid PLUS bait. after first year. For us it is a last resort after sand barriers, bait stations and screens are used. I had 2 almost identical posts which were in no way personal, but which were deleted. You might give the smaller company whose name you didnt recognize a call for a free inspection and free estimate and see what they say. They just switched me to bait in every station now and I can only think it will work even better. Advance has the potential to favor the pest company, instead of the consumer because with Sentricon, everything (stations, bait, support, etc) is included with the fee. It also increases termites natural social behavior. You should stop replying to my messages before you make yourself look any more stupid than you alredy have. $280/yr for just retreatment coverage and $340 for damage repair. Have them identified to make sure they are termites. Im thinking about doing this to my house. One company, Presto-X, has recommended Sentricon. In a few hours, the formula works to paralyze the mouths of termites so that they stop feeding. I have an annual termite inspection by Terminix. Should I be? I wouldnt be afraid to use it though. Both BASFs Termidor (Fipronil) and Bayers Premise (Imidacloprid) are decent termiticides and provide equal protection in the soil. You have be selected, go thru training and be in good standing to use Sentricon. What I found was that he and the University of Florida have made MILLIONS on the royalties from the Sentricon system, due to the good doctors involvement in the development of same. I just bought a home in Massachusetts that needs to be treated for termites. Alternatively, liquid jobs (ie Termidor) costs more for the initial application and less for the annual inspection, but the cost difference is insignificant. The termites then then die due to lack of activity and inability to eat. What a joke. Both work great initially but what makes Termidor better is it doesnt re-emulsify and Premise does . In fact, most of these sprayers deliver less pressure than a standard water hose! WebTermidor carries a CAUTION on the pesticide label in USA and is highly active against a variety of non-target animals such as bees and fish. It is a good product and Ive done over 3,000 jobs with it, but dont downgrade Sentricon. Our home is only 9yrs old and I want the best protection. Sentricon and Termidor are both about 99% effective. They will not all feast on the bait station, as some will tunnel right past it. Regarding safety of Altriset EPA does not require any warning or caution labeling, which is quite rare. Tyler, not all Orkin and Terminix techs are bad. Advance bait is about $15 for EVERY bait tube (about $300 per job) and Sentricon runs a little over $300 to Dow Agrosciences for the initial material to install Sentricon, then $50 on up to Dow for the annual upkeep. The products that we sell are safe when used as directed, but be a little safety conscious. Most pest control products will have a signal word that says: DANGER/POISON, WARNING or CAUTION. Finally, in the past 5 years I have not personally seen nor issued any retreatments on a home where Sentricon HD was installed properly. So, to answer your question Amanda, it all depends on where they have infested your home. So, if a house turns out to have a lot of termites, and that is hard to tell ahead of time, the pest company is reluctant to keep putting in additional bait, because he could lose money. Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. Experience shows that a bait station not checked monthly can grow fungus and mold, which repels termites. Best bang for your Buck? If a company wants to charge for a yearly inspection with no initial treatment, run away from them as fast as you can Terminix is now selling a program called T.I.P. The annual renewal is usually a litle higher for Sentricon because you are making 4 service trips instead of one, so there is more service involved. All Animal Care , Shop All WebTermidor is an advanced undetectable liquid technology. I have a few Advance customers, but I would NEVER recommend it over Sentricon. I have listened to the pros and cons of both termidor and sentricon. It is also the cheaper alternative of the two, so if price is an issue we definitely promote this product. This has been very informative. You can try to change them all you want, but your pettiness and skewed numbers are very easy to see through. A few years ago Termidor HE, high efficiency, came out on the market. The termite trap was less than 2 feet from the damage. I live in New York and had my house treated about 5 years ago with chemicals and bait. I sweeped them up only to notice that there were more coming out of my vents gross!. From what I have been reading, very few entomologists have faith in termite baiting systems. Lots of damage in the crawlspace. As a pest professional with years of experience with several companies, I need to make clear that NOTHING, no chemicals or baiting stations, is going to be 100% effective 100% of the time. And as far as having hundreds of gallons of pesticide dumped around your home with a liquid treatment, not true. What I dont understand is all these companies only doing a 1 year guarantee I do a 5 year. Drilling will almost always leak. It is water soluble, and less enduring in wet soils. Homeowners have been relying on Termidor for over a decade as an effective treatment for drywood and subterranean termites. I live in central MD and saw a small swarm last spring (maybe 100 outside front door brick stoop, 30 inside) and again just the other day (25 to 50 outside in mulch next to front door, 20 inside). Termites forage randomly and continuously until one of the worker members of the colony find the underground wood. We do more Termidor jobs than Sentricon jobs every year. 1.1 g/cm3 ( 20 C) Vapour density: not applicable Partitioning coefficient n-octanol/water (log Pow): not applicable People who push Sentricon are only selling a homeowner a warranty. Termidor, on the other hand, is a chemical termiticide that provides a soil barrier surrounding your house. And do these estimates sound typical for 2012. If the stuff hangs around for 15 years, then it will eventually make its way to the surface. The world is getting greener all the time and Sentricon is a product that works great and does not involve injecting a hundred gallons of pesticide into the environment. Stop looking so much at the price. I thought about going with a bait system, but there seems to be controversy over it, whereas there really doesnt seem to be too much controversy with the Termidor. KA, one of the doityourself sites has videos on how to install and maintain bait stations. Termidor SC cannot be used on pets for any reason. If termites ARE attracted to wood, why would you want to attract them within 3 feet of your home with a bait station? Do we need to do anything in addition to the Termidor? Scott- We have been having fantastic results with the new always active Sentricon formulation. The stations are baited with a low-impact bait that eliminates all the termite colonies within 100 feet or so of a structure. Some of these posts were actually taken out by the web host because of the personal attacks on me. It is higher than any prices mentioned above. or is this a case where I need to pray to the termite poison god that Sentricon gets this done? Anthony & Jim: I had to go through and cleanse the comments due to personal attacks, etc. And every member is in good standing for recommendation as long as the dues are paid. Sorry probably over-analyzing the situation but, the arguments for each type of treatment (liquid injection and bait stations) have their strong points and their flaws from what Ive been reading. Other than finding a local company that has begun to use it? Since I treated my home with Chlordane in 1985, it probably will never need another treatment. The best termite control strategy considers all available tools and integrates them to provide the customer the best possible termite protection. As far as a one or even a five year guarantee, both of those are a little short. Anyway, I have a new company working on it. ", See More Okay Jim Ive got it that sounds like a good system you have in place. Imidacloprid by far, which by the way is the same chemical in Bayer Advantage for dogs. Every independent study done will back that up Really, Jim. These termites then experience more grooming and interacting thereby spreading Altriset to other termites. I think it is more important to go with a company that has a good reputation and you feel comfortable with. In fact it is protecting the White House right now and that is in a Northern climate. But, like you said Jay, they find cellulose by forging. That means they could completely miss a bait station and get inside your home! I would recommend Termidor. )because the fee has already been paid. Cheaper companies are not always better, so read your contract before signing. Hexaflumuron is the active ingredient in the original generation of Sentricon. Termidor has been banned in the European Union, France, Japan and other countries due to toxicity concerns. Someone asked earlier how the termites would forage out to the stations from under the basement floor. Termidor wins hands down,i have been a sentricon tech for 11 years,and we are constantly going back to treat because the termites still get in the house,we NEVER have call backs with termidor.just hammer some wood in thr ground and check it yourself,what they are selling you is 2 pieces of wood and a piece of plastic,also alot of the techs that service the sentricon have no training in pest control,i am pretty sure you do not have to have a license to service this. His spot treatment for the basement would be contained to the area where the posts were removed. On Sunday I noticed what appeared to be little black mosquitos lying dead in my bathroom floor and one of my hallways. The development of Termidor HE has produced a new patent for the Advanced Polymer Technology (APT). You can purchase bait stations on line to install and monitor yourself. No one has mention anything about the content of the contract . Orkin would do only a Sentricon system, with an above ground bait box inside where they entered, due to our well being within 5 feet of our home. However, if they are using the prior generation of Sentricon, they will need to return within 3 months to check and add bait to the infested station. Termidor is labeled for indoor use if youre drilling an interior expansion joint or foaming a termite infested wall. At $1800.00 I would assume your home to be approximately 150 linear feet . The ratio of damage claims vs the number of sentricon customers is extremely low. Anthony: The only other explanation that I can think of is that they contained an excessive number of links and got moderated. I have had to replace trim around my garage door 3 times and now they have eaten a basement window frame. * Free Shipping is available to the continental United States only. Their former president (Ward Combs) is a past president of the NPMA. I dont mind walking around my house every two months to check the canisters. I have seen many jobs that take 30 40 bait tubes. The answer is you. Or would Sentricon be a better solution? Jim- Youre the only one on here selling something Termidor. Annual or semi-annual inspection over the house and treat only after spotting any active termites is the right way do you agree? Web20 (2002.03.03) Age 22 (2000.08.08) Italy Birthplace Canada 6'1" (185 cm) Height Retail Store and Distribution Center Signal Words - What Are They Trying to Tell Me? I have had a complete Termidor treatment, and they have done an interior dusting twice, including drilling in under my tub deck in the master and shooting the dust there. Would appreciate opinions about how necessary you feel the drain trap treatment is. If your home was treated with Termidor 5 years ago it should be fine for about 10 more years at least. I particularly appreciated the comments by Jim and Jay. Im going to keep reading, then go either with quite a bit of Altriset in the ground plus traps or TermidorDry spot application to tunnels on the house foundation, not in the ground, plus traps. So we are deciding between a Sentricon bait type system or a Terminix/Termidor liquid type system. is a legit site, and their customer service is incredible. Annual monitoring thereafter should run about $259 $320 per year.. When I worked at Terminix we used Sentricon for years until Dow fired Terminix. Im starting to think this site is biased. 1) Is the basement safe to use as a childrens play space with that much Termidor in the ground and walls around it? I have used all Termite and Pest Control products in 54 years, including hydrocarbon and organophosphate products that have been removed from the market by the EPA due to environmental pollution reasons. Termidor is a good product. The whole point of a non-repellant is to transfer the poison without the termites realizing what is going on which leads me to believe that he is lying. BASF who makes Termidor backs it for 5 years so its no sweat off the companies back.. Sentricon works in all climates. Its just that some people dont want 100 200 gallons of liquid pesticide applied around their homes. We just bought a home with extensive termite damage that wasnt found until after closing, despite TWO termite inspections by different companies. Notice also the Sentricon system is not tested by the USDA Forest Service. Right now I am really frustrated and looking through numerous websites. Although I was recently called by someone with active termites who had been using another local small company like me for years . That keeps the increased breeding that often happens when many termites are killed from happening. This patent ensures that BASF has single right to a niche of the market, and if the product generates good sales it will also bring revenue. Id rather use both types of bait alternating in 10 feet intervals and monitor weekly. From what I have read on this site, it appears that Sentricon is more environmentally friendly than Termidor. Not quarterly or tri-annually, you are wasting your money with any span more than bi-monthly!Stay away from the big rip-offs like Terminix and Orkin.. Company B says that .06 is not sufficient for our soil, which has a lot of clay. 3 inspections by small companies and she doesnt want to spend $1,500+. The Orkin man told me that they were the highest in the business. Center, 2004-2023 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Shop All I would go with either Sentricon or Termidor. Especially since you have an active infestation. I just looked back wondering where I bad-mouthed any company, and found none. But if termites are found within the 5ft barrier then they will treat using termindor, and they have a guarantee that they will repair any damages caused from the termites. The active ingredient is chlorantraniliprole. Termidor is very effective against termites as well as other pests such as ants and bugs. Its possible that Anthonys comments got inadvertently caught up in that purge. Stock up and save on industry-leading termite liquids and baits along with powerful products from the Alpine, Fendona and Selontra brand families. We recommend Termidor SC for a termite treatment due to how long it lasts in the soil. Sentricon is definitely greener. During their respective inspections, no live termites were found in our home by either pest control company. There are signs that there was an infestation sometime in the past. This new technology has proven to move 2.5 times further in the soil than the industry standard. Company A that recommends the Teridor treatment stated that they could use both the Sentricon and the Teridor together but the cost would be twice as much but doesnt feel that the Sentricon treatment is necessary. The effectiveness is about the same about 99% effective. It is safe for pets, plants and humans. Research shows, applying Termidor SE pre-construction and post-construction prevent pests. Any comments? Sentricon; con being the key word. Company B claims they still use termidor for the control of other insects but stopped using it for termite control in favor of the sentricon system because it is safer for the homeowner. With a liquid, or a liquid plus bait, you can rest assured that termites will be eliminated from your home. Again, every house is different, but you can get more than 5 years out of Termidor in most cases. There are many options when it comes to controlling the termite infestation. That is enough to soak down to the footer of the house. 5 Tips for Finding a Pest Management Professional, We all have a part in product stewardship, Having choices is key in the fight against weeds, About BASF Agricultural Solutions North America, Sustainable For Generations - Zacharias Family, Center for Sustainable Agriculture Visitor Form, Automatic Boom Height Systems for Ensured Consistency, How Precision Application can lead to better weed control, Protect your yields and get better weed control through proper cleanout, How new boom priming technology can save you money and benefit your overall weed control, Direct Injection Offers Time Savings and Flexibility, Avoid downtime during spraying season with a good sprayer inspection, Post-harvest A Time to Reflect and Plan, Develop Your Herbicide Management Plan for Next Year Now, Invest now for a weed-free future: Best practices for cleaning your combine after harvest, Stepped Up Strategies for a Weed-Free Future, Season-Long Weed Control Calls for Timely Application. They allow less poison to be injected into the ground, and offer customers a ray of hope when dealing with these unpleasant, invasive pests. That is just plain silly. That would be good to share. We find it is useful in many situations and perfect for the do it yourselfer. If it doesnt attract them, then Ill reconsider chemical barrier treatment. My pest control company is supposed to go this weekend. My company does both methods. I dont know who to believe. Thanks, M. I live in Pa. My question is if we are not finding fresh damage or signs of live termites anywhere, are we kidding ourselves to think that perhaps the termites have simply left the area and found a different place to feed or should we assume that since we had them at one time, we will have them again if we dont do something about it now? Nicholas W Constantino , Sorry to hear that, you should not be seeing a swarm,,Was the swarm in your home? My question is is there a way I can tell how much damage is done without tearing down the house? Currently, it is Dupont for Altiset. We called around a few pest companies the next day and were told that we had disturbed them too much. As soon as the termites come in contact with the formula, they stop feeding on wood and die in some time. Scott- Our company is more in line with Cincinnatti. I have been in the pest business for over 26 years , I have used most every bait and liquid over the years . Its the next level of control. Not all homes need to be fumigated for drywood termites. For localized treatment of Drywood termites Buena Vista Company- The Pest Guys chooses Termidor. Tom, good description >.The 2 major companys you keep talking about, they are like dirty used car salesmans. When I checked out the NPMA, I found only Orkin and one other company whos name I didnt recognize for SD. The only difference between them is the toxicity. A lot of people go with Sentricon, plus a spot application of Termidor where the active infestation is. That is not undertraining. I have not removed paneling there but am sure theyre munching away on the paneling supports as well. You can dish it out, but you cant take it, my friend. That means termites cannot see, smell, taste, or avoid it. We saw some signs of termites, but they came back and spot treated, twice. In good standing to use it five year guarantee I do a 5 year kill... I worked at Terminix we used Sentricon for years until Dow fired Terminix from them before, and found.... Vital areas that MUST be treated now they have infested your home baiting systems is protecting the house! Station, as some will tunnel right past it explanation that I can only think it is basically the. Is different, but they came back and spot treated, twice Sentricon and Termidor both! Slab, are vital areas that MUST be treated for termites my hallways different companies scott- company. 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