army spo transportation officer duty description

Staff members follow a systematic approach, weighing each new item of information in relation to other available information. Operating the NBC warning and reporting system. Personnel Support. Determining workload requirements and assessing status of their organizations. Specific responsibilities of the G-1/AG (S-1) include manning, personnel services, personnel support, and headquarters management. Coordinating special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation support requirements with other staff sections. Safety officer responsibilities include-, D-116. D-120. D-79. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. Developing the logistic plan to support operations (with the G-3 [S-3]). Staff Planning and Supervision. The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments (individual sentences that can be combined to form a narrative) and bullets. The G-5 (S-5) advises the commander on the military's effect on civilians in the AO, relative to the complex relationship of these people with the terrain and institutions over time. Electronic frequencies and secure key lists. Coordinating and supervising movement, internal arrangement, and space allocation. Supporting the conduct of collection operations: Providing intelligence updates, other products, and additional support to ISR integration, the concept of operations, and mission accomplishment. Serves as a Support Operations (SPO) Plans Officer for a Brigade Support Battalion (BSB); overall responsibilities include but are not limited to executing current and future operations, conducting mission analysis, planning, and overall mission support to the 56th Infantry Brigade Combat Team; maintains a deep working knowledge of the Support The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. Transportation. Coordinating with the higher headquarters EWO to deconflict IO on the communications spectrum. Advising the commander on using all engineer assets. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The staff member is responsible for planning and supervising this training. Advising the commander on collection capabilities and limitations. Managing information required for conducting MD operations. During operations, the COS must anticipate events and share a near-identical visualization of operations, events, and requirements. D-102. D-18. Helping the G-1/AG (S-1) coordinate for local labor resources. Evaluating effectiveness of force-protection measures (with the G-7 [S-7], ENCOORD, and the CHEMO). MAJ B, Can you send me the checklist you use? Coordinating, planning, and directing all command IA activities. Collect, process, disseminate, display, and store RI from their individual fields of interest for others' use. The G-6 (S-6) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-7, Information Operations. The G-6 (S-6) is responsible for IM, in coordination with the battle staff. A CSM is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Establishing priorities for dental care and treatment. Integrating and managing the ISR effort through an integrated staff process and procedure. Receiving and accommodating visitors and augmentees. We provide over 207 of spo transportation officer duty description for you to chase your dream in assisting peo View more Support operations officer army Staffs use this RI to maintain running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders. The SJA is the commander's personal legal adviser on all matters affecting the morale, good order, and discipline of the command. Working closely with the G-5 and other agencies to integrate and unify efforts to communicate the Army's perspective and to support the mission's tactical and operational objectives. Advising the commander on possible hazards and effects of low-level hazards, such as, low-level radiation and toxic industrial material (with the surgeon). The MDO is a functional area 30 officer responsible for coordinating MD assets and operations. Maintenance personnel (normally an officer, Supply, Fuels, & Transportation Personnel (normally one or two officers and three senior NCOs), Plus, another two to three junior enlisted (E4s and E5s). Commanders and staffs are continually alert for opportunities to streamline cumbersome or time-consuming procedures. Supervising the development, training resource synchronization, evaluation, revision, defense, and execution of the command budget estimate and the program objective memorandum (POM). This is often easier said than done. EOD officer responsibilities include-, (AR 75-15 discusses the responsibilities and duties of the EOD officer. It then becomes a tool to be used and not just a bullet on your OER. These are lessons I had to learn on my own, with the help of some honest and dependable people in my SPO shop. Recommending to the commander and G-3 (S-3) adjustments to the ISR plan to facilitate ISR integration. Transportation officer responsibilities include-. Deploying civilian labor (with the civilian personnel officer). Combat health support of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. When line units in the brigade need logistical support from the Brigade Support Battalion, their requests are sent to the Support Operations Officer (SPO). Everyone in the office was busy doing their job. The brigade medical supply officer resides in the BSMC but is aligned with the SPO section and acts as the class VIII commodity manager, filling requirements generated by the SPO medical logistics . I have also learned that some Forward Support Companies have a Support Operations Officer, normally a 1LT. Facilitating staff presentation of RI according to quality criteria of accuracy, timeliness, usability, completeness, precision, and reliability. Army Transportation Officer, 07/2011 - Current Amerigas Propane, Inc. - Mount Pleasant, SC I Command, plan, procure, direct, control, coordinate, or manage transportation organizations and related equipment, as well as organizations engaged in transportation-related services. Preparing recommendations includes coordinating with staff members whose fields of interest the recommendation might affect. Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback. Id like to chime in to my article and tell you that my first job in the Active Duty Army was working in a Support Operations Office (for a month or two). Action officers coordinate proposed COAs with staff sections the COA would affect. The ACOS, G-5 (S-5) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning civil-military operations (CMO). Supervise personnel within the Support Operations Office. Identifying funding sources for operations; acquiring, reprogramming, controlling, and distributing funding authority to subordinate RMs and ordering officers. Providing for the general officer's personal well-being and security, and relieving the general officer of routine and time-consuming duties. It then discusses specific responsibilities of chiefs of staff and of coordinating, special, and personal staff officers. I agree with you, Justin. Coordinating for all logistic requirements relative to EPW and civilian internees, US military prisoners, and dislocated civilians (with the G-4). pcso board of directors 2020. the shining explained bear suit; waldemar januszczak weight loss; honeywell thermostat settings menu; best time to see puffins at bullers of buchan This section outlines the responsibilities and duties of the chief of staff (executive officer) and individual staff officers. D-75. A SOCOORD is normally authorized only on corps staffs. Coordinating with the IG and PM on unsafe trends identified during inspections. This appendix describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by staff officers assigned to the headquarters of Army organizations in the field, from battalion through corps. Providing religious support to the command/community, including confined or hospitalized personnel, EPWs, civilian detainees, and refugees. Thanks for sharing your insights about the Support Operations Officer, Israel. D-56. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. (See FM 7-0 and FM 25-101.). Military Deception Officer. The RI officer operates in close coordination with each section. Failure to maintain running estimates may lead to errors or omissions that result in flawed plans or bad decisions. Targeting. Planning and coordinating linkups between conventional forces and Army SOF. Managing and controlling information network capabilities and services. Planning and supervising the command public affairs program. D-99. Developing and continuously updating a list of intelligence gaps. Synchronizing tactical operations with all staff sections. Conducting inspections, surveys, and assessments, as the commander requires, and monitoring corrective actions. Intelligence Readiness. Ensuring subordinate and supporting units accomplish assigned tasks. AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. The G-3 (S-3) has staff planning and supervisory responsibility for the following areas: D-62. Coordinating, preparing, and maintaining the EW target list, electronic attack (EA) taskings, EA requests, and the EW portion of the sensor/attack matrix. D-101. Planning and coordinating environmental protection, critical areas, and protection levels. Maintaining a personnel information database. Coordinating with the PM to control civilian traffic in the AO. Providing medical treatment support on an area basis. Advising the commander so that all collection, production, and dissemination adhere to special security, legal, and regulatory restrictions. In corps, divisions, and selected brigades, the G-7 (S-7) and other coordinating staff officers assist the COS with information operations (IO) responsibilities. Analyzing personnel strength data to determine current capabilities and project future requirements. The IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer manage available networked means to collect, process, display, store, and disseminate RI needed to maintain and disseminate the COP. The PM is responsible for planning, coordinating, and employing all organic, assigned, or attached military police assets. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. Meeting and hosting the general officer's visitors at the headquarters or the general officer's quarters. Coordinating with the PAO and G-5 to ensure disseminated messages are consistent. Monitoring the supply status of and expediting requests for special EOD tools, equipment, and demolition materials. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). Providing moral and spiritual leadership to the command/community. Integrating air support sorties with the Army concept of operations. C4 Operations (General). Assessing adversary vulnerabilities, friendly capabilities, and friendly missions in EW terms. The SOCOORD's responsibilities include-, D-117. Assisting soldiers, Army civilians, family members, retirees, and other members of the force who seek help with Army-related problems. Avoid conflict and duplication by adjusting plans or policies before implementation. Planning and ensuring that deployed nonmilitary INFOSYS are open and nonproprietary, with commonly accepted standards and protocols that interoperate with military INFOSYS. Staffs require the minimum number of reports from subordinates consistent with the commander's need for information. Transportation Officers are experts in the systems, vehicles and procedures in moving troops and supplies in the Army. Administration of discipline, law, and order (with the provost marshal [PM]), including absence without leave (AWOL), desertion, court-martial offenses, punishments, and straggler disposition. Organizing and conducting internal schools, and obtaining and allocating quotas for external schools. Satisfying requirements through intelligence reach. Army National Guard Entry Level As a Petroleum Supply Specialist, you'll supply the Army with the fuel it needs to maintain a state of readiness at all times. D-127. Processing requests for naval air or gunfire. D-61. Staff members determine the amount and type of training needed, and any evaluation requirements. Staff members avoid interfering with the subordinate commander's responsibilities. Corps and divisions are normally authorized an RM or comptroller. Helping the commander develop the unit METL and supporting individual tasks for each mission essential task. Performing situation development, to include updating the enemy/threat, terrain and weather, and civil considerations portions of the COP. Provide directives to the Shop Officer concerning maintenance priorities. Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) officer. ENCOORD responsibilities include-, D-108. Manning. Publishing the OPSEC appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources support (military and civilian). These include gathering information for the commander, observing the execution of orders, and providing advice and assistance in their fields of interest. 12A Battalion Plans Officer Advising the Army commander on Air Force weather capabilities, limitations, and the ways in which weather can enhance operations. The G-5 (S-5) performs staff planning for and exercises staff supervision over-, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 (S-6), Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Operations. Coordinating transportation assets for other Services. Coordinating with the G-4 (S-4) on logistics as it relates to chemical defense equipment and supplies, maintaining chemical equipment, and transporting chemical assets. The AMDCOORD coordinates the planning and use of all joint air and missile defense systems, assets, and operations, including Army air defense artillery (ADA), JFACC defensive counterair, and Navy/Marine surface-to-air missile systems. The CSM is a member of the commander's personal staff by virtue of being the command's senior noncommissioned officer (NCO). Developing plans and standby directives for procuring, using, and administering the civilian labor force and using local labor in foreign areas during emergencies (with other staff members). Planning and supervising Army aviation operations. I really appreciate it. They seek to identify problems affecting their fields of interest or the entire command. Recommending C4OPS network priorities for battle command. The surgeon is responsible for coordinating health assets and operations within the command, and may be a medical unit commander. The 3 then sends it to A Co. as a mission, who returns a convoy manifest that includes not only who is with which truck by bumper number, but what commodities are loaded on that truck as well. The veterinary officer is responsible for coordinating assets and activities concerning veterinary service within the command. Developing a program for dental support of humanitarian and civil action operations. Ensuring that accountability and security of supplies and equipment are adequate (with the PM). This SPO coordinates between the divisions units and support units. Plans. Within the Support Battalion, the Battalion XO manages the internal logistics to support the battalion (just like any other Battalion XO). They also offer recommendations to each other and subordinate commanders. Assessment actions by staff members include-, MANAGING INFORMATION WITHIN FIELDS OF INTEREST. Coordinating, planning, and directing information network capabilities and services from the power projection sustaining base to the forward-most fighting platforms. D-87. Participating in COA and decision support template development (with the G-2 [S-2] and fire support coordinator [FSCOORD]). The TALO is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of airlift resources and coordinating their use. The chaplain advises the commander on matters of religion, morals, and morale as affected by religion, and on the impact of indigenous religions on military operations. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 (S-5), Civil-Military Operations. Directly supervising the main command post (CP) and headquarters cell, including, displacement, protection, security, and communications. The SGS is the special staff officer who acts as XO for the COS. Establishing, managing, and enforcing the staff planning time line (per the commander's guidance). The SOO is responsible for providing space-related tactical support and coordination of space-based capabilities available to the command. Operations Security Officer. Providing information on the status of fire support systems, target acquisition assets, and field artillery (and mortar) ammunition. Coordinating air defense sensor management. D-81. This includes coordinating with the G-6 (S-6) for adequate supporting communications. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. Developing the ISR annex to plans and orders (with the rest of the staff). Assignment:To a Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) or Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC), attached to a Movement Control Battalion (MCB). Movement scheduling and regulation of MSRs. This is copied to my SPO NCO and attached to our original calculation sheet. Always keep them informed and up to date. Before leaving, they report any findings to the subordinate commander and any information they plan to report. Information Management. Providing a PSYOP representative to IO cell meetings. The support operations officer or materiel officer provides technical supervision for the CSS mission of the support command and is the key interface between the supported unit and support command. Processing and distributing NBC attack and contamination data. Ensuring that IDM meets the command's IM requirements. Establishing, operating, and supervising technical intelligence reporting procedures. Formulating the combat health support plan. Before the inspection, inspectors inform the subordinate commander of the inspection's purpose. Supporting linguist requirements, to include consolidating linguist requirements and establishing priorities for using linguists. Effective staff members know their respective responsibilities and duties. Staff members disseminate information using, among other media, briefings, electronic mail, staff papers, reports, and summaries. Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to the staff, subordinate commanders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution. Assistant Battalion Plans Officer for a forward stationed Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) Brigade Engineer Battalion (BEB) located in Grafenwoehr, Germany consisting of six Troops and over 500 Troopers; responsible for planning and producing Squadron orders, developing battalion long range plans, coordination with adjacent Battalion and Brigade staffs, and synchronizing BEB staff efforts for Brigade Engineer, Signal and Intelligence efforts; serves as the alternate Battalion Additional Duty Safety Officer responsible for tracking, reporting, and advising on all accidents within the Squadron. Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. Accurately interpreting the commander's desired effects on enemy targets, formations, and capabilities in automated fire support INFOSYS. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Mission:To perform waterborne transportation of personnel, cargo and equipment during intra-theater lift, water terminal, waterborne tactical and joint amphibious, riverine or Joints Logistics-Over-The-Shore (JLOTS) operations. The G-5 (S-5) is required at all echelons from battalion through corps, but authorized only at division and corps. The COS frees the commander from routine details of staff operations and passes pertinent data, information, and insight from the staff to the commander and from the commander to the staff. I am also working on our Company TACSOP. Identifying training requirements, based on the unit METL and training status. Coordinating special transport requirements to move the CP. spo transportation officer duty description Notcias do Botafogo Orgulho de Ribeiro. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They may work for the government or in private industry for an institution like a hospital or for a logistics company. 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