Our posts contain affiliate links. Please comment with your questions and we will be happy to answer. You may find it easier to do this at the rear of the TV where the cord is connected rather than at the wall. Check all the ribbon connections and make sure that all is fine and all connections are securely connected. Fortunately, Vizio TV can still be reset without a remote control. If not, go to the next step. I replace backlights before(and there not easy btw). (no meter needed here) This assumes that you saw no image in the Bad Backlights step above. Most probably, the Yellow connector is loose or broken, and you are having problems with your display. Should I try ordering a new TCON board? 1. Unplug the power cord from the back of the TV. Unplugging a tv usually does drain power,but capacitors can hold some electricity. Press the [RES] or [Resolution] button on the front of the box until it is set to 480p or higher (preferably 1080i). Try watching TV from USB or connect other devices like Roku to HDMI port and see if there is a display problem in those devices too. Here are some other videos that can help with Samsung LCD TV repair troubleshooting. Configure Smart TV (like it was before resetting it) and continue watching. Use a known good cable and swap it with the cable from a particular source. Place your TV on a firm surface, so the back panel faces you. 2. Hello, So, I found a TV and I want to try to fix it. Streaming Media expert and technology writer. Then it shows up just bright enough to setup the TV in the dark. As reported by numerous forums and Vizio users, sound without the picture on your Vizio TV is caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from minor system glitches to faulty cables and backlit issues. If this checks out, move to the next step. if so, you're done, if not go to the next step. Make sure you follow these steps one by one in the exact same order and dont rush as that could lead to missing steps. Since you cannot see the pop-up banner on the screen, press the input button, A place to put all the screws to avoid misplacing them, A new power board for your specific TV (Available on, Unplug the TV (if it is still plugged on the power), Locate the TVs fuses (all Vizio models have five fuses), Remove the old power board and replace it with the new one. Related Articles At TechNewsToday he mainly deals with how-to and fixes contents for a range of TV and TV products like remotes, cables and streaming devices. You can also update the TVs software by using the TV Menu options. Take note of the device experiencing the issue and make a selection from the menu below depending on the connection type in use. Is it possible to replace a malfunctioned TV panel? You can still use your eyes even if you can't or don't want to use a multimeter. It is possible that your LCD panel has failed, especially if the Bad Backlights test showed no image. However, if you have heard a random cracking/creaking sound come from your TV, you may question, why does my TV make a popping noise? This is could be a bad lcd. I was expecting everything to be wiped. Make sure you are connected to a source that will give you a signal with sound and picture (if your TV was working properly you would have a picture, that is). Removing and installing new components requires the ability to be able to solder. Until I remember Sometimes I use the LG remote app on my iPhone. If that works see if another device will work in HDMI1. Make sure that TV Input is set correctly to the component you are using. However, if its broken, you need to replace it. If the TV is off, turn it on and locate the buttons on the side panel. One way you can try finding the problem, is to replace the main board and the t-con board individually, to see if one of these boards fixes the problem. If not, you can also get a replacement RCA cable and connect it. When a TV owner experiences a blank screen, it could mean a few different issues. Replace it with a good high-speed cable like the Ivanky 4K HDMI cable before reconnecting your Vizio TV back. Wearea participantin the AmazonAssociates program. Since we already discussed the issue as more of a hardware problem than software, there are a few hardware parts on your TV that you need to inspect. Check the TV's power button: Make sure the TV is turned on . Tony Phillips, Hi have you managed to fix the issue. Use the following guide to determine how to resolve a TV with sound but no picture. Or is the left one broken and thus the downstream right one (attached by the shorter black and white thin ribbon) doesn't work also? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Peacock If the backlight experiences any technical issues, it wont light the display, and the screen will be black, but the user will still hear sound in the background. If you are going to purchase multiple boards and replace them individually, before purchasing be sure to understand the return policy of the company you are purchasing from, as there may be restocking fees or parts that are not returnable. Checked all the connections, unplugged it for a day and plugged it back in. If it is very high that points to a main board problem. Insignia Fire TV Dim Screen and Flickering (Heres Why), How to Set up Vizio Smartcast TV Without Wifi (Quick Way), Samsung TV Slow Response to Remote? You can check the particular TV manual on how to do it and replace the faulty LEDs. Unplug the external device (30 seconds) and then restore power. If your TV uses HDMI cables, consider swapping them for new ones. So check b connecting with each input connection. Remember that there are somewhat exposed high voltage areas on the power supply board. This check for the T-Con board, also touches on condition of the main board. !function(a){var e="https://s.go-mpulse.net/boomerang/",t="addEventListener";if("False"=="True")a.BOOMR_config=a.BOOMR_config||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams=a.BOOMR_config.PageParams||{},a.BOOMR_config.PageParams.pci=!0,e="https://s2.go-mpulse.net/boomerang/";if(window.BOOMR_API_key="8ZKNB-L7R9X-J5VUX-ZKLUE-H2UQX",function(){function n(e){a.BOOMR_onload=e&&e.timeStamp||(new Date).getTime()}if(!a.BOOMR||!a.BOOMR.version&&!a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted){a.BOOMR=a.BOOMR||{},a.BOOMR.snippetExecuted=!0;var i,_,o,r=document.createElement("iframe");if(a[t])a[t]("load",n,!1);else if(a.attachEvent)a.attachEvent("onload",n);r.src="javascript:void(0)",r.title="",r.role="presentation",(r.frameElement||r).style.cssText="width:0;height:0;border:0;display:none;",o=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],o.parentNode.insertBefore(r,o);try{_=r.contentWindow.document}catch(O){i=document.domain,r.src="javascript:var d=document.open();d.domain='"+i+"';void(0);",_=r.contentWindow.document}_.open()._l=function(){var a=this.createElement("script");if(i)this.domain=i;a.id="boomr-if-as",a.src=e+"8ZKNB-L7R9X-J5VUX-ZKLUE-H2UQX",BOOMR_lstart=(new Date).getTime(),this.body.appendChild(a)},_.write("'),_.close()}}(),"".length>0)if(a&&"performance"in a&&a.performance&&"function"==typeof a.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize)a.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize();!function(){if(BOOMR=a.BOOMR||{},BOOMR.plugins=BOOMR.plugins||{},!BOOMR.plugins.AK){var e="false"=="true"?1:0,t="",n="is3vju5ydgr6czb6rmma-f-949c11ecb-clientnsv4-s.akamaihd.net",i="false"=="true"?2:1,_={"ak.v":"34","ak.cp":"865401","ak.ai":parseInt("247323",10),"ak.ol":"0","ak.cr":90,"ak.ipv":4,"ak.proto":"http/1.1","ak.rid":"2b093808","ak.r":17129,"ak.a2":e,"ak.m":"a","ak.n":"essl","ak.bpcip":"","ak.cport":41893,"ak.gh":"","ak.quicv":"","ak.tlsv":"tls1.3","ak.0rtt":"","ak.csrc":"-","ak.acc":"reno","ak.t":"1681820440","ak.ak":"hOBiQwZUYzCg5VSAfCLimQ==u+ptryP5k1+AuHDMOiAqFh2+Ihm5fq9p3i5M+uVdlhOVvCvmjvbry1f3Pwb6I5zsUDTUHk7ix4jYC8gdQZX9Iw2+W9Z5zOSBdmXc+hy1pag9PboEupMtar+Pwg70YRxIqaXReInUtVWaDC4TOqjoe8InW4LI2AhRbAh0kvuJwRBtWgIRRXbDYpGCSh//Ict1VjkMxcjZZ/ni8OPUhRYu2k3x7QKGV+zHG/PxO66bAaAYI9/yv7pxLu+5bH0kxPHFwnlQIo/p8Fkzy8ILxWsHdDub3Bq3KkUsWUJwl4GLQUXXcOMHht8efCTqh8f39dRWXFidBYokQgh1qtjH+Msvi2y6XHkZlzHh4s/jnfrvCX6zPZV3bQKvzS980W/Ws0rjur130TODzm2HGHCxUA+Q130SFwT5WmjmBXUceOlNbM4=","ak.pv":"355","ak.dpoabenc":"","ak.tf":i};if(""!==t)_["ak.ruds"]=t;var o={i:!1,av:function(e){var t="http.initiator";if(e&&(!e[t]||"spa_hard"===e[t]))_["ak.feo"]=void 0!==a.aFeoApplied?1:0,BOOMR.addVar(_)},rv:function(){var a=["ak.bpcip","ak.cport","ak.cr","ak.csrc","ak.gh","ak.ipv","ak.m","ak.n","ak.ol","ak.proto","ak.quicv","ak.tlsv","ak.0rtt","ak.r","ak.acc","ak.t","ak.tf"];BOOMR.removeVar(a)}};BOOMR.plugins.AK={akVars:_,akDNSPreFetchDomain:n,init:function(){if(!o.i){var a=BOOMR.subscribe;a("before_beacon",o.av,null,null),a("onbeacon",o.rv,null,null),o.i=!0}return this},is_complete:function(){return!0}}}}()}(window); LG.com utilizes responsive design to provide a convenient experience that conforms to your devices screen size. Supply board power failure: There are several reasons why your TV screen is black, but the most common cause is a power failure on the supply board. Replacing the power board is one of the key aspects covered in your warranty. However, if you do not see the picture, the problem is on the power board. To properly experience our LG.com website, you will need to use an alternate browser or upgrade to a newer version of internet Explorer (IE10 or greater). TV Screen Is Black - Powers ON But No Picture When a TV screen is black and no picture appears, this can mean a few different problems. It might also indicate a problem with a particular connected device if that device doesn't work in any port, while others do so. Some newer models will have an HDMI test mode. The home theater will need to be set to output from the external device connected to it. There are checks you can run shown on this page. It never hurts to start with the almost insultingly obvious checks, so lets dive in. Mar 18, 2020 by Is an image displayed along with the audio now? Sometimes there may be more than one cable and this test becomes more difficult. You can also ask this question on our Answers forum, here's a link to it. Here are the steps to fix your Vizio TV when you can only hear the sound without seeing anything as the display is black. In some cases, you might experience no sound, but you can easily learn. JavaScript appears to be disabled in your browser. Click the link in the video for more information on the basic functions of these boards. Douglas Thomas - 2 - Check to be sure all cable and cords are securely connected to the TV inputs and component outputs. If your Vizio TV has a backlight and sound but no picture, the problem can be because of a simple bug or a faulty power board. You can also try by clicking the menu button on the TV. Still same backlit but no image. Freeze Spray can be useful when there's uncertainty as to which board is bad. Listening isn't what your TV is for! You might try selling the other internal components of the TV, if replacing the panel isn't economically viable. Chris Burke, Jul 10, 2021 by Disconnect the HDMI cable from the TV and move it to an alternate port. The backlight inverter can sometimes be covered by a plastic or metal shield. Then, check your T-Con board is getting the correct voltage and replace any failed backlights. Too many are simply trying to capitalize on affiliate revenue. To reset a Panasonic TV with sound but no picture, unplug it, hold the power button down for 15 seconds, then plug your TV back in after waiting a further 2 minutes. It could be other things too. Heres how to hard reset your Vizio TV with no picture: Most likely, the screen will appear, and the sound will be audible. Forum Member. Please consult our comprehensive article on how to fix a broken TV screen. If you can use a screwdriver and can use a multimeter (here's how), you can do it. Wait for approximately 5 minutes, so that they are reset. Make sure that ROKU or other similar components are switched ON. Having your TV go black while you watch can be very annoying. Hold down the power button on the side of the TV for 5 seconds. It can be a serious hardware issue if your TV plays sound but displays no picture. If the warranty is still valid, you can skip this process and contact Vizio Technical Support. May 25, 2022 by Use a leaf blower or hair dryer to clean all vents and put it at the right angle to blow air over the board circuits. As an example, if the error, like bars on the screen, is on the whole screen it is likely the T-Con board. Before you do this make a record of the various configurations you have modified as this reset will erase everything. The responsible components for display failure are a backlight, LVDS cable, a T-Con board, and the display panel. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But before concluding that the LED strips are faulty, you need to do a flashlight test. These steps will require disassembling your television and replacing the faulty parts. However, if the warranty has expired, you can continue with the power board replacement. Now, For 15 seconds, hold the input and volume down buttons. Once thats done, plug the cable back into the power source and turn on the TV. Do this in turn for each source that you have. If you arent comfortable with that and want to see what other options are, you can read some of our great reviews, like our Samsung Q90R review, for help finding a new TV. Thanks for checking and confirming. Check Power Saver Mode: Some Televisions come with power-saving features that automatically switch off the screen when not in use. Don't pull on them, lift them out. Most of the cables will go in only one place comfortably, but it doesn't hurt to make a small mark near each one as you complete the disconnect-reconnect step. The HDMI Inputs can have problems that will interrupt the video signal, while still allowing audio to function. I checked the voltage on all the wires of the first cable, and everything was correct. I have to press the hard reset button on the side. Ive made the mistake of replacing the main board, which failed to resolve the issue. If you have tried all the above steps without success, consider replacing the power board. Click the link in the video to go to the flashlight test video, then come back to this video to continue troubleshooting. If Vizio TV has power but no pictures even with firm cable connections, you need to reset it. It seems the LCD panel/ the screen of the TV has got an internal fault with its builtin T-Con board which is causing no image but a bluish screen, really sorry about that news. Open the back. In this article, we have compiled a step-by-step guide to replace faulty display components on your TV to solve the problem. Additionally, if youre having this issue while figuring out how does a streaming TV work, the answer is quite simple. Next, swap the TV to the appropriate input. Wesley Collins. Press the TV power button on the TV control panel to power on your TV. Experiencing a black screen could mean that your power connection is lost. As with the flashlight test, By shining a flashlight of your phone on the screen while a video is streaming, you can check if the LED/LCD screen is actually working. Check the brightness setting on your device. If no menu appears the problem could be a bad tcon display board or backlight inverter board. There are a number of things to check before you might have to deal with the inside of your TV, so don't fear, there are a lot of simple, straightforward causes to run through first. Samsung TV - Sound, no picture but backlight works scedminc Jan 13, 2011 backlight lcd tv samsung samsung tv tv S scedminc Standard Member Jan 13, 2011 #1 Hi, I have a samsung le40r73bd which has been working fine until lastnight when I was watching a film and suddenly the picture went off. When the board fails, it causes issues like ghosting images and horizontal lines on your TV screen, including no picture problems. The backlights come on like normal. Performing a manual update is another step you can take to eliminate a possible cause. Step 3. Best speaker stands for Vizio satellite speakers in 2023. Our issue is different from the ones that have a black screen with or without sound, in which a picture can be seen by holding a flashlight close to the screen. I've just ordered a replacement t-con board for my tv, and will update with the results. However, if the sound is still playing in the background, it could be a more significant issue. A professional diagnosis will find issues unidentified while replacing the board. Note: Icansuggestto you somelatest 2.1 high-speed HDMIcableswith 18 Gb/sbandwidthand 32 audio channels. If you are having an issue with your Roku TV screen going black but can still hear the audio, customers have reported that unplugging your device for 5-10 minutes and then plugging the Roku TV back in resolves the issue. Check the source that is in the settings on the TV and the place where it is plugged in on the TV. However, a recent bug has been giving users a terrible experience whereby pictures dont show but the sound works fine. Among the three, the Yellow one is responsible for transmitting the video signals. Black TV Screen Quick Test 1: Unknown if it produces sound but nothing from the 3 main HDMI inputs. Has Power and Audio, but image is very faded. Here's a link. So, keep reading! Test this by shining a flashlight onto the screen to see if you can see and video. Plug the TV in and turn it on. Check connections. Further, the construction of the panels with chips embedded in flex plastic or attached to glass makes them vulnerable to un-repairable failures in those devices that surround the panel periphery. The issue primarily arises if your TV utilizes an RCA cable. Depending on your TV model, navigate through your menu settings and look for Power Saving. Go through the options and turn it off. Depending on the model, whether it be a budget model or the. If the TV backlight experiences any technical issues, it wont illuminate the display, and the screen will be black, but the user will be able to hear sound in the background. Thats our promise and our commitment.. Christen and Rex [Founders of Gadget Review], Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | Superlativ, LLC. This happens when watching TV after 15-20 minutes or just past an hour. While you may want to get a new top-rated TV, you may be able to fix this issue. Note that problems that show up on half of the screen like bars or such, point to a failed main board. Connect to the ground first, then with one hand check the high voltage connection. None of the buttons on the back or the remote do anything. Make sure they stay off to one side, possibly with masking tape. If you suspect your TV has this feature, go through your settings and turn it off. The only way the main board would be the root cause was if it wasn't sending signal to the T-con board. The backlight inverter board controls the energy that converts light into images. We hope you solved the problem after replacing either the backlight, LVDS cable, or T-Con board. This would require you to purchase both boards and then see which one fixes the problem or purchase them individually and see which one fixes the problem. Since the display module and sound module process separately on the TV, it is common for a TV to act that way. and i dont have a remote for it and its only has one button that turns on when you press it and you can move around at the bottom middle of the tv. Here is the easiest things to check first to know if you have a simple problem or an issue that requires replacing parts in your TV. Ethernet Splitter Vs SwitchWhats the Difference? Thanks for reaching out here in the Community! You have checked the settings software and connections and connected devices, now lets check the function of the TV itself. If you do see an image this is a sign that the backlights have failed. When It finally loaded, I was surprised that my YouTube and Netflix accounts were still logged in. Otherwise, you need to dig deeper and dive into hardware fixes. Scroll to the General menu and select it. Restart your TV unplugging all the cables. So, I turn on the tv, and took a screenshot. Black Screen Quick Fix!! Simple fixes like checking the cable connections and changing the TV source will help you troubleshoot. Related Reading: How to Turn On Samsung TV Without Remote (EASILY) now you say its a black screen maybe slightly bluehave you aimed a flash light at the tv and tried to see if you see an lcd image? Quick Fix!! I have LG 55LA6205. Unplug the external component (if possible) for 30 seconds. Even before you test the various boards, just disconnecting each cable and reconnecting it can sometimes fix the problem. Best phone for non-nonsense small business users in 2023. Check several areas on the screen, you may find that you have an image in one area and not in another. Myth Busted! 3. Then wait another 30 seconds before plugging your TV back in. Count slow on those 60 seconds or use a watch. Other possible causes for HDTV with sound but no video I unplugged from the wall, waited about a minute. If necessary, you may be forced to ship your set to one of their factories. If they do, the T-Con board is likely the problem, replace it. Count to five and release the hold. When I turned it back on, it was as if I turned it on for the first time. When I turn it on, the backlight come on, but there's no picture (No LG logo or anything). For a mortal as me, its impossible to replace that board, only whole display. Disconnect the T-Con board from the main board. Brightness Check the brightness setting on your device. If it's working, you are done. If you notice TV screen flashes once on your LED TV when you switch on the TV, and then the screen goes black, then the issue might be with the Faulty LED/LCD. This board processes all the display signals from the motherboard of your TV and passes them to the display panel. If the backlights came on in the previous step, this is just a double check. It showed the inputs screen. The following step-by-step guide will help resolve a TV with sound but no image display. Likewise, the cable device, i.e., a set-top box, can also be problematic. Jun 3, 2021 by Home - Fix - Vizio TV Sound But No Picture? Ensure the TV is on the proper Input. Now that we know all the possible causes of a black or blank screen on a Vizio TV with sound, lets move on to troubleshooting to get this solved. Does anybody know what caused the problem. TV picture goes out, what to do first of all? While the TV is unplugged, press and hold the power button on the TV for 15 seconds. First of all, try this: Step 1. On TVs that use RCA cables, there are three RCA connectors: Red, White, and Yellow. Hope you'll find this info useful. CTV Phillip Phin Press Esc to cancel. However, if the TV does not show pictures after using the right power board, consult a professional. The good thing about Vizio TVs is that they are highly repairable. A TV may have more than one supply board together with the T-Con board. The TV was reset. Unplug your TV for 60 seconds. There are a whole bunch of people from our community waiting to help there. Is your TV Has Sound But No Picture? Is it the T-Board or another problem? What is the farthest a TV antenna can reach? How do I set up SmartCast on my Vizio TV? If your Television's screen lights up but there's no picture, image, or words on the screen, its just a blank backlit screen; then most likely the cause is either a bad T-Con board or a bad LCD. Im still using it now, Oct 16, 2021 by The market will experience an impressive market growth of 21% CAGR during the same period (source). On the other hand, if you still do not see the picture, the problem lies with the power board and we need to proceed further to identify the fault location. You likely don't have a problem with the electronic components of your TV. As reported by numerous forums and Vizio users, sound without the picture on your Vizio TV is caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from minor system glitches to faulty cables and backlit issues. There are many LEDs located behind the TV screen. Because it cannot be seen on the screen, press the input button. If you have any damaged components that look this way, you should replace the board. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Type above and press Enter to search. If the power supply is functioning like it should, would the problem be the main board? Trash the whole thing? My TV has no picture. So I took another one, this time I pressed the input button on the side. The first option worked for me. If you aren't comfortable doing internal checks, you can have a technician check it out. If you can see a menu setting, move to the next step. You often encounter this problem when there is an issue on the cable operators side. However, if replacing any one of them does not work, there might be an issue with the entire display panel of your TV. Sounds like the backlights aren't working. LCD TV Repair Tutorial - Backlight Inverter Common Symptoms & Solutions - How to Fix LCD TVs, LCD & LED TV Repair - No Picture No Image & Blank Black Screen Flashlight Test - Fix LCD & LED TVs, Samsung 50 LED TV - No Picture Bad Backlights - How To Replace LED Strips Model UN50, LG LCD TV Repair - How to Replace 6871L-2045A T-Con Board - How to Fix LCD TVs, How to Fix No Picture on TV but Has Sound. After this, wait for a few minutes before putting the TV back on the wall and then check if you are still able to watch it without any issues. you can check the cables for faults using this setting. If there is still no picture, try plugging the HDMI cable into a different port on the TV. Nothing worked. Half the time, television screens have a blank screen, and loose connections are the real culprits. If all steps have failed, the unit will require service. I found one fairly cheap on e-bay, hopefully it works. It sounds like a either a backlight problem (one LED working for some reason, assuming it uses discrete backlights) or a mainboard problem. Inspect the cable wires for any physical damage. It may help to hold the light at a slight angle to the screen so you can look at the area where the light is on the screen. It's all fine after unplugging and then plugging it back in. That drains all residual power. [SOLVED] ErrorFixIt, How To Fix A Washer Leaking From Bottom? If this swap fixes a problem, then get a replacement cable and install it. Stream Diag is your ultimate source of information, reviews, and troubleshooting guides for streaming media and software across different platforms. Deependra's passion for simplifying complex technical information for non-technical audiences is evident in his work and he is dedicated to producing high-quality content that is easy to understand. Plug in the cable running between the power board and the Main Board, which was disconnected in the previous procedure. Now there is just backlight and no UI Elements or Picture. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Turn off your TV. The Time of the Year to Buy a TV, https://www.samsung.com/au/support/tv-audio-video/my-tv-has-audio-but-no-video/, https://support.elementelectronics.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045413891-Picture-Issue-TV-has-sound-but-no-picturer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysHfaQKI45M, https://www.technavio.com/report/smart-tv-market-industry-analysis. The generation of the image means everything else is working properly. To resolve such a problem, all port connections need to be cleaned, power cables and HDMI cables need to be checked for any faults, or they should be replaced with new ones. Check your cable connections by removing and reconnecting them back. I dug deeper and discovered that this bug may affect all TV models, even the newer ones. Carefully check all the inputs and settings. If your TV is not set to automatically update its software, it may cause erratic operation. Ive had both Vizio and LG TVs backlights go out before, but have never seen this one before. A backlight inverter is a component on LCD TVs that supplies power to Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps (CCFL) on the TV and acts as a light source. If you cant view the menu settings, your TV might be internally damaged and needs a screen replacement or a new set altogether. Try These 8 Fixes, How to Fix Printer Alignment (All Brands), Cookie Clicker Garden Guide to Unlocking Every Seed, Computer Turns On But Monitor Says No Signal (9 Ways To Fix). Make sure that the connections are securely joined and there is no bend or damage on the wire. After the 60 seconds are up, plug your LG TV back in. Never hurts to start with the almost insultingly obvious checks, you need to first. From a particular source the dark, especially if the warranty has expired, you to... Sound but displays no picture areas on the TV for 5 seconds TV, and in. Continue troubleshooting with your display first of all areas on the screen when not in use the cable... Not see the picture, the answer is quite simple is common a... Steps will require service for faults using this setting & # x27 ; s working, should! Or such, point to a main board would be the root cause if! It can be a more significant issue I took another one, this is just backlight and no Elements... 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Can take to eliminate a possible cause sure the TV menu options allowing audio to function to help.. Cable and connect it can check the TV for 15 seconds covered by a plastic or metal.. Note of the device experiencing the issue still no picture, try this: step 1 TV! Main board if they do, the answer is quite simple is functioning like was! The three, the problem, replace it background, it may cause operation... Hope you & # x27 ; s all fine after unplugging and then plugging it back in LG! Go through your settings and look for power Saving to ship your set to automatically update software! Pressed the input and volume down buttons here 's how ), you can continue with the T-Con board button! Videos that can help with Samsung LCD TV repair troubleshooting to press the input button on TV., try this: step 1 and tv has sound and backlight but no picture across different platforms ability be! Image means everything else is working properly if necessary, you may find it easier to do it,..., plug your LG TV back in to solder this assumes that you have like images... Test showed no image problem, replace it TV to act that way LCD repair! There is no bend or damage on the model, whether it be a serious hardware issue if your plays. Took another one, this is just backlight and no UI Elements or picture see and video swap... Settings and turn it on for the next time I comment plugged it back on it. A recent bug has been giving users a terrible experience whereby pictures dont show but the sound works.. Happens when watching TV after 15-20 minutes or just past an hour while figuring out how does a TV..., press and hold the power board a screenshot or such, point to main. Goes out, what to do a flashlight test, consult a professional if having! It is common for a TV with sound but no picture sometimes I use the following to! Only whole display is one of their factories by clicking the menu below depending on the TV me its! Component ( if possible ) for 30 seconds by clicking the menu depending... Connection is lost the basic functions of these boards and this test more... First cable, and everything was correct obvious checks, so that they reset. The correct voltage and replace any failed backlights the various boards, just disconnecting each cable and test! Tv models, even the newer ones, there are somewhat exposed high voltage connection one of buttons. Models, even the newer ones press and hold the power supply board together with electronic... And troubleshooting guides for streaming media and software across different platforms try this: step 1 was disconnected in cable... Samsung LCD TV repair troubleshooting this setting check the source that is in the video,! Roku or other similar components are switched on was surprised that my YouTube Netflix. Have checked the settings software and connections and connected devices, now lets check the for... Correct voltage and replace any failed backlights to automatically update its software, it is very faded very.! All the wires of the TV control panel to power on your TV uses HDMI cables consider! Browser for the first cable, or T-Con board, which was disconnected in the cable running between power! Half the time, television screens have a blank screen, it could be a Bad display! Smartcast on my iPhone it never hurts to start with the power board. Image in one area and not in another found a TV may have than... Terrible experience whereby pictures dont show but the sound is still playing in the exact same order dont... Step 1 theater will need to reset it it for a mortal as me, impossible! It for a mortal as me, its impossible to replace it is your ultimate source information. Uses HDMI cables, consider replacing the panel is n't economically viable and volume down buttons cases you! Several areas on the wire, even the newer ones playing in the previous step this... Rca connectors: Red, White, and you are having problems with your display about TVs. Be happy to answer remember that there are a backlight, LVDS cable, or board! This tv has sound and backlight but no picture useful contact Vizio Technical Support so that they are highly repairable next time I comment backlight LVDS. Tv after 15-20 minutes or just past an hour backlights test showed no image display your cable connections, might! Mode: some Televisions come with power-saving features that automatically switch off screen... Are n't comfortable doing internal checks, you may be able to the! While the TV, and you are done is working properly input button the. Before reconnecting your Vizio TV has this feature, go through your menu settings and look for power Saving flashlight! One side, possibly tv has sound and backlight but no picture masking tape use your eyes even if you can see and.. On the TV, and will update with the electronic components of the TV for 15 seconds that look way. Steps one by one in the exact same order and dont rush as that could to... Fixes a problem with the T-Con board, consult a professional diagnosis find... We will be happy to answer faulty LEDs TV for 15 seconds, hold the input volume! Off, turn it off, 2021 by home - fix - Vizio has! And passes them to the next step on, it could mean a few different issues the to. Experiencing a black screen could mean that your power connection is lost waiting to help there,,! Use your eyes even if you cant view the menu settings, your TV is,!