On the mountain ledge north of town. Return to the now-open gate near the Grand Core entrance. (To get back, exit the treasure room, go west, then south, climb the ladder, and then head southeast.). Head north past the well, turn east and go up the stairs to the market. Head east and push the first metal crate forward into the hole to form a complete bridge. You are on the lower level now. Head west past where you first talked to Rigger in front of the tree. Keep heading west, but instead of going down the small set of stairs, walk diagonally so you remain on the upper ledge. Bonus: Head west on the bridgepush the wooden crate offand out the exit. Move south along the ledge and drop down two levels next to a tree. Youll emerge near a Bloodstone and treasure chest containing 50 EXP. Then head south along the bridge near this chest to reach a chest with a piece of heart. There is a closed gate in this area with metal crates and spike pits. You need to push the crates into the spike pits. To reach the crates across from the reset button, youll need to walk across the closed gate. Open this chest to get a regular key. Return to the stone gate area and head through the door. Walk back to the crate bridge and open the locked door to the east (push the remaining crate forward out of your way). Follow this bridge north and then take the western door; youll emerge right next to a Bloodstone. 2/2 Emptiness of Outlands - 100% Outlands Region . Then, hit it again and quickly stand on the blocks so you are raised up with the blocks. To get the Master Key, youll need to move the metal crates and head south. Bonus: Grab the chest at the top of the stairs for a magic refill. Go up the stairs and into the house. Open the chest inside for 20 coins. Drop back down into the room. Bonus: Once you reach an area with darker sand, drop off to the south and head east along the shore until you reach a cave mouth. Enter this to reach the treasure chest up top with 50 coins. Head west, down the stairs, and speak to Rigger. He will give you the spell Cast Object and reveal the location of the Great Forest island. This is where the Emblem of Earth resides. Bonus: Walk up a few of the southern steps and move west onto the ledge here. Follow the dirt ledge around to the short wooden bridge, and then use the Trencher Boots to jump to the dirt platforms in the middle of the room. Enter the cave thats just south of the treasure chest above. Follow its path west until you reach a room with half of a bridge leading north; climb this and drop down onto the ledge to the west. Head west until you reach a room with a large stone step; go up to reach a piece of heart floating in plain sight. Drop down into the water. Oceanhorn 2 is a sequel to the 2013 title Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas. Bonus: There is a Bloodstone right where you jump. Be sure to use your Cure Spell as needed. Note: for some odd reason, you have to select a target for the Cure Spell. Be sure you are able to touch the hero directly; if you touch slightly off, it may cast the spell on the wall above him and completely miss you. Bonus: In the crate room, bomb the northern wall between the two lanterns. Head into this room and hit the rotating contraption to turn it on. This lowers the stone gate around a treasure chest and activates the laser eye statue. Grab the 150 coins from the chest, and then hit the contraption again. Return to the split path and head up the stairs. Walk east to a grassy ledge with a tree. into small village. Head west up the stairs and back around to Deep Cove. There are indentations in the walls here that you can duck in to avoid enemy projectiles while carrying the honey. Wait for the arrow wall traps to pause then run through this next hallway. Use your Trencher Boots to jump the gap west of this Bloodstone to a small island with a treasure chest. This chest contains 25 EXP. In the next room, push the two outer crates forward and the middle crate to either side. 3. The majority of the gameplay includes moving the hero around the world, fighting enemies, Completing puzzles, and gathering treasures. The Master Key chest is in this room but we cant open it yet. Head north and open the locked door. The weather cuckoo in Tikarel is on top of Neetis house. To get there, get off your ship and head east, then up the stairs to the north. The Grand Core has a crucial role in Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm.In the first game, Grand Core was at the entrance of Sky Island, while in Oceanhorn 2 it's an integral part of the White City, the capital of Arcadia. You can also single-tap where youd like to go and the hero will run there. A monument on the western side of this room tells you to pass the light throughout the rooms. You need to light the unlit torch pillars in these connected rooms. Bonus: Theres a Bloodstone right next to this chest. Drop down again and head through the doorway to the west; go through this hallway and enter another room with a fire-breathing masked enemy. Turn south and grab the treasure chest up the stairs for some bombs. Be sure to activate the checkpoint, then drop down and hit the button just north of the ladder. This opens the spiked gate that you should go towards. Interestingly when I defeated oceanhorn for the second time to see the new cut scenes at the end, initially the game at the end showed I only had completed 99%. Fri, 17 Mar 2023 20:31:10 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs. At the top of the stairs, use a bomb on the wooden platform, then fall through this hole. In this guide, we'll walk through the dungeon, collect all the keys . Head into the next room, kill or ignore the three skeletons, and unlock the door with the key. oceanhorn 2 walkthrough grand core March 3, 2021 - Posted by: - In category: News - No responsesNews - No responses Note: You can break wooden crates by rolling into them with the Trencher Boots (saves on bombs)doing so will complete a challenge here. Collect a total of 160 dog tags during the plant chapter and when replaying the plant chapter. Use a bomb on the large dirt mound here to open the path; go north and take the ladder up. The graphics of the game is pretty amazing with soothing music which you shouldn't miss experiencing. Swim slightly southwest until you reach a set of wooden stairs; climb these and hit the other switch. This lowers the gate blocking the chest in the northeast corner of the room. Swim back south towards the entrance and head east up a short flight of stairs to a door. Go in this door and open the locked door. Head back north. About halfway back to the tent is a stone doorway on the western side of the path. Its slightly hidden, but youll see a blue arrow on your map indicating its location. Go in this doorway. Hit all four with your sword - you can use the boots to roll quickly between them and avoid the laser beams. Inside the room where you get the Shield of Cronos, near the bottom right where you have to use jump to get to. Go back inside and head easttheres a Bloodstone hereand up the ladder. Go to the right of the room. Bonus: The island just north of the above chest contains a Bloodstone. Stay in the northwest corner. Your Chronos Shield will block Oceanhorns laser, but only until you run out of stamina. Your goal is to deflect Oceanhorns laser at either of his two legs. You are not trying to hit the blue lights at the top of his legs, you are trying to hit the red mechanical legs themselves. When you get to the boardwalk with three telescopes on it, be sure to examine the third one. This will reveal the location of Home Island, the island where you grew up. This handy replacement for your shield can reflect light, including laser beams. Old Fortress Location on map: Northeast, Bomb Island Location on map: Central, (just west of Sky Island), Withered Lands Location on map: Southeast, Great Forest Location on map: South, just west of Withered Lands, Sky Island Location on map: Central, just south of Tikarel, Tikarel Location on map: North central, just south of Riptide Reef, Southwind Isle Location on map: Southwest, just south of Hermits Island, Reef Location on map: south central, directly south of Sky Island, Skerry Location on map: northwest, just north of Bomb Island. Summary: A GRAND ADVENTURE Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, set a thousand years before the events of the first chapter, takes you on a magical journey across the vast world of Gaia, brimming with mythology and lore. Head south and then east to an exit blocked by a landslide. Head south at the intersection to a room with a closed door and statue. Push the statue north once to open the door. Bonus: The rest of this section contains optional items you can now do in Tikarel. For the main quest walkthrough, proceed to Part 5. Theres a stool at the hermits house; head northwest to his shack, pick up the stool, and carry it back to him. Talk to the brunette man in a brown tunic thats wandering around town to reveal the location of the Withered Lands. Go back up to the ledge behind the crate and push it north; it will fall into the hole you just cleared. Walk north a few steps and youll reach a Bloodstone. Bonus: Head south past the yellow button to a room with platforms above water. Jump the platforms to a Bloodstone and chest containing arrows. Out of curiosity I tried to see if I had the highpath hollow glitch you experienced. Just checked. To do this, deflect with your shield and then walk left or right. Its similar to what you did with the laser gem room in the Grand Core, but its much harder here. Sometimes the laser just randomly deflects in the wrong direction. Sometimes it hits his leg but doesnt register. Just keep trying. When you do hit his leg, it will crumple and he will fall onto that side, and the blue light at the top of the leg will be within reach. Note: Cast Object allows you to drop a boulder on an object. To use it, equip the spell from the Items menu and then tap where you want to drop the boulder. Useful for activating buttons from afar. While casting the spell, time stands still. When you leave Gillfolks Drop, the hermit will contact you. He says you need to find the Emblem of Sun and requests that you return to his island. Were going to Riptide Reef first; its the northernmost island. In the Cavern of Fire, head northwest and remove the boulder from the button to open the stone gate. The hermit is waiting near the docks, so follow the short path inland and speak to him. Head forward into the crypt and move north two rooms; hit the switch on the wooden bridge; this raises the water level in the room. You can go about the next part one of two ways: Walk east and then south, up to the bridge, and drop down at a diagonal so you fall onto the ledge. Or, push the third crate south under the bridge so you can fall straight down. The second way is correct, the first is faster. The achievements below are related only to the content on this island. Pressing the elevated yellow button will make its associated statue breathe fire. Step on the button when King Angler is nearby. He will be set ablaze and hunch over, displaying his glowing weak spot. Slash at his weak spot as much as possible before he returns to normal. You can do this from the button or the ground. Hi there, we'll look into these two issues. Unless youve skipped a large portion of the enemies during your playthrough, you should reach level 16 as you perform all the challenges. Mitsui Mining And Smelting Investor Relations, Reflection Paper On The Divine Comedy, Walk east and down the stairs to a checkpoint and spike maze. The last pillar is just south of this checkpoint; light it and a treasure chest appears near the monument in the other room. The chest contains a regular key. (Feel free to leave this for now as youll return to this room shortly.). Youll emerge on the northeastern side of the map near a frozen blockage. Use your Fire Spell on this; pick up the log to move it out of your way, then head southeast. But I did get the extra grand core key from the guard and also the glitch I experienced regarding the prisoner/bandit battle in emerald cave. Theres not much else you can do here except learn someones been staying there and making robotswho could. Keep pushing it until it is on top of the red button on the far west side of the canal. You may need to hit the yellow button multiple times to do so. Youll also need to cut down the purple plants that are blocking your way. Return to your boat to the south and set sail for Old Fortress. It is east of Tikarel. Just kidding. Wait for the fire-breathing statue to stop, and then walk down the hallway. Light the pillar just north of the western monument. Bonus: Travel east along the shore (without going up any stairs) until you see a bottle floating near the beach. Read its letter to reveal the island Sandbar. In the second part of the first large room of the Shrine (theres a long wooden bridge), drop to the lower level and use a bomb to blow up the mound of dirt on the southern wall. A treasure chest is underneath, containing 50 coins. Bonus: Head north and drop into the water; climb the small red bridge to a treasure chest containing arrows. In Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Es gibt Neuigkeiten zu Oceanhorn 2. The wooden crates to the north of the chest have treasure behind them; the crates to the south will take you to the beach exit. Move down to the block on the western side of the room and push it off the ledge so its sitting right next to the block you just pushed to the ground. The maximum level is 16, for which youll need 10,000 XP. Finally, I restarted the game and then everything registered 100% complete. Head east towards the spiked pit and push the final crate down, then drop down and shove it into place so the entire spiked floor is covered by crates. go to FAQ. Return to the cells and open the treasure chest in the farthest north one to get a regular key. Bonus: Just after the gate, bomb the wall on the eastern side where the pile of rocks lies. A small hallway leads to a room with pots and a treasure chest containing a heart refill. Bonus cont: Cross these and head west up the stairs to a treasure chest containing 100 EXP. Return to the central island. Dont skip over dialogue without reading it. Many goals and destinations in. Stand here and wait for the laser to 'spot' you. It is available to play 30 Scholar. Grab it and then return to the horrible nightmare room from earlier. It will strike the light-activated bauble and grant you access to the nearby door. It threw me off so much for so long, I was running in circles not even realizing I was in the wrong place. Hit the spiked ball with your sword until its on the red button; the gate will open. Move back to the room with the inscribed stone in the center, and shoot an arrow at the bulls-eye behind the small gate; this opens the larger gate and access to a ladder. Bonus: Head north at this intersection to a room with a Cepede and a treasure chest containing a piece of heart. You can't just keep blocking indefinitely - you have to start blocking when the enemy is about to hit you. Go up the steps and take the staircase in the narrow alley to your right. I am wondering if people are experiencing similar glitches. Use your bow and arrows to shoot the bulls-eye to the east of the bridge. A treasure chest appears; open it to get a regular key. And if I followed the hollow, it indeed led me back to the higher level (which really messed up my orientation for 10 sec straight). Leave Tikarel and travel to Withered Lands. To move around the world map, slide the screen. To select an area to travel to, just tap on it. Head back south, past the hermits shack, crossing the bridge to the east. There are 120 real Treasure Chests (containing items in them) and 2 fake ones (they are already opened and do not count as treasure chests in completion percentage) in the game Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas . General tips: Always stay stocked up on wagon grease. Head back towards the entrance, taking the stairs directly to your left before you get all the way back to the docks. Bonus: The northwestern corner of the map has a Bloodstone, along with some fairly dangerous enemies. Throw boulders at the hammer-wielding giant to bring him down, or lure him close to other enemies, whom hell attack recklessly. Youll drop into Great Chroniclers Grave. The stairs to the north allow you to exit the well. After hes hit by a fireball, Shadow Mesmeroth explodes into multiple glowing balls like the ones weve seen in previous bosses. Only one is the real weak spot; the others are decoys and will disappear when struck once. Find the right one and slash it like crazy. The extra grand core treasure key shouldn't set back your progress. There are a couple of good ways to deal with such situations. ALL 80 CHALLENGES I'VE DISCOVERED WITH 98% TOTAL GAME COMPLETION! Head east past the spikes into another room with prison cells. Step on the blue buttons to open the doors and get a regular key. (The buttons open the cells opposite of them, so if you dont want to fight the Cepede, push the button in front of it.). When you return to the world map, the hermit contacts you and requests that you visit him. Use your item-spawning spell to drop a barrel on the button, which will make a chest appear in another room. Youre now in the graveyard. Head straight north past the note warning of skeletons and hit the switch up the stairs; this lowers one set of stone blocks in front of a treasure chest. We have more reports like this, definitely a glitch. Bonus: To get the rest of the treasures in the Fire Cavern, follow the steps below. To continue the main quest, exit the Fire Cavern and move on to Part 7. Push it north ; it will fall into the spike pits with pots and a treasure chest 100... Your Shield can reflect light, including laser beams fire-breathing statue to,! 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