We moved in in December 2010. There has been allergy test and other test and could not figure out what it was from. From what I can see right now, a year later, the pieces of drywall, or whatever are making the ceiling, have a clear distinction on every border and one of them has become cracked and I can actually push that piece up and down. Can you identify who the two ladies in DE were who were successful in suing their landlord or perhaps give me the name of the attorney who represented them? Had a leaky radiator above me. I saw 50 doctors over period of two years. I got access to my property by getting a restraining order on my landlord, but many of the expensive things are missing. He told me he has someone he works with that could help, and would talk to her and call me back with the name and number. I have given over 20 lawyers this info and not one wants to help me. We have successfully sued landlords for mold-related damages to tenants health and personal property, and we can help you get compensation for your health problems and property loss. They apartment managers say it is not black mold yet whatever that means. Went to the Doctors and they said that it is a good Possiblilty the reason we have been sick is cause of mold. Now I think they will blame it on me and lack of maintance, which is also untrue. The next day I got extremely ill. So i let it go.. Carpal Tunnel Injuries Im seriously concerned about our health and well being we cant just up and leave we have no place to go with the 5 of us and our pets .. Hello i have recently moved into an apartment complex and there is mold in the sink lots of mold and rust. I ended up renting an even worse property with the same type of mold problems!!! I need to know how a mom who wants to be a good parent and protect her kids would go about finding a home without mold to live in. Jonathan Wold no longer manages MoldBlogger.com. Settlement amounts for toxic mold claims will vary quite a bit, depending on how serious the injuries are, how much of the property was damaged, and other factors. Toxic mold is usually caused by water damage from a small leak over time or burst water pipes that are repaired, but the resulting moisture held in drywall or carpet or furniture is not remediated. Settlement amounts for toxic mold claims vary depending on the level of mold exposure, if the responsible party knew there was a presence of mold and neglected to remove it, and damages incurred. I was late delivering and my midwife ended up with pneumonia after visiting my home. Do we have a case to go to an attorney? A few months ago I noticed that when I would clean my shower or take a shower, black stuff would run out from underneath the shower walls It was mold. He took his case all the way to the Attorney Generals office and they blew him off just like his own insurance company. This is a tough situation because 1. Its been almost two weeks now he still has not been back and i can clearly see spots of black mold in side the hole he cut out on the drywall . And another problem is we dont have a lease. Yes discussing alsoIm always bleach bleach bleach. After recieving the inspection and having everything marked in compliance, we purchased the home. I have missed time from work and spent quite a bit of money on doctors appointments and medications. Also, its been found that some of the test kits already have mold! Just as in NJ, there are no statutes or regulations that require landlords to disclose the presence of mold to tenants in PA. Can you withhold rent for mold in PA? Our landlord is taking us to court for the rent we owe. The room was remodeled and the mold was painted/ dry walled over. its not supposed to be taken 24/7 like that. I have an attorney, but I beleive he sure could use a consultant..please help me. My oldest My son and I have lived in an appartment for 4 years and I guess we had mold since day one and never realized it,until my nurse friend came and sleep over one night. It is one, very small spot in the condo, and they had no problem about it before we decided to sell. Ive not worked in over 3 months because I am too sick to get out of bed. 1 week became one full month. I just now realized I have mold lurking in my basement, a faulty Hvac system. power of a group. Myself and 2 children were put in a motel while the work was done. The house had been completely rewired . The lab data only shows you what the samples contain. My realtor came to me and I looked at the home and it had a new roof. Ive had always paid my rent, even with this mold issue, the hole in my roof that has leaked for months. Explain kindly that your mother is now suffering because of the exposure and that it is imperative to her health that the HVAC system (or A/C unit) be tested for mold. We contacted the heads and they said they would have the cleaning people wipe it down with bleach. We have a black mold problem & our landlords rent, because they refused to fix the leaks. apologize for the lengthly statement but needed to explain to the fullest the best I could,it goes on further that this tried to make it short. Something that has only started happening since she began to work there three years ago. I have no choice but to fix all the damages. our home insurance cant help us as the seller told him he did all the work. We have been after them for months to fix this. Any help you could offer me would be great! My family and have lived in our mobile home going to 12 years in the past year I have noticed black mold in our master bathroom and I clean it and it returns. The jury never got to the issue of personal injury. No money and no place to go! Small but just enough to slip and fall. so I hired a company to do an in house inspection who collected Air Samples and did Lab Analysis. outline how much a toxic mold claim might be worth, and. So of course I was excited to save $650. The house is over 100 years old. 46:8-50). I demanded repairs be made before paying anymore rent, and was told to move out. who deemed no water came from the ground, it came in the roof due to failed roof flashing on a roof that was 8 yrs old. All the same sysmtoms including non-stop coughing and headaches and now asthma. Now my landlord is taking me to small claims court to because I didnt give notice. After living in a molded apartment for the last six months, I am pretty sure Im back to a 10 year life expectancy, and I am really really angry. Family room, I thought it would be safe so I had some nice furniture and didnt put plastic under it. They can not get it until the issues are resolved. I have broyhill furniture that has black and green mold on all the backs. When the new company bought it the account only had $300. I did my own and it returned with high levels of stachybotrus and asperilligus molds. The agent told me that they had a specialist and he would talk to him and call me back the same day. That was a few weeks ago, now I am noticing the paint in certain areas fading out and exposing mold that had obviously tried to be covered with the paint. Which I have no doubt that this is whats been causing all of mine and my families health problems , it would be easier for me to tell you the syptoms I havent had compared to the ones I have had. My doc told me I did not have seasonal allergies, I had environmental allergies as my throat and nose had evidence of chemical burn. When I talked to my landlord they admitted that they were aware of the problem from before I moved in and just never decided to mention it. This article may be helpful: Toxic Mold Litigation Who Is Legally Responsible And Do I Have A Case? Not only that but I have also noticed that there are a lot of mice or rats and a lot of rat feces. On December 9, 2011, an Oregon jury returned a verdict of $103,000, plus attorneys' fees, against a property management company. I am feeling that I am getting sicker by the week. I also have three children who have also complained of allergy related conditions that they never had before. Philadelphia, PA 19102, Workers Compensation The owner and the tech started exchanging words as the owner did not want to spend money. So far nothing has been done about the bathtub problem, nothing has been done about testing the mold, no one has contacted me from my insurance company, my friend with the rental properties, the apartment management, or Albuquerque Housing Auth. I am a mother who lives in HUD government assistance apt who goes to school full time and cant stay in my apt which is full of mold I cant take any of my stuff where am staying with a boy friend who has CGD my son breathing machine was ruined and I seem to get the run around when ask Attorney to help me and contacted many agency like HUD in KY, Washington, Frankfort the capital of KY franklin HEALth department to Bowling greens Chamber of covers to the city hall code enforcer to section 8 to home land to a lot and I cant get anyone to take me serious and I getting advice say I banned my apt when didnt I just cant be in with the conditions it in bc mold everywhere and they only painted over some spots not addressing the issue of it and through their towel they wiped off my wall into my clothes I need help with this situation, Its this old building i live in, i have been trying to get out by help of a group called H>O>P>E But nothingI been here 5 yearsabout 2 and half years ago the constant itching and ears popping my feet and legs swelling so bad and so painful. Our bathroom would be completely back if we didnt clean it with bleach every other day. I began to get sick especially in summer. Code Enforcement came again, gave another violation to clean up the mold on the baseboards. I figured because it was a holiday you wouldnt come by so i went to bed. So all of those lab tops, cell phone, and wireless stuff is not healthy for us. Mr. Barker seem like a nice enough Ella and upon viewing the home with him it looked okay there was some what he referred to as remodeling projects currently underway on the back half of what he described as an addition that would be coming to an end and it would also at that point open up a few more square feet and an extra room for one of My girlfriend and mine for children who were also pretty eager and excited to move in to our new space and live life. The on-site inspection is where the inspector pieces all the clues together about whether theres a mold problem. Thanks for sharing this article. This was covered by my insurance company. I have bleached and scrubbed everywhere at least once a week and it still grows back strong as ever. Ive made the landlord aware and he has seen the problem. What was done to resolve your issues? Is there some type of testing that can determine if this is what causing this? I already have asthma and its gotten WORSE since we moved in, 3 months ago. Im currently working on and want to make county and state depts awear of this old problem and new illness in todays life style in which we are forced to live with and hope to have a impact so no one else needs to go through this illness and health risk, please if you like what I have posted and have to say please contact me at [emailprotected] and please advise your doctor of the mold exposure and have a mold test done in your home for there is over 27 different kinds of toxic mold and mold in gerenal is bad and isnt healthy for the human body or animals but when talked about in the county or states eyes they say its a private industry to deal with this new illness and no one will address the issue.I have no problem standing up and even forcing the issue and make them hear me,,and my advise is get out and yell if you have too but dont be forced to live and pay a slumlord for poor health conditions and get healthly by getting away from the mold and make them listen, till later all and keep your chin up and be postive ,slvc, Thanks Sheldon, I received your message and will be contacting you tomorrow and we can speak further.. This is EVERY year that this place soaks in like this. Within that time after a few weeks I continuously was smelling a very FOUL ODOR throughout my apartment. Black mold and some other color mold. Thus said, right now I am pending lab results and additional testing to prove what molds are in me. We have the children living here Please help! My doctor did every blood test imaginable. This is your life!!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My tentative suggestion is this: At this point, the first step is to contact the timeshare middle-man or the owner directly and gently explain the situation in its entirety. Dr.s have treated Joseph for various respiratory issues and could not rule at the time what the cause was. I cant read your mind and reminding you all the time is really annoying. The next incident was just simply getting up off my bed to leave for work. We are having such a difficult time finding a new home because its not easy going out in the cold to see the new places, especially when we are disabled. In this article, we'll: review the known health effects of mold. If you are short on money or something and thats why its taking you forever to fix things let me know. Its been months and we are paying for everything. According to Miller, water intrusion started leaking into a master bathroom vent in the Mazza unit from an upstairs toilet in November 1999. Throughout all this Ive went to ER sinus stay closed/dry throat/coughing of thick dark phlegm/always clearing throat always fill like something in my throat that never come out/eye irritation with mucus/thinning of eye lashes/fatigue/weight loss/had upset stomach/trouble sleeping etc. They claim I did not want them to come fix it. Not sure if you can do anything about that. Since the mold is still there, not gone, and they never cared to take the right measures, Im talking about 1000s of homes Ive seen in my short 2 year business, let alone the millions or probably hundreds of millions theyre doing this to across the country. So we paid cash for the house and have invested every dime we had! I have Read that my things were supposed to be placed by the road but also that I would have to be given seven days upon receipt of a certified piece of mail informing me that I had to get my things from the residence where he intern had to keep them in a safe and sheltered area free from wet additions. I live in Ohio in an appartment and have been complaining about the mold in my house my kids now have breathing problems and sinus infections all the time, so i reported them to CMHA the housing Athorithy. Black mold is the most dangerous of all the toxic molds. Also for being so underhanded and misleading to rent a home to anyone in such conditions. We have lived here for almost 3 years now. Its too bad for people like me and our families who didnt have the resources to sue our perpetrators who left us with water leak issues in their homes that we were forced to live in. This article on Toxic Mold Litigation may help in your case, depending on what state you are in, specifically the section on landlord liability. I have lived in an apartment in Provo, Utah, since January 2009 until now. I had to move my mattress out of the bedroom because of the leaking, I have not been able to sleep in my bed since the end of February the first part of March 2020. In severe cases, you may have to vacate the property to preserve your good health. Since these requirements cannot be objectively enforced, I wonder if they are meant to reduce an owners liability by misusing them to claim tenants lease violations caused problems like mold exposure. IgE will determine whether an individual has an allergy to, for example, mold, cats, dogs, horses, dust, etc. You are likely entitled to compensation. This article focuses on mold lawsuit settlements, including some examples. And it took 6 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day for my living room ceiling to get fixed. I was told by Davina the property manager that if I was having these symptoms then why was I still living in the mobile and I have been sleeping on my couch for 3 weeks now with my bedroom door closed. We never charge a fee unless we are successful at helping you recover compensation. One day i saw a dark area in the corner by the patio door on the baseboard pulled back the carpet the ODOR unbearable the tact strip was softer than a sponge and black,padding soaked with black areas/ black areas under the carpet/ black areas around the baseboards. We asked the owner to take care of it and then found us being effected from the home. I was told it was to a sewer backup. Im dying here. She went to the doctor and was given prednizone and they told her she had bronchitis. my 70 yr old mother just returned from a trip to Florida. we also reported roof problems. My doctor told me 25% or people are allergic to it and the body does recognize as a toxin, and it keeps re poisoning you by recirculating that if I continued living there I would of died of heart attack. A full refund of the deposit will be issued upon move-out. My next appointment he stretched my esophagus he said it was scarred (I do have acid reflux). Then he said look in his room, (db0) and showed me his room and i have never seen so much mold.. Never. The last 3 of the 4 years have deteriorated my health. And, I was told that I could not change to another apartment until the lease is up. From an upstairs toilet in November 1999 new roof is a good Possiblilty the reason we lived... We moved in, 3 months ago do we have been sick is cause of.. 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