Most of what we drink should be Ans: waterQ10. Activists can be Ans: all of the above.Q2. The Parthenon was ________ Ans: a famous temple dedicated to AthenaQ8. A character, Vishal, wants to be the president of the fourth-grade class. 6 pounds, 1 ounce is the Ans: lower quartileQ4. A good conductor of heat Ans: Let heat moves through it easily.Q7. Data with two variables is called Ans: bivariate data.Q2. What science term did Curie invent? Ans: radioactivityQ6. Find the difference: 6 - (-9) = Ans: 15. Choose the best information that Sam could use to end his speech Ans: his strongest point about opportunities available to immigrants in the US. He runs in the election and wins. Which equation is shown on the number line below? Ans: 4 + (-8) = -4Q4. What would you have to add to it to make it a simple sentence? The prayer leader of a mosque. Which of these people was said to have built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Ans: NebuchadnezzarQ6. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Simple and Compound Sentences quiz answer key for free: Q1. The reactants are Ans: The substances present when the reactions begins.Q3. After World War II, the US was locked in a space race with Ans: the Soviet Union.Q2. group of people from central asia who migrated into north indea around 1200 BC; responsible for the Vedas, Beloved text of the Hindus which details the god Krishna's talk on the battlefield with the warrior Arjuna, Elephant-headed god, son of Shiva and his wife Parvati. The fourth of the Four Noble Truths. The GCF of two whole numbers is the Ans: largest whole number that divides evenly into both numbersQ2. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Boer War? Ans: Black South Africans immediately gained equal rights.Q10. What is the LCM of 9 and 15? Ans: 45. The law of Hinduism which states that whatever actions one does, those actions will bear fruits either in this life or in some future life. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Ancient Greece quiz answer key for free: Q1. Would a doctor prescribe an antibiotic if you have a virus? Ans: No antibiotics are designed to work on bacteria, not viruses.Q6. Tornadoes form when a warm and a cool collide, forming a thunderstorm called a supercell Ans: Air massQ7. Which of these is in the correct order for writing a paragraph? Ans: Topic sentence, detail sentences, closing sentence. Water located in wells underground is Ans: ground water.Q3. True or false: In a chemical reaction, atoms of elements cannot be present in the products if they were not present in the reactants Ans: True. What was a flaw in the Chinese civil service tests? Ans: Wealthy people could bribe test examiners to get better jobs.Q3. 60% of a museums fossils are from the Jurassic Period. Sammy skated to the park Ans: SammyQ4. There are _ signs that can be used to mark an inequality Ans: fourQ2. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Box & Whisker Plots quiz answer key for free: Q1. Thanks for your time in bringing all the important Flocabulary topics answers. But dont worry, a few hard topics are covered by our team. Read the following sentences: I love a warm cookie and a cold glass of milk. Hammurabi's Code is a famous system of laws because it. Ultimate goal of all religious Hindus is to be released or freed from the cycle of birth and death. Religion & Belief The major religion of India Founder of Buddism The holy book for Judaism Holy book of Christianity Holy book of Islam Began in Palistine around 2000 BC Prophet of Islam Many Gods One God Belief Jesus is the son of God Belief in Islam To be reborn Eightfold Path to Enlightenment is found in this religion Four Noble ____________ Deserts are commonly found around degrees of latitude Ans: 30Q5. What might an inclined plane be used for? Ans: raising and lowering objectsQ5. This world religions chart helps teach students about the 5 major religions that are popular around the world. Next up, we meet Jesus and his apostles as we trace the spread of Christianity around the globe. We begin with Abraham and Moses' commandments as we follow the Hebrew people to the Promised Land. Dome enshrines the rock from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven to meet and pray with various prophets and with God. Whose spending is included in GDP? Ans: all of the aboveQ4. Which of the following describes the relative age of someone or something? Ans: Kaitlyn is younger than Dillon.Q7. Which of the following scatter plots shows astrong, negative linear associationbetween variables? Ans: AQ10. What is the name for the smallest multiple that two whole numbers share? Ans: least common multipleQ3. As mentioned, you are free to see the quiz answers we revealed below. The Spanish _____, established in the fifteenth century, was created to punish Jews and Muslims who had been forcibly converted to Christianity and whose sincerity was in doubt. The lyric Historians research more than just the word of one / To learn all sides of history most closely means that Ans: historians use multiple accounts to get the fullest picture of events.Q10. How did Adolf Hitler win the support of the German people? Ans: He blamed groups like the Jews for Germanys economic and social problems.Q4. The associative property works with expressions that use Ans: multiplication and addition.Q7. A character, Nicki, is friendly. the leader of one of the Eastern Orthodox churches. Which famous historical figure first told President Roosevelt about the possibility of creating an atomic bomb? Ans: Albert Einstein Q8. Most tornadoes last about Ans: 10 minutesQ3. Which of the following rock layers contains the youngest fossils? Ans: A. a long drought and famine. Please message me if you have any questions. How many Nobel Prizes did Curie win? Ans: twoQ7. Also, please note that we will be covering answers for Grade 5 to Grade 12 because we all know Grade K to Grade 4 quizzes can be answered easily. John Bellaimey explains the intertwined histories and cultures of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. The three of "enlightenment" under which the Buddha meditated for 49 days.". 10% of the chickens were given to him as gifts, & he bought the rest himself. Which of the following could be true if y -75? Ans: y = -75Q9. Gustavo writes a check to his landlord for $450, but he only has $300 in his checking account. What does the median represent in a set of numbers? Ans: the number that represents the middle value in the set of numbersQ3. Students will use kid-friendly websites to answer the questions. When you use a simple machine to do work, __ Ans: distance increases and force decreases.Q3. Then, you travel to a planet with less gravity than Earth and throw the same baseball there. The core of the belief, despite the glaring differences between Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox, revolves around the 1st-century figure that is Jesus of Nazareth. During which century did the age of imperialism begin? Ans: 1800sQ2. The median is the ________ of a set of data Ans: middle numberQ2. What is the main purpose of the SMART approach to goal-setting? Ans: to help you set a plan for accomplishing your goalsQ6. On the Moment Magnitude Scale, a major earthquake usually measures __ or higher Ans: 7Q8. Which of these characteristics is most often associated with race? Ans: skin color. Evaluate 36-(122)square Ans: 0Q8. What is the GCF of 8 and 24? Ans: 8Q7. Why was Chairman Maos approach to steel production in the Great Leap Forward misguided? Ans: Steel melted at home wasnt usable, and the people destroyed necessary farm equipment.Q7. What real-life events likely provided the model for the Grangerfords? Ans: the feud between the Hatfields and McCoysQ7. 11th-12th Grade Apologetics Answer Key Teacher Guide for the 36-week, Comparative Religion course! Using the formula for simple interest, how much will he earn in interest after 7 years? Ans: $14Q10. Thank you for your participation! Ans: Sean scored the winning goal for the Tigers.Q10. When a group of people is treated unfairly by those in power, it is known as. Marcus Garvey encouraged African-Americans to Ans: migrate to Africa.Q6. Which of these is a complete sentence? Ans: Sarai swam in the poolQ10. John Bellaimey explains the intertwined histories and cultures of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. What is absolute value? Ans: a numbers distance from zeroQ2. Identify the product(s) of the following reaction: H2CO3->H2O+CO2 Ans: H2O and CO2Q7. Read the following sentence. During the Harlem Renaissance, many African-Americans Ans: redefined their identities through art.Q8. What is the LCM of 4 and 14? Ans: 28Q10. The five major world religions - John Bellaimey Watch Think Dig Deeper Discuss Customize this lesson 1835 10. January Start the Year Off Right January is a time of new beginnings. What generally happens when a meteoroid reaches Earths atmosphere? Ans: It catches fire and burns up.Q8. Which of the following sets of ordered pairs is a function? Ans: {(1, 5), (2, 6), (4, 5)}Q5. Read the following sentence. The agreement between God and Israel in which each has responsibilities to the other. Then we visit Muhammed and learn about Allah, the Qur'an and the basic tenets of Islam. Followers take a vow to enlighten everyone before they seek nirvana. True or False: Aftershocks can last for years after an earthquake Ans: True. Atoms of a __ move around the most Ans: GasQ5. A teacher and a leader in the Jewish religion, The Jewish New Year, which takes place in late summer, A body of literature, written in Hebrew and Aramaic, recording debates and discussions of ancient rabbis on a wide range of subjects, the first five works of the Bible, which form the core of the Jewish doctrine. Students will use hyperlinked websites to complete the . What do we need to do to get CO2 emissions all the way to zero? Ans: develop new technologies, ideas and advances.Q7. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Evolution quiz answer key for free: Q1. What is the median age of participants in the play? Ans: 13. All of the following would be good for him to include except: Ans: advanced vocabulary words about Australian wildlifeQ7. Current wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric energy technologies Ans: dont have the efficiency and scale we needQ8. I want to be really successful. This is an example of a goal that is: Ans: neither specific nor actionable.Q4. What does real GDP mean? Ans: GDP is calculated taking inflation into account.Q8. Which decimal is equivalent to 15%? Ans: .15Q4. All of the following would be good points for her to write on note cards except: Ans: the names of the members of her favorite singing groupQ9. Shell learn to play the trumpet Ans: Shell learn to play the piano, or shell learn to play the trumpet.Q10. The supporting details of a paragraph include Fossilized footprints help us understand an animals size and weight, and Fossilized teeth can give us hints about an animals diet. Which of these is most likely the topic sentence of the paragraph? Ans: Fossils help us learn more about animals and plants that lived on Earth many years ago.Q10. This is an example of Ans: the author showing you indirectly what a character is likeQ6. Below you can find the Flocabulary The Fertile Crescent quiz answer key for free: Q1. What percent of the grid is shaded? Ans: 60%Q2. What did space scientists find on Mars? Ans: a frozen lakeQ4. Today the term is used to describe the communities of Jews living outside Israel, The belief in only one God, which is the foundation of Judaism. What was the major decision that President Truman faced in 1945? Ans: whether to drop atomic bombs on JapanQ9. Available free to instructors, also able to be purchased for student use, at the discretion of the instructor. Answer: Jainism. The Hebrews were unlike other cultures at the time because they Ans: believed in a single god.Q7. Which of these best describes convection currents? Ans: slow-movingQ4. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Gravity quiz answer key for free: Q1. What are strata? Ans: Rock layersQ3. Population Percentages By Religion The followers of the five main religions make up a significant majority of the world's population. Which of these best describes a misplaced modifier? Ans: a modifier that modifies a word it is not next toQ8. Which of the following is afalsestatement? Ans: Alexander the Great wroteThe Republic,a book about the best form of government.Q9. Which of the following is a true statement? Ans: Atoms in liquids are farther apart than in solids.Q6. What drug caused significant addiction problems in China? Ans: OpiumQ4. If you were evaluating the expression (20-2, what would you do first? Ans: DQ6. Which of the following is the best example of militarism? Ans: England building a powerful navyQ4. In which mission did the US first land a man on the moon? Ans: Apollo 11Q3. Based on the picture, would Man A or Man B have more gravity? Ans: Man BQ10. NOTE: All key answers to Flocabulary are checked twice before publishing them to you. The path leading to nirvana. Which region most likely includes countries that are part of three continents?. At a clothing store, 15% of the dresses are blue. Towerlike structure to house relics of the Buddha or one of his followers found in Asia. Christianity is based on the life and teachings . Which of these is a mathematical expression? Ans: 4 3rQ2. The world's primary religions fall into two categories: Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; and Indian religions, which include Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others. How do you find the median of the set of numbers that are not listed in order, like 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8? Ans: Rewrite the numbers in order from lowest to highest first, then find the number in the middle.Q7. Students complete this chart & write descriptions of each of the 5 Major Religions (Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism). The state of mind achieved by those who have become enlightened. Sam is writing a speech about why his grandparents immigrated to the US from Russia. What is an example of a good and/or service? Ans: paying a repairman to fix your bikeQ3. Identify the coefficient(s) of the variable in the expression below: 25 6z Ans: 6Q4. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Weather quiz answer key for free: Q1. Sylvia deposits $50 into a savings account with a 2% interest rate. What was the last dynasty of China? Ans: QingQ2. Letters in the New Testament to a Christian community of individual from one of the apostles. "The Great Vehicle." What is the correct order for this food chain? Ans: grass, antelope, lionQ2. When you start paying back loans, whats the first thing you should pay? Ans: the principalQ6. Viruses are usually considered Ans: nonliving.Q2. The musicalShuffle Alongwas significant because it was Ans: written, produced and performed by African-Americans.Q9. Find the sum: -11 + (-8) = Ans: -19Q7. Learn about the teachings and beliefs of the major world religions with Flocabulary's educational rap song and lesson plan. Who will be hit the hardest by climate change? Ans: the poorest nationsQ4. Why did people protest in Tiananmen Square in 1989? Ans: to reform the economy and governmentQ9. Which of the following would you add to make the sentence fragment above a complete sentence? Ans: a predicateQ7. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Public Speaking quiz answer key for free: Q1. We wouldnt have been able to it if we hadnt gotten to see our new cousin Ans: bearQ9. Christianity 9. The Athenians were known for ________ Ans: their vibrant art and cultureQ3. Imagine you throw a baseball on Earth. What is the main purpose of the FAFSA? Ans: It helps the government and colleges determine the level of aid for which you qualify.Q2. The fertile crescent got its name because. Ans: toldQ6. A temple dating back to the early 12th century, Angkor Wat is located in Cambodia. A pagoda is a Buddhist temple. What do decomposers leave behind after getting their energy? Ans: elements like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Read the following sentence. Which of the following would be true? Ans: The baseball would go farther on the other planet. Why is Hugh incorrect? What do supporting details do? Ans: Prove why the main idea is trueQ5. What does it mean to isolate the variable? Ans: Get the variable by itself on one side of the inequality sign.Q4. We hope you find all the required Flocabulary Answer Key from above. Least common multiples are most helpful for Ans: adding and subtracting fractionsQ4. Sacred site in Jerusalem located on mt. Major World Religions Flocabulary Answer Key - ASE This simple but effective worksheet is a review of key terms related to each of the 5 major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.On one side is a 20 question matching with a word bank including the Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, Karma, the . What happens in a chemical reaction? Ans: Substances interact to form one or more new substances.Q2. True or False: Characters can only be humans Ans: FalseQ4. What number does x stand for in this equation?-7x + 6= 27 Ans: -3Q8. The Harlem Renaissance was Ans: a cultural and artistic movement of the 1920s and 30s, led by African-Americans.Q2. Which of the following is a property of a liquid? Ans: It takes the shape of the container you choose.Q3. got a pet turtle Ans: a subjectQ6. Which of the following did armies use for the first time during World War I? Ans: submarines and tanksQ9. Using the greatest common factor, reduce the fraction 32/48 to its simplest form Ans: 2/3Q8. If your expression contains square roots, during which step of PEMDAS do you solve them? Ans: exponentsQ3. True or False: You dont need to use any facts in an opinion piece Ans: FalseQ3. A simple sentence must form a complete thought. Civil disobedience is usually characterized as Ans: peaceful and nonviolent. A small space rock that falls to the ground on Earth is called a Ans: meteoriteQ10. A character, Flora, goes on a field trip to an amusement park. What evidence would support this conclusion? Ans: No new substance was formed.Q8. Which equation is modeled on the number line below? Ans: -6 262 = -8Q3. Animals, including humans Ans: get glucose from the food they eat.Q10. Find the difference: 4 - 15 = Ans: -11Q10. Which of the following was one of four main causes of World War I? Ans: alliancesQ5. A mutation Ans: is a random change in a cells DNA.Q4. What is the subject of the sentence? Below you can findthe Flocabulary Subtracting Integers quiz answer key for free: Q1. If not, they will be eternally punished in hell. Evaluate (14-2)3(23)-2square Ans: 20. Floras classmates comment on how shes shaking and looks pale. * Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project . Choose the value that makes the statement true Ans: 60Q5. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Ecosystems quiz answer key for free: Q1. Below you can findthe Flocabulary World War 1 quiz answer key for free: Q1. The winning goal for the Tigers was scored by Sean. How would you graph x > 0 on a number line? What is runoff? Ans: The excess water that isnt absorbed into the ground after it rains.Q8. Below you can findthe Flocabulary Active & Passive Voice quiz answer key for free: Q1. How did Cecil Rhodes affect the map of Africa during the age of imperialism? Ans: He named two countries after himself.Q8. Which of the following could be true if x < 45? Ans: x = 44Q8. The topic sentence of a paragraph is Adaptations help animals and plants survive in their environments. Which of these details best supports the topic sentence? Ans: Grasshoppers adapted to be bright green so they could blend in with grass.Q8. These twelve religions are the most prominent spiritual traditions that still exist. Sandra claims that invisible fairies live above the clouds where no one can see, hear or feel them. At death -- based on one's faithfulness to these duties -- a Muslim hopes to enter Paradise. Stratigraphy is the study of Ans: Rock layersQ5. What number does y stand for in this equation?2y 7 = 35 Ans: 21Q7. Lakshmi planted 20 begonias, but her neighbors dog ate 7 of them. A credit union is different from a bank mainly because Ans: credit unions invest in the community and often offer classes on opening businesses and managing debtQ4. Multiple-Choice Pop Quiz for World History Grades 7-12 - Just Scroll Down to Print - World Religions : .