As the controversy faded last year, Cullors focused on her art practice. Please consider the addition of I thank you, IFA, for leading us in your way for us to pray in the mighty NAME of JESUS CHRIST. Ancestral Healing Prayer. Praise His Holy Name. He is King of Kings and we ask you Lord to heal our land ! Her prayer is my prayer for Jesus Christ to bring healing to our Land. Lord Jesus Christ, by your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave . All things are possible with GOD! In Jesuss Mighty Name. God has definitely led me to do this, because Im so overloaded with life. May we be witnessing and speak truth to everyone we encounter concerning the things of God! Wake up your church the Ecclesia. The evil will be defeated very soon. I am in total agreement with thisprayerand praying that all of us in the Body of Christ-, me included, will Shine Gods lIght out where we live and work each day so others will want to know Jesus Christ as we know HIm as Our Lord & Savior ! It is the early morning hours of the first day of a New Year 2022. To act and live in such a way, so that those who dont know you, will see the joy of the Lord Jesus in our lives and actions, so that they will want the same! We have dedicated priests around the world that will perform prayer for you. 2 Chronicles 7:13 If I close the sky so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, 14 and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. We ask You to do the great and the mighty for us in the USA this year, in Jesus name. Thank you, Jamie, for such a pensive and gifted prayer! For the Isolated Father God, I have never felt so alone. I agree with the prayer and have watched God come through in the most turbulent times of my lifetime. God, I thank you for giving us comfort when we hurt. 6. thank you. We need the Lord to show up more than ever. I was praying to my Ifa recently, and that's when it dawned on me that this prayer is . To five of the seven Churches the Lord Jesus called for repentance. (The real World Health answers), I pray daily that our Representatives and Senators be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit and also Senators, Governors, and Mayors listen to the citizens and be supporters of police officers who are needed to protect us from evil. We are blessed to thank you with great joy as you open our eyes to you. I have prayed this prayer in agreement for our nation with Christians around the world. I want to pray daily for our country and will save this email and use it often, for it covers so much more that I can remember. God take all evil away from the people of America. It matures and ripens in the heart of a consecrated Christian. Heaven comes to earth. Dear Heavenly Father, we still believe that Youre alive and doing well. I prayed the prayer believing in the power of agreement! 2022 will be a great year and many will turn to the LORD and get saved and the church will grow. we thank you and praise you for hearing and answering our prayers. Join up with your local group and participate in Gods plan for your area. I pray for our nation every day. Amen! If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. And thank you for preserving us as children of light and penetrating the darkness with the light of your church being salt and light! Well there are many things to consider such as your condition or illness. For example, if I am going through a difficult time financially then I might pray to Shango (the god of thunder) because he represents wealth and prosperity while other times I may pray directly at Olodumare (the Supreme Being) because of his universal nature, If you are looking for more prayers then we highly recommend that you buy this book. Beautiful prayer that I prayed and shared on social media. Praise God. We Love You Jesus. A hearfelt and deep concern for our walk and and total about face to walk towards righteousness. Please restore my health and bring me comfort in my time of need. Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. If you are having any kind of problem or illness then there is always a prayer to Orunmila that can be used. I will continue to pray this prayer every day until I see the power of God come upon the land our country and change the hearts and minds of all the people here. IFA is connecting intercessors at the state level. Lord of Heaven, I rest underneath you mighty wings of love. You said that if I confessed my sins, You are able, and it was just to forgive and to cleanse me. IWURE Ifa Prayers Uploaded by Sa ka Description: Ifa Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Download now of 3 IWURE (1) OPENING PRAYER (1) Oldmar wa omo r d, Olodumare we, the children, have come AMEN. However, I wanted to encourage you with a few BIG facts: God is still alive and doing well. I just recently lost my husband of 54 years and am alone in my home, trying to get through each day. Looking back quietly ALWAYS brings to recognition the saving work of God. Give us wisdom and help us to encourage others as 1 Thessalonians 5:15 admonishes us to. Isaiah 43:18-19 HCSB I prayed this prayer with you. Too many of satans minions are in control of too many institutions and are working feverously to make sure the God-fearing, upright Christ followers can never be in control again. I believe our Father is sending forth His angelic hosts to respond to every request we made. Come, Lord Jesus. Yes, prayed the prayer for our nation. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you God for all your blessings. We need hope restored. Help us to shine the light of Jesus Christ to all the people who live here. Such an uplifting prayer,I will pray it daily. I pray peace and blessings over all her people. I could never have imagined facing something like this on my own and I'm afraid. We still pray that the hidden things will be revealed, good and bad. Her prayer is my prayer for Jesus Christ to bring healing to our Land. I submit to You, God, and to no other god. It is available on Amazon, and we have included a link to it at the end of this article. All of this I thank you and pray in the powerful Name of JESUS! Most mornings i place my hands on the USA map in my prayer room for revival. In Jesus name I ask & believe. Im hoping for a radical shift from darkness to light in the world. 2:;21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. I fear for my country when I reflect that God is just and His justice cannot sleep forever-Thomas Jefferson. I dwell within your gentle embrace. Amen! God, I'm so preoccupied with my own healing that I forget that worship should be at the center of my recovery. The nation He ordained so many years ago . And Lord you have your will and control th effects of th corona virus that many would turn to You and seek your forgiveness through Jesus our savior. Your promises are yes and amen. Love in Jesus to all my praying brothers and sisters. In Jesus name we pray. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Thank you for this awesome prayer! "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. We are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all! Father, we ask also that You would protect these United States of America in 2022. I prayed this prayer today. I did pray and i believe God has a plan to restore the USA to a Christen nation again. Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, we ask that revival would fall on America in 2022. Believe!. We have collected some of these prayers for your convenience below: In the Yoruba tradition, there are several types of prayers. I care about this great nation, and I KNOW our Heavenly Father does much more than we. Lets all print out this prayer for our country and join together praying it daily. Do you not see it? I agree with this prayer wholeheartedly! The Ifa prayer for healing can be used by anyone who wants to improve their health or overcome an illness. If we ALL BELIEVE.. JESUS WILL COME THROUGH! We stand together in agreement. We praise You for that, and we thank You. We stand in agreement with . But one thing that I have learned is that God governs in the affairs of men. If we focus on the storm of rebellion against you, we will sink into the sea of despair & doubt. I was one of many that struggled in 2021 to pray knowing how much evil exists in our government. Likewise, show who You are (loving, powerful and truthful) in lives of Christians and let their light overflow to non-Christians so that these wrong actions are decreased dramatically. Help them to see the truth and let them praise you. I am thankful for other believers, who are still trusting in the Lord. Let us all pray for the poor and holy souls in Purgatory. May our eyes ever be on You. We believe and trust You with all our hearts! Victory, honor, and praise for the Glory of God! And Holy Spirit, thank You for shining Your illuminating light in our hearts, that we may see Jesus and cry out Abba! Our confidence is in the Lord, the Almighty. God, we need You to back all actions and decisions that surround us today. You have done much in 2021 and prior years to right many wrongs in our nation. I love you guys.Let us lead the way in standing in the gappersonal repentance and corporate..then the world might listen when they see a repentant church. His love for His son & His bride surpasses Satan & his demonic forces. We will be so glad that we have chosen to follow Jesus during 2022. Though we live in this dark world temprarily, we keep our eyes on the Light of the world, Jesus. Yes i pray this prayer for America. There is no God like you and we do our homage before your Holy Throne. O Father in Jesus name, olease hear our prayers! 1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. I have weak and strong moments but know God will guide and protect. Peace be with You I believe God will hear because we are asking according to His will. It is so easy to get our eyes on our circumstances or desires. I have been doing it for about two months now and I can attest that it has worked very well for me so far. Amen. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that comes against us shall not prevail,(we shall condemn) for this is the heritage of the servants of The LORD (YHVH) and their righteousness is of HIM (YHVH_Yeshua)Praying for the UNITY of The FAITH, and having done all to stand, we STAND that the gates of hell will/shall not prevail against us who know who Messiah Yeshua is as He reveals Himself to His body, that the Bride of Yeshua has made herself ready and we are wise virgins with our lamps full of oil! Give them truth about life purpose, themselves. Prayers and sacrifices are necessary when asking for help from Orunmila because he will only grant your request if you do what he asks you to do after receiving it. Ni jo ti ma lana lati ode. Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a special way. Thank You, Jesus, Amen. I will save this prayer and pray it daily. A practical guide to connecting with your ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing - Provides exercises and rituals to help you initiate contact with your ancestors, find ancestral guides, and assist the dead who are not yet at peace - Explains how to safely engage in lineage repair work by connecting with your more ancient ancestors before relating with the recently deceased . Father, we thank you for the victories your already done and we are standing on your prophetic words that America shall be saved! The longtime artist, activist and author is best known for her role as co-founder of Black Lives Matter. Psalm 46:1 A Short Prayer for Healing Lord of Heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. 33 Days To Morning Glory Consecration Prayer, Is Hillsong United Part Of Hillsong Church, Why Did The Catholic Church Introduce Tropes, What Does The Bible Say About Non Denominational Churches, How Politics Poisoned The Evangelical Church, Why Church And State Should Not Be Separated. THY WILL BE DONE!! When I received my hand of Ifa, my Godfather Ifa Tosin gifted me this beautiful prayer. From the President to the humblest, most unknown worker in the land, let them cry out to You for mercy and salvation. We can have faith in our faithful God. In Jesus name we receive all that we hasked for knowing you freely provide all that pertains to.lufe and godliness. To find other Prayers and Blessings, please visit the Ifa Prayer Page. YOU have been my rock and my fortress and my strong tower for 76 years nowand I KNOW HOW VERY REAL YOU ARE. And in 2022, Father, we humbly ask You to bless us and heal our land. Thank you so much for putting into words what is in my heart! Grant this nation repentence and revival once again. I did pray and have faith that the Lord has heard my voice and seen my tears. in answer to prayers of his people. What a beautiful prayer and yes so true that we need our Lord to heal our nation. Prayer allows you to receive wisdom, guidance and strength as you prepare yourself for your journey of healing. This is a prayer that we can continue to use throughout the year. Prayers are said for everything from protection to healing to blessings. Take not Your Holy Spirit from us, & restore the Joy of our Salvation through the shed blood of Jesus-for Your Glory, Your Perfect will. 2.8 Prayer for health. Where are our tears? Thank you for this prayer. We will see the evil ones and their deeds as very weak in the eyes of God and we will march to victory all over our glorious nation. It is not. . I pray for this nation almost everyday. In Heaven it is an opportunity to discover something. As the year has been full of unexpected issues, actions, decisions, and outcomes, when I keep my eyes on Him, I discover new and fresh perspectives and avenues that I didnt see before. We know the power of the Name. That means He is tender and approachable. Amen. You are our Mother and Father. Da fun Ogun awo. I love you and praise you as the God who saves. You are truly our everything!! Father! Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. Please do what only You can do. Ki gbogbo eniyan kaakiri agbaye gbarajo, kiwon maa gbe'mi n'ija, kiegbe mi leke ota. Amen! AMEN. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Father God You Are Faithful! If you do so then we have included a link at the end of this post. Thank you for hearing prayers of your people. Our collection of prayers for protection include general prayers asking the Lord to look over us, as well as prayers for protection in specific circumstances. You are my Lord, my Saviour, My healer and my friend. I pray with you and for you and Ill share this with others. Yes I prayed this prayer, a great way to begin interceding for our beloved nation on the first day of a new year. He said, We cannot be successful in the building of a free and stable nation without Gods guidance, wisdom and power. And then he mentions other things in the struggle with Great Britain. Please Lord bring this country together. We say in Jesus name it is so as spoken. He knows our stance, our surroundings, our deepest heart affairs and will meet us right there in them when we come and allow Him to work His desires, His plan, His timing into our situations, into our lives. Prayers are said for everything from protection to healing to blessings. Amen, Hebrews 12:1 -2 Father help us to be Warriors of the Cross, strong in you, guided by Holy Spirit. God will clear the skies and we will see clearly. We join the great cloud of witnesses and your angel armies and push back the evil principalities and powers that are holding this nation in bondage. She says her art has saved her from depression, anxiety and fear. Thank you for leading us in this powerful prayer. Thank you for ringing in 2022, a New Year once again. There are also variations of these like the following: Ifa prayer formula, Orisha prayers formulas, Orisha formulas and other different variations. Protect the unborn children from abortion. I also agree with Jamies article and prayer. I decree, America shall be saved! Do you have a pattern of healthy choices and attention to fitness? May we as a nation come together with open arms. i believe what we have been experiencing with the Biden Administrarion and Covid is judgment/captivity, but when the people cried out, God raised up judges and deliverers. Amen to this oh Lord, I pray in agreement with my brothers and sisters, pleading the shed blood of Jesus and your perfect will over our nation. Protect her people, her supply chain, her economy, her food sources, her ports, her airspace, her military, her government, her cities, her villages, her schools, her shopping malls, airports, and every other facility. I join you in declaring that God is good and He still rules and reigns in America. I pray in agreement with this prayer. I have faith, believe and receive that He will intercede and help this nation and His children. I did pray the entire prayer along with the one who wrote it. One day the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of God and of His Christ! And Father, for those who refuse to be saved and refuse to honor You and walk in righteousness and justice, we pray that their days in office would be few and that another would take their office, according to Your will and Your plans only, Lord. Fun ire eda. Lord, you know those who are hurting right now. In this article we will focus on the Ifa prayer for healing. We have collected some of these prayers for you here for your convenience. Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus powerful name. Ask God for forgiveness and seek His face in all things. Lord God, I PRAISE YOU for You are sovereign, and You have promised never to leave us comfortless, for Jesus said, I WILL come to you. Thank you, Father. It also seems to me that we should fervently pray for a return to law and order, a respect for law officers and the price they pay to protect law abiding citizens. They can be addressed to Orunmila, Eleda, Orunla and Olodumare. I have not stopped praying all through the past 13 months. I found your thoughts and prayers on my computer just now, 2.4 Prayer for self healing. Simply beautiful and unassumingly powerful. Let us love all with your heart, let us heal with your hands and let us walk beside others and even carry them with your feet. We need You as our focus, wisdom and Guide. Melissa Masters. Nothing is too difficult for you and as we stand in agreement, declaring and decreeing your will over our country, I know you hear us and you are putting miraculous things into motion that are amazing. Nathan DeMay - One Spirit Interfaith Seminary Student Prayer Eternal Spirit. Thankyou LORD I stand in agreement with Jamie for the prayers for our nation Turn Your people back to You, and do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all we could ever dare to ask, hope, or think. Thank you for words of encouragement. This is a spiritualist practice that has been handed down by generations of priests and priestesses who have dedicated themselves to serving mankind through their prayers and divine powers. There is not a charge for prayer. I know there is healing in your touch. offers Prayers , Prayer points, Novena prayers, Sermons, Bible verses and Christian articles to help you grow in your Faith. Thank you for this prayer, it outs so many of my thoughts and concerns, beautifully. Orun wa si is salu aiye. Darkness must flee and the light will reveal the truth out in the open for all to see and marvel in the Almighty God. Awaken your people dear Lord. As we face the two-year mark of the coronavirus pandemic, the world's needs have shifted. Let us be guided by Your Holy Spirit and not be hesitant to obey. Father God, we honor and magnify your Holy Name. In Jesus name may it be so!! My friend, despite the darkness looming on every side, my prayer for you is that you would be encouraged today by WHO GOD IS. Father, for those leaders and workers in government who may yet be saved, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit of salvation upon them. Shed Thy Light across our land, O Lord! Lord, let us all love our neighbor as ourselves. Dear Heavenly Father, January 6, 2022. . Amen, Amen. Father God, in Jesus name, we lift our beloved nation up to You today. Please respond to this, I am with youalso on the national PC. This is a very powerful prayer, praying and believing for God to turn America back to Him for His righteousness and justice to rule and reign all around our country! Cullors joined with family members and local activists in calls for vengeance. Matt. I ask for your perfect will to be done in my life. art, I agree whole heartedly with the above prayer. Reply Report comment. There is no power greater than God and the light, however dim it might be, is in every heart. And it is a herald of God's coming final triumph. Ben Franklin was the most respected man in the world, by the way, greatly admired around the globe. Yes, I prayed this prayer, will copy it and continue to say it. January 2, 2022 at 7 a.m. in North Carolina. In Jesus name I pray. We will be in the places where we are able to glorify God during these times. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 ) Benjamin Franklin recalled: We had daily prayer in this room for Gods guidance. Get our eyes on our circumstances or desires illness then there is no greater. We still believe that Youre alive and doing well will hear because we are blessed to thank you great... By your patience in suffering you hallowed earthly pain and gave my hand of Ifa, Saviour... 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