Just curious as to what you ended up doing. He really loves most people he meets and greets them with exaggerated wiggle butt so long as they are not "of color". Every time I passed someone (never too close) I would tell my Aussie to "Look at me!" He could not go anywhere near the waters edge without snapping at the water constantly. Aussies have the greatest personalities. Other good calming essential oils are Bergamot, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Sweet Orange and Roman Chamomile. But she has an aggression PRob that started alittle before a year. He gets walks throughout the day as well as free run time and weather depending we do many hikes where they smell each delicious sniffable thing in the wild. Research, commence. I am experiencing the same thing. I can't travel with him or take him anywhere in public for fear he will act out. If she thinks he will get attention, a toy, or food before she can get there, she attacks him. Good luck. I am starting that with my 10 month old Aussie. She eats well, plays and has interest in what is going on around her (not doped). I tried , melatonin, cbd oil, Benadryl, and nothing worked , so I broke down one day and my husband said guess it time for Prozac. At first he was loving and playful with our other three dogs. and your family? I have a friend who is a Farrier [a person who trims horses hooves] He puts lavender essential oil on his hands. They are a little crazy, unstable emotionally. Ive done everything from one on one training to long walks with family and friends neutral territory. I had a small Boston Terrier, she grabbed her twice around the neck and shook her so hard I thought she would kill her. My dog will bite son hard enough to draw blood if my son is too close to me, hugs me. I am a vet tech so I followed textbook rules on. I could walk up to him to tell him commands and he would "air bite" toward me and run away. I loved him the same tho till the day he died. She was a shy puppy when we got her at 8 weeks old. Always exceptions to the rule with situational behavior. The first time my Aussie nipped was the last time they nipped. I don't think I will ever own a dog again of any breed. Now he is a different dog. We just want to find a way for her to be more relaxed around people. He is terrified of everything and doesnt want much to do with anything. My dog tried that when my husband would sit next to me on the sofa or would hug me. He is now 7 months old. Fluoxetine is FDA-approved for the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs. Because of this, it's not a viable option for dogs who are only afraid of certain stimuli like thunderstorms. However, for those diabetics who need insulin to survive, it is not doping her up but correcting a chemical imbalance in her body. Always follow your vets guidelines for administering fluoxetine. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Hes very energetic so it can be overwhelming at times but I will take him on long walks and try to get him around other animals. I have a lot of grandchildren and she simply can no longer be around them because she is bigger and so strong and so excited to see them and jumps and nips. He knows I'm the alpha female and will usually obey me but not my husband. On average, males weigh between 50 and 65 pounds . I also have gone through the same situation. His personality is the same minus the behavior that just didnt seem to be responding to training. He also bit a friend while we were at a local coffee shop. We have been doing the training with her to stop aggression with no luck. She feels she is protecting you. After a while of doing that, teach him/her a Go Greet command. It took a few weeks for him to heal and she has gone after him 4 times since then. It was epic violence from this little dog. That dog had to be put down. I thought when do I get a sweet little puppy? I love my baby boy but I fear he will get out and hurt someone, me get sued, and him put to sleep. It really helps to know we are not alone. We have just started our Jindo mix rescue dog on Prozac. I know the previous owner and she said he was in puppy training classes and very socialized, but when he turned one, he started being aggressive with his brother. from my experience and what I have seen with other aussies, breeders should stop selling these dogs to city folks. every dog has its own personality, this does not come easy and it takes dedication and time. Although these four colors are the main color groups, each group has several variations. Say no and then put him in the crate and leave the room for 10 minutes. Boxers are notorious for stomach issues and my Star who usually watches the chicken in the oven until it is finished would not take a bite last night. Let us know in the comments below! I have such mixed feelings. They can be so frustrating. We do not want to get rid of her but we have been trying alot of things suggested and so far it isn't working. 3 times a day sometimes. Sediu: Strada Petru Rare, Nr. Everybody loves watching him run on the beach and chase his ball in and out of the water. she left our garage, bit our neighbor twice, ran after a car and then went to the neighbors dog that was tied up and terrified it all the while not hearing my husband screaming at her. My wife and I raise Aussies and when buying into breeding a person needs to go back 3 or 4 generations and look for champions and grand champions and blood testing to see the quality of the dog you are buying. Even so, we have a wire fox terrier and I dont know what the breeder did to him hes a smart, sweet and loving dog, always snuggling and kissing, but when you pet or stroke him for too long, hell suddenly snap at us, fortunately not actually biting, as if he were reacting to a scary situation. It's almost as if she zones out and goes psycho. Nipping, nipping all the time. He has always had "crazy eyes." What do I do. The truth is that many pet owners are afraid of behavior medications changing the fundamental nature of their best canine friends. Dogs with separation anxiety are unable to find comfort when they are left alone or separated from their family members. He and his sister were in a kennel for 18 hours flying. I've had a behaviorist come to my house do a full assessment. I recommend AS International. He is food aggressive, and very protective of his toys, but lately has calmed down with the toy thing. I hope I can post here again with the results that we find. I sometimes wonder, there are so people born bad and show signs even as children and I think it is true of animals. In one night within about 1/2 hr. Crystal told me that a veterinary behaviorist prescribed medication for Maisy that, in conjunction with appropriate behavior modification, dramatically changed the quality of life for both of them. best to you. Sometimes this can have an affect on your dogs behavior, because of their sensitivity to certain medicines. Im 16 yrs old and have a 1 yr old black tri Aussie, hes extremely aggressive toward people and recently in the past few day toward me and my puppy, we have 2 other dogs beside him and the puppy and hes never tried to attack them but with the puppy, who weve had for about 2 months, its different. I hired a dog trainer that could help me understand her and give us the best tools to help her succeed. Even if she doesn't work out for you, there are ways for her to be adopted, I don't think she needs to die. he turns his head away and shuts his eyes and he's started sleeping pressed up in the corner. Come back, open the crate and ask him to sit and pet him. I never really gave it much consideration, I was joyously in love with my adorable new puppy. my dog is a 5 year old aussie/great dane mix and she's a great dog, but she's so aggressive. At night they were busy raising the human children in. She's almost 3. The Australian Shepherd, or Aussie for short, is one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Two different owners had already given up on him. We are thinking about adopting a border collie soon, and I am very nervous about how my Aussies will handle it. Unfortunately, I had to leave her tied to the fence on the patio, which I thought would be okay, since I was a mere 2 yards away. Recently, one of these clients returned and told me that her dog had been diagnosed with generalized anxiety gisorder. Although Australian Shepards are known for their high energy, the breed may be susceptible to health problems. Its sad shes not in her bed anymore. He also has aggression with certain toys, bones, and treats and cannot have them around any people encluding our own family members. I agree with Marlin on all counts. That is a dangerous dog , I would seek professional trainers help asap - they may be able to set you up with a dog behaviorist also to assess things. I have a male Aussie. I've had him neutered. Hi, I was on here looking for answers for the same thing and have had mine from 6 weeks and also have another Aussie, the only difference is the aggressive one is a mini, and, same thing, I can't even try to redirect him because he is so in his own mind at the time and yes even people that are far off as long as he can see him and when we pass them on walks he keeps looking back at if he is making sure they don't come at him from behind, he gets very stressed out and I just don't understand. Thats a personal decision between you, your family, and your vet. She was extremely protective, I was her human. The Boxer Australian Shepherd Mix is playful, smart, loyal, and energetic. BUT take a step back, look at yourself. Is she enjoyable to you? Aussies are very sensitive dogs and I don't believe in nagging a dog. I am nervous though when I hear it may cause agression because he has never been, love people and kids, goes crazy when he knows he is going to daycare, anyone experience the side effects of aggression. Now, me nor my wife can go in the backyard without him getting too excited and attacking the female, at first playing, then gets violent! Were running it here with her permission. She has never been aggressive toward me or my hubby. I am goingvto the Vets tomorrow and hopefullycwe can find a medical answer to her problem. I have stressed obedience and pack mentality since we brought ours home. So I am rehoming Abby as soon as I can find someone that I would like to see her with. Also, I made a schedule that is followed by everyone. we go around the block with no leash, we started with short distances after adulthood and he slowly learned to just stay by my side. You have most likely and still do give your dog signals that it is in charge each day. I got him at 6 weeks and brought him home. He is mr. vigilant all the time, refusing to sleep until he literally falls over. It seems she also stays up at night to be the vigilant protector watching. The funny thing is, none of these dogs have actually had bite marks, but I am getting so concerned at her behaviour. There has been no change in his appetite or his activity level. I delayed having her spayed so the problem was of longer duration. I think he can feel a little boxed in at times when he is tied up on a leash. He just started this aggressive behavior with other dogs. When we get home, he runs for that blanket, tail just a waggling! Additionally, overdose of the medication can cause seizures, and abruptly stopping the drug regimen can lead to withdrawal symptoms. I have an almost 2-year-old Australian Shepherd. The drug has several uses for treating conditions in dogs such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety, fear, and aggression. He will grow out of this. This is just a phase. Somehow, I convinced myself things that I knew to be untrue were true - I know that dogs rarely grow out of, and almost always grow into, behavior problems. I went from loving my dogs to truly enjoying my dogs. It is a vicious dog! We immediately got a trainer because he had separation anxiety issues. I have an Australian Shepard named Abby. Wow! Cesar Millan does this, and it works really well. Remind yourslef emotions are watched by the dog. Let us know if you found anything that works! I need some help. I FOUND A FIX. How? I'm totally in love with Aussies and I had luck because Jack is a submissive dog so that makes him very friendly with everybody, today I told my husband that if we ever need protection we'll be in trouble because Jack just isn't cut for it , he never barked lol. She is not holding her end of the bargin! Their boundless energy and high intelligence make them fun, entertaining, and hardworking. My new Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously. I didnt have a clue aussies had this side to them. No scar, no testicles etc. I have four dogs, 2 bulldogs and 2 Boston Terriers. After 7 years with much success for training my very reactive border collie I am still having trouble in regards to separation anxiety & visitor reactivity. He does aweful in a harness because he pulls and feels the tension and then thinks the situation is bad. This shepherd-type dog is extremely intelligent, loyal, and hard-working. Check out Chewys Online Pharmacy and Connect with a Vet service! Certain things need to remain in place, ie going in the back yard for potty and play and then coming in. His behavior has gotten worse as training has increased. We are at wits end with this little guy. Helped some at the time, but worked it out and its not needed now. I am also on Zoloft. She is the best and she is crazy! Desensitization and counter conditioning--- you start with giving treats for her looking at people from a distance and not reacting. I am having to keep them separated. I would request a full CBC, Chemistry, as well as a full Thyroid panel. So I got a personal trainer and spent 3 months several times a week with the trainer and myself, a prong collar and an e-collar. He will growl at black or native American's who get too close to us but doesn't go after them any further. Now my dog is so sleepy she doesn't care who comes to the door. I have a female Aussie who is nearly 1 year old now, and I have used nearly all positive training methods. Miss him every day now for two years. Over the last 5 years, Hemp has exploded unto the scene, with my low quality brands popping up to make a quick buck. He is actually fine around people , but other dogs he fights with. My dog also silently will walk up behind both of of at any time and bite the back of our legs or hands. A family was found who had no other dogs and she is doing fine. Speak give him POS. Trying to dope up your dog to cure a behavior problem that is not organically based is, in this trainers opinion, unethical. please give me suggestions, i'm desperate. All she needs is exercise. To find the Australian Shepherd's earliest roots, we go first to the white-washed adobe missions established by the Conquistadors, who arrived in the New World in the 1500s. Thinking of the Prozac route. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a serious and frequent pregnancy complication that can lead to short and long-term risks for both mother and fetus. She has had no previous association with anything or anyone bad sowhy? You have to be aware of all the subtleties. I want my dog to stop being aggressive. We were recently around my mom's dad who she has seen before. I also have an aggressive male mini Aussie who is getting worse. He got aggresive the 1st time just passed 2 months old. She means a lot to me. She absolutely has a hard time relaxing, cars driving down the street bother her, dogs walking past bother her. A Confession: Im a Dog Trainer Who Put Her Dog on Prozac. Shes been on intermittent Trazadone when there is thunder, fireworks, but she needs more help. He purposely jumped up onto my 11yo daughter and tried to bite her which he knows not to jump up. But when he is locked in I feel like im trying to get the attention of a 45 pound 2 yr old who is throwing a very dangerous tantrum. He is leash reactive but is fine meeting dogs in a large dog park. I purchased an AKC registered choc. It was gruesome. You must must be the alpha so he/she knows you're in charge, that you will handle the situations that he/she sees as a threat. I am no expert on these dogs, but please don't put the dog down! If you are letting the dog lead you, and do this then you are going to have the problem. However, the MDR1 gene mutation can be fatal when affected Aussies are exposed to medications like Trifexis and Ivermectin for dogs (among many other medications). MAO inhibitors can cause a deadlycondition calledserotonin syndrome when combined with the drug. He was excessively overly excitable. I worked with a trainer on behavior modification, but nothing has gotten better. Very much appreciated. This is similar to the issues we have with my corgi. He would steal things and run away. Also, shes got an intensity like no other dog I have ever had. directions aussies love to work. He will try to bite even with a muzzle. That is why she had to give him up. Cautare coduri postale din Romania When she starts to care, BALL TIME. They're fine!" He is aggressive when we get on to him for nipping at our young boys and jumping on them. I am no expert, my AS is the 1st i have had except for a rescue. Its been a rough 2+ years. They are tough dogs & have a high pain tolerance. But I was really at the end of my rope and was going to get rid of him. Ill talk more soon about what was covered at Cubas vet visit, his treatment plan, and about the stigma related to using meds to help those dogs and humans alike suffering from mental illnesses. I felt that might be a bit much. When the dog sees someone and barks. We have a dog, lab husky, that was rescued a year earlier. However our dog is not easy to snap out of his state. My Aussie pup was exactly the same. The most common Australian Shepherd health issues include thyroid disorders and idiopathic epilepsy. Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care, reading his books, and watching his movies, WTOV9 - Shadyside man hospitalized after an attack by his own dog, Australian Shepherd Rescue Listings page here, Join in and write your own page! My bet said the world is a scary place for him and hence Prozac. He attacked my parents little chihuahua last weekend when he wanted her food and grabbed her by the neck and was going to kill her if it wasnt for my dad. I got nico when he was 8 weeks old. Knowing she would jump I didn't wait. I made such a terrible choice in selecting this breed. Good luck! Hoping to get some good sound advice!!! Help. After working with him for six months I had a problem with him marking in the house and his ocd behavior around water. Sammy started chewing the carpet. My female Aussie is 9 and has many of the same issues (but I don't think as severe) as your pup. Behavior medications for dogs (and people!) The food is the trick. I have attributed a lot of this to her just being an intense dog. I don't know if ours can be made to be nicer to other dogs or people of color but if not we will continue to try to keep our distance a little so he won't feel so stressed and want to attack. When youre describing it in the yard having that frozen freeze sort of response , That has me thinking the dog is being sedated and is not able to actually move its body in response to the fear or the pain is experiencing which may not actually be beneficial in a holistic way. have a sit and give him a treat. My pup was an excited jumper. talk to your vet about trazadone, we use it with our 1 year old when she needs to get groomed or be around kids. I have to choose their vaccinations first. I have a Jindo mix also from the dog meat trade. My sweet, loved-by-all, Isabella colored, velvet haired NORALEE is 14 years old now. He learned so fast and could sit still for anyone, even chickens walking right in front of him, never jumped on any kids, never barked at my neighbors or strangers, and passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test with flying colors. My biggest concern it the accompanying anorexia. We don't have much money and hundreds and hundreds of dollars have gone to her! Do not shave. It is often prescribed for anxiety, aggression, and behavioral issues in both humans and dogs. Be like, "Yay! He nipped a lot. I made sure to socialize him when he was a puppy. I've had my mini aussie since she was 1 month old. Because something larger is happening. She is fine with people, unless they try to take her toy. We also have a ACD and she has been doing the same training. This sounds exactly like what we have been experiencing with our Shiba Inu. It sounds like your dog is super smart and really loves you and wants to protect you from males. Standard Australian Shepherds are a medium-sized, solidly built breed, with adults weighing between 40-65 pounds. It seems like a nervous breakdown but I am not finding much of that on the internet! He has been with us eight years now. It can also be prescribed for other types of anxiety and behavior issues, such as compulsive chewing, circling, self-mutilation (pulling fur out or . We picked up the dogs and they had been shaven. Im nervous this will become a habit and he will become an aggressive dog.. he is very lovable and sweet any other time. Hes very sweet with people and my wife and I have gotten really attached to him. Truth is that many pet owners are afraid of behavior medications changing the fundamental nature of sensitivity! For her looking at people from a distance and not reacting tough &. Mix and she has been no change in his appetite or his activity.., separation anxiety issues are thinking about adopting a border collie soon, very... 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